
Cirus was lying down on the ground without any consciousness. He had a large cut on his chest and blood kept pouring out of it. His armor didn't even manage to protect him at all.

Souta turned his head to the three Master-class Knights that were watching the battle. He smiled and said, "Do you want to try it too? I don't mind fighting all of you at the same time."

If he said these words before he showed his strength, all the people here would think that he was arrogant but now, after seeing him defeat Cirus they could only watch him with a stunned look. They weren't going to think that he was arrogant at all.

He was just simply saying the truth with utmost confidence in his strength.

"What do you think about my proposal? I think it's fair if you guys work together to fight me." Souta said with a smile.

The three Master-class Knights looked at each other.

"This guy is underestimating us..." Frederica said to the two. She was the fourth rank Master-class Knight.

"Yes, but he had the strength to back it up. Cirus is stronger than you so that man could trash you around easily." Andrew, the strongest among them, said to her.

"Tsk!" Frederica clicked her tongue. She couldn't refute as she realized that she couldn't win against that man.

"But fighting one Master-class is different than fighting the three of us. We had a chance if we work together. We can't possibly let him mock us." Paul, the second rank, said to Andrew.

"Mock us? No, him saying that we work together to fight him isn't mocking us. He is just saying those words so that we could probably match his strength. Why haven't you guys realized that he's on an entirely different level?" Andrew said while shaking his head. "Just because you reached Master-class doesn't mean you won't meet stronger people."

In the end, Andrew gave up trying to explain the situation to his comrades. He sighed and said, "Fine, let's fight together. Just you know, our chances of winning isn't that high."

"Well, it's better than running away. We're a Master-class so we should show our courage." Paul said with a smile.

"Oh? You guys are really going to do it." Souta said as the smile on his face widened.

An ordinary B-rank powerhouse wouldn't pose a problem to him anymore. Before Souta had to use everything in his sleeve to just fight a normal B-rank but now he could handle it just by using his skills.

It won't be long enough before he could match an A-rank powerhouse without using [Possession] or [Soul Blood Mode].

"Yes, we've decided to test our skills against you. We want to know that limit of your strength." Andrew said with a serious expression. He brought out a shield and a large sword.


All of their mana burst out of their body. The ground trembled as the mana coated their body, greatly enhancing their abilities.

"Hmm... Two initial and one mid-level. Good, I'll use my entire skill set." Souta said while rubbing his chin. He was estimating their power level based on the aura they were releasing. "Okay, come at me like your trying to kill me. Show me everything you've got."

The three didn't attack Souta. They just stood in their position as they watch him standing leisurely in the middle of the field.

"Why aren't you pulling your sword?" Andrew asked cautiously. He didn't dare to attack considering Souta's strength.

"This... I'm changing my fighting style." Souta replied to him as he raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Frederica asked with a confused expression.

"Do you want to know? Fine, I'll show you." Souta grinned as he raised his palm and the ground suddenly turned black.

The blackness spread out until it covered the floor of the entire training ground.

Andrew, Paul, and Frederica jumped away as they didn't have an idea what's going to happen.

"You! You're a mage!!"

Andrew realized something as he looked at Souta with a shock in his eyes. Learning close combat techniques while also learning spells wasn't simple. Only talented people could do it.

There were people like that but none of them reached Master-class Knight. He didn't think that he would meet one at all.

"Are you surprised?" Souta said as black tentacles rose from the ground.

The black tentacles brought fear to the people that were watching it. They especially feared the one who was at the center of it. The man who was standing with a grin on his face.

The black tentacles stretched out and flew towards the three.

Swoosh! Swoosh!


Andrew said as he jumped in the air. He stepped on top of the black tentacle and hopped on the other without getting caught by it. He had great control over his body and strength.

Paul and Frederica also jumped away to avoid the black tentacles. The black tentacles didn't stop as they chased after the three people. It's fast but the three Master-class Knights were faster.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

"They aren't that fast. We could avoid them but don't let down your guard easily." Andrew said to the two while dodging the black tentacles that were attacking him.

"Yeah, we can't let down our guard." The two nodded at his words. They've calmed down when they realized that they could avoid the tentacles.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The three moved in every direction as fast as possible while slowly approaching Souta who was watching them with a faint smile on his face.

Andrew tried to cut down some of the tentacles and he found that he could cut it down with great force. He tried everything he could chop these tentacles but if he simply swung his sword then he wouldn't cut it down.

Having found that they could destroy the black tentacles, the three changed their tactics. They didn't move to avoid the tentacles but instead, they moved forward while slashing down the tentacles that got in their way.

"Just go down!"

The three Master-class Knights arrived in front of Souta. They quickly used their skills to attack him not giving him a time to evade.


A loud explosion occurred and large cracks formed on the ground. It felt like the whole training ground was going to collapse. This place was built using the strongest ores that they could find in this world but the power of Master-class Knight was too strong.


Andrew cursed as he looked in front of him. Frederica and Paul widened their eyes with shock painted on their faces.

Not just them, all the audience was stunned at the scene on the field.

What appeared before their eyes were something weird. Their weapons were just an inch closer to his face and they couldn't push it anymore. It was as if there's a strange power that was pushing their weapons away from Souta.

Souta still had that faint smile on his face. He slowly opened his mouth and said, "[Gravitational Ball] spell... With this, I can control the gravity to a certain degree."

He pointed at the ten black balls that were floating behind him. The field around him was pushing everything that was trying to get close to his body including the air. So if Souta didn't cancel it for a long time, he will lose all the air inside the field and he wouldn't be able to breathe.

He wasn't a god or a monster lord who could survive for a thousand years without breathing or eating foods. His body still wasn't self-sufficient. He would go to that point as long as he kept evolving.

"It's good but it's not enough..." Souta's face turned serious. "Prepare yourself because I will end this in an instant."

Andrew, Paul, and Frederica quickly jumped away as they felt danger. It was a danger that they haven't felt before. They were Master-class Knight so they rarely felt it except facing the legendary dragons.

"How could this be...?!"

"What the hell is this?!"

They watched Souta with a cautious expression. Their face slowly turned pale as they felt that Souta was growing stronger.

[Shadow Cloak]!

[Night Overlord's Aura]!

[Triple Muscle Strengthening]!

[Cat's Speed]!

[Agility Boost]!

[Strength Boost]!

Souta's body was emitting black energy as his clothes turned raven-black. The energy was so high that the people couldn't believe what they were seeing right now.

He raised his hand and slowly pulled out the vajra sword from its sheath. The black energy flowed into the blade and clad it with dark energy.

"I got tired so I'm going to end this facade." He said as he disappeared from his position.

What happened next was so fast for the audience to describe it. They couldn't even follow Souta's movements with their eyes. He was too fast for them. The three Master-class Knight could follow his movements but they were too slow to react.

It was a one-sided battle.

A single man dominated the entire Master-class Knights of the strongest country in this world.