
The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peakchapter 372: master-class knight

Souta stood up and patted his clothes. He glanced at Isabella and said, "We'll go down."

"Eh...?!" Isabella was quite surprised.

He didn't wait for her answer as he wrapped his arm around her waist and jumped down.


The battle has concluded and that's the limit of the Knights of this sub-world. Now that the leader of the Knights has appeared, it's time to talk with her.


'Master-class Knight...?'

Alice tilted her head in confusion. Maybe it was a level above Knight, if that was true then there's really no way that she was at ordinary Knight's level.

She didn't say anything as she just looked at this woman who called herself the leader of the Dopheos Guild.

Synny didn't dare to stand up as she continued to kneel in front of Alice. This girl was in fact a Master-class Knight. She was at her office when she felt a burst out mana. Knights couldn't do that. Even if they could do it, it wouldn't have that kind of heavy pressure. Only Master-class who was above them could exert such strength.

After a while, Synny lifted her head and looked at Alice's face. She then asked, "May I know why are you here in the territory of Dopheos Guild?"

Alice just destroyed several buildings and beaten all of the Knights in their guild. Even if Synny was angry, she had to swallow it because she knew that this beautiful lady was on a different level. Plus, it was rare to meet a Master-class even in a country like this one.

This girl must have a high position in this country but why she is in a place like this one?

"We're here to take Isabella with us... Your subordinates didn't heed our words and tried to fight so what can we do."

The one who answered her question wasn't Alice, it was Souta.

Synny turned her head and saw a man walking in their direction with a slave following him from behind.

He looked at her with a smile and continued, "What was his name again? Orlando, right? We've tried to negotiate with him but he disrespected us. We're trying to buy Isabella formally and that guy didn't compromise. Of course, you know what happened next. We came here and took Isabella."

Synny looked at Souta with a serious expression while listening to his words. Yeah, he was right. They didn't have a reason to go into this territory. They were simply going to buy a slave but Orlando was the problem.

She knew his personality. He was bossing the ordinary members of the guild even though he's an ordinary member too. If he wasn't one of the sponsors then she would've kicked him out long ago.

She slowly stood up and turned head to her subordinates who were watching the battle from a distance. She ordered, "Bring Orlando here! Find him!"

After a few minutes, her subordinates came back while dragging Orlando.

"Oi! Peasant! Don't grab me with your filthy hands!! Don't you know me!"

Orlando tried to resist but it was futile. The people that were dragging him were clearly stronger. Also, their numbers made it easy to subdue him.

"Leader! Tell them to stop grabbing me!" Orlando said when he saw Synny.

Synny looked at him and grabbed him on the head. She then threw Orlando in front of Souta and said, "Can you please tell me what do you want from him?"

"Hmm... I simply want to free Isabella. If slaves have documents then bring them to me and the key of the collar in her neck. I want to remove it as fast as possible." Souta said with a mocking smile on his face while looking at Orlando.

"You!! What are you doing here?! Why are you following this man?!" Orlando shouted as he pointed his finger at Souta.

Synny stomped on his head and said, "Be quiet, you're in front of a Master-class so don't show any rude attitude."

"M-Master-class...?!" Orlando opened his eyes widely in shock.

Synny was talking about Alice, not Souta. She didn't even know if Souta was powerful or not but if he was with a Master-class then it's better to show him a respectful attitude too.

"You're always bringing trouble to our guild with your rude attitude. Now, how can you explain this to me? You offend a Master-class which are a great treasure of a country." Synny looked down at Orlando who started this problem.

"I-I don't know..." Orlando replied while stuttering. He couldn't believe it.

A Master-class which was higher than a Knight Level was with that man. If he knows it, he would even gift Isabella to him for free just to curry the favor of a Master-class.


Synny sighed while pressing her temples. She then turned to her subordinates and ordered them to bring the things that Souta asked for.

"Bring the documents regarding Isabella! All of it! bring it to me! including the key!"

Souta, Alice, and Isabella didn't say anything as they watch the things unfold before their eyes.

A few minutes had passed and the subordinates of Synny brought the documents and key.

"Here..." Synny passed the documents and key to Souta.

Souta received it as he threw the key to Isabella and read the documents. The words written on it contained that Isabella was a slave. He read that she almost didn't have a right. Being a slave strips all of her right as humans and demis. She will be treated as some kind of animal. There's even a sign of the company that sold her.

Slavery was really legal in this world.

Flames emitted from his hand and it turned the documents into ashes. He then said, "From now on, I remove Isabella's status as a slave. She will be treated as one of humans and demis."


A metallic sound echoed as the collar fell on the ground. Isabella removed the collar on her neck and her lips trembled. Her vision was getting blurred as tears formed in her eyes. She raised her hand and wiped her eyes.

"Thank you..."

She said while sobbing.


[The quest "Slave" has been completed!]

[You've received 10,000 exp, 3 skill points, and 5 free attribute points!]

Souta looked at his system and nodded with a satisfied expression. He cleared another quest and earned a few skill points easily. It's not that bad.

He was satisfied with the outcome of this fight.


Three days had passed since the battle in the territory of Dopheos Guild. The incident inside the territory of the Dopheos Guild spread in the whole city. A Master-class Knight appeared and defeated all the Knights of the powerful guild.

It shook the whole city. A Master-class was a legendary figure and it has the highest position. Every country would welcome such powerhouse with open arms.

The cause of this problem was Orlando who was expelled out of that guild that night. Even though he was one of the sponsors of the guild, the guild still kicked him out. No one wanted him after he offended a Master-class Knight, they only got lucky that the Master-class Knight didn't kill any of them.

Everyone understood why Synny kicked Orlando out of her guild.

A lot of big figures in the city tried to find the Master-class Knight but they didn't find anything. They wanted to meet and know such legendary figure.

Synny didn't even try to hide this thing even though they were utterly defeated. After all, they weren't defeated by an ordinary Knight but instead a Master-class. They could accept it and the other powerful guilds could understand why.

At least, they have an idea about how strong was a legendary level beyond Knight.

While everyone was talking about the Master-class Knight, Souta and the rest were outside of the Buckshawn State. They were going to continue their journey towards Granmr, the capital of the Gyunar Republic.

Gyun's party didn't do anything in the battle. They just stood outside of the Dopheos Guild beside Yuko while waiting for Souta and Alice.

They were also shocked when they've found that Alice was a Master-class Knight. That's a whole different level compared to Knight Level. They had mixed emotions regarding it. They didn't even know how they would treat Alice now that they learned that she was a powerful person.

'They already treated Alice as legendary figure... How would they react if someone like Teacher Bargan arrived in this world?' Souta thought while rubbing his chin.

"Is there something wrong, S-Souta?" Isabella asked as she saw him thinking deeply.

"Nothing... I just found something funny." Souta replied to her as he shrugged his shoulder.

"If he's like that you can ignore him... He's thinking about some weird things or planning some vile things." Alice said to Isabella.

"Oi! That's mean, Alice. You know that I'm always thinking about our safety first." Souta said to her with a smile.

Gyun, Mae, and the rest just followed them behind.

'As I thought they are amazing...'


'A Master-class Knight... I didn't think that I would meet one in my entire life...'