
The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peakchapter 491: demon's trick

The old man who was watching the scene turned pale. He had never seen something like this before and the fact that Torkez's last attack was several times stronger than his mistress.

He believed that his mistress couldn't match Torkez in frontal battle. Torkez's battle prowess was simply terrifying as a Senior Master from Purple Heart Cloud didn't stand a chance. Perhaps only people at Annihilation Realm could stop this man.

He didn't dare to move his body as if he was afraid that Torkez would notice him.


The Senior Master had a gloomy expression as he stood in his position. He didn't expect that there would be a situation in Blue Ray City that he couldn't solve with his current strength.

"I don't know where you come from or what you are but I will retreat for now. Just don't forget that you're in Numan Country."

He said to Torkez before he turned around and left the area.

Torkez just looked at the Senior Master's retreating figure. After he was sure that the Senior Master was gone, he breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to kill a figure from the leading forces of this country as it would cause too much commotion. If he somehow killed that person then most of the ruling forces will become hostile to him and he didn't want that to happen.

Even if he killed that man, the Purple Heart Tower would simply do a large-scale operation in this city and they would find Torkez and the others who were hiding in this place.

At least for now that Senior Master should've realized that Torkez didn't want to kill him or else he wouldn't be able to leave this place easily. In fact, the chances of him dying at Torkez's hand were high.

Torkez looked around and realized that the whole place was devastated. Luckily almost all the people that died here were members of the Red Witch.

"It seems that the Clautus Group have safely escaped this place."

He muttered as he knew that the aftershocks from the battle between A-rank experts were too much for C-rank experts. They would die if one of the skills of Torkez or the Senior Master landed on them.

"Now then... Let's talk."

Torkez smiled while turning around to face the old man several dozens of meters away from him.

Without the protection of a Senior Master from Purple Heart Tower, this old man will not be able to do anything. His life was in Torkez's hands.


In the southern part of the city, a huge commotion gathered the attention of the people...

A huge fire spread out and the ordinary citizens couldn't do anything about it as ordinary water was useless to the flames that were created using the mana of Extermination Realms.

These flames came from the abandoned church on the top of the hill and they didn't even know that it already burned hundreds of members of Red Witch and Nine Lives Group.

Inside the church...

Amanda looked at the four people in anger. Blood was coming out of her mouth and she knew that she failed to destroy the magic circle.

"Ugh! I didn't think that I would meet my end here..."

She glanced at them with hatred in her eyes. She betrayed a lot of people and killed countless people just to get to her current position. To know the reason why her race was killed.

But she didn't expect that she would die because of betrayal.

Maybe this was her fate, she would experience a pitiful end because of all the inhumane things that she did in the past.

She couldn't help but chuckle when she thought about it. Her vision turned blurred as she slowly closed her eyes.


The energy of the magic circle turned dark blue as it grew brighter until it illuminated the entire hall.

"It's coming! The demon that will grant our wish!"

Greyman said with a mad expression. He couldn't contain his excitement as he imagined what he's going to do once he reached the Annihilation Realm.

"Oh, noble demon from Demon Land please help us conquer this city..."

He said as he prepared himself. The other three Extermination Realm also turned serious as they knew that demons were powerful creatures.

They would subdue this demon to form a pact after they got a chance. Once the demon completed their wish, the demon would take something from them as a form of payment.

A figure appeared in front in the center of the pillar of white.

Greyman and the others couldn't clearly see its appearance but they could see the silhouette of this figure in the light.

It was a humanoid creature that has one pair of horns protruding on its head and it has a pair of bat wings on its back.

According to their information, these were the characteristics of a demonkind.


After a few seconds, the dark blue light disappeared and the demon reveal its appearance.

They saw a beautiful woman with unbound charm. The woman had long silver-colored hair and its ends were blue. Her skin was pale as if she didn't have blood flowing in her veins. In her arms and legs, her skin color gradually changed into raven black.

The irises of the woman were slit and there was a crimson ring around it. A pair of black horns on the side of her head and blue flames flickering on the center of her forehead.

"This is a demon...?"

Greyman and the other three Extermination Realm were stunned while looking at the beautiful demon that appeared in front of them.

The demon gave them a glance before she turned her head in the blue sky above her. She slowly raised her left hand and made a grabbing motion.


The space above the church crackled. It looks like it was being forcefully folded as the space was swirling like a vortex. Then, a black mass of liquid seeped out of the vortex and it slowly covered the whole place like a barrier.

[Heavenly Demon's Black Curtain]!

The entire place within five hundred meters was covered by the liquid-like barrier. It was pitch black as if they were looking in the void.

This skill prevented anyone from peeking inside the barrier and it also prevented the leaks of any energy fluctuations. It didn't have any defensive abilities as it was just an auxiliary skill.

The notable feature of this skill was the space lock. It could prevent anyone from using low-level space ability inside the barrier.

The demon then turned her attention on the four people. She slowly opened her mouth and asked, "I'm Alicia Remeri Lucifer, a noble heavenly demon from the Demon's Land. Summoners, tell me what is your desire?"

Her eyes emitted a strange light while looking at the four people. It felt like the four people were being consumed by something extraordinary that they haven't experienced in their entire life.


Greyman slowly opened his mouth but no words came out. He looked at the eyes of the demon for a few seconds before he shook his head.

"I wanted to conquer this whole city, no, this whole country... I wanted this whole country and become its supreme ruler."

He said with a resolute expression. Then, he noticed that some unknown words were written in front of him.

The demon that named herself Alicia grinned. She raised her hands and rows of words were added on the unknown words in front of them.

"W-What is this...?"

Greyman asked with some hesitation. He couldn't understand anything that was written in front of him. He felt that something was wrong but he thought that it was natural since he was in the presence of a demon from legends.

"It's a contract. I'm sure that you've heard of the demon's contract. It's one of the unique abilities that demons have."

Alicia smiled and her nails which resembled a claw emitted a bright blue flame. Then, she grabbed the words in front of her before they turned into blue particles that disappeared into thin air.

"Contract complete..."

She muttered in a low voice.

Greyman grinned widely as he finally established a contract with the demon. He was going to become the supreme ruler of this country.


Suddenly, his complexion changed as blood poured out of his mouth. He looked down and saw a spear embedded in his stomach.


He glanced at the demon who had a bewitching smile on her face.

"Do you know that demon summoning is forbidden unless you truly understand the demon's language? Well, the reason is simple. A lot of people used demon summoning in the history but most of them were tricked by demons simply because they couldn't understand the demon's language." Alicia paused for a moment before she continued, "Since you couldn't understand any of the demon words in front of you, I modified it to my liking. I couldn't change everything in the contract and that's a fact so I simply changed your name."

"W-What? Y-You tricked me!!" Greyman gritted his teeth.

"I removed your name and added the name Souta Ieshi, so I will complete this contract in his name."

Alice said while looking at the pitiful appearance of Greyman with a wide smile on her face.