
The three golems exploded after Souta cut them in half.

Boom! Boom!

He didn't look back as he continued to move forward while Yuko and Lynn were following him from behind.

Lynn was looking around with a worried expression. The chaos around the city felt similar to what happened to Ladros City except that the scale was lower. The scale of the turmoil of Ladros City involved monster lord and god-level powerhouse. Even without those two, the forces of the deadly sins easily surpassed it.

It was the same. The only difference was the power scale.

She had a bad feeling about this.

"I guess that the Moon Tower and Sea Tower will be busy defeating the golems around the city," Souta said to her.

".....then we're the only one who's going to the Moon Tower?" Lumilia asked after some hesitation.

"Yes, but I expected help from Sulin. These golems wouldn't pose a problem to B-rank powerhouse so she will let some of her B-rank subordinates to stop Moon Tower." Souta replied to her.

".....okay" Lynn nodded in understanding.

Souta remembered something and he asked her, "Can you use the [Eye of Perception]?"

"Um.... I'm sorry, Souta. I still haven't mastered the [Eye of Perception]." Lynn answered him with a downcast expression.

"It's okay. It's a great power so it will not be easy to master it." Souta shook his head. No one knew how to use [Eye of Perception] around her so she couldn't find someone to teach her how to use it.

She had to depend on her own to master that incredible ability. Souta and the rest could only provide assistance to her regarding her training.

'The [Eye of Perception]...? If she became a student of that pope then she would easily master that ability unlike us who's blindly searching about that ability.' Saya commented.

The group moved forward and after a few minutes, they've arrived near the Moon Tower.

Corpses were scattered everywhere as hundreds of golems were guarding the entrance of the tower.

Lynn covered her mouth as she held herself back from uttering a single sound.

The low-level bandits couldn't stand a chance against hundreds of golems that were around the tower. They haven't recovered themselves from the chaos brought by the earthquake and the giant rocks that emerged from the ground when the golems appeared and killed them.

Souta glanced at her and said, "Lynn, try to sense if there are people around here aside from us."

"O-Okay..." Lynn nodded before she closed her eyes.

Souta placed his finger at his mouth as he motioned Yuko to stay silent. If Lynn didn't found the presence of people aside from them then he was sure that Lumilia and Yujin were already inside the tower.

After a while, Lynn opened her eyes and she looked at Souta.

"How is it?" He asked her.

"Someone is approaching the tower from the east. From the mana signature, I think that it's Alice." Lynn replied to him.

"I see..." Souta nodded as he rubbed his chin. He then said, "Since Alice is heading in our direction, we should dispose the golems that are guarding the tower."

"But first... Strengthened Yuko..." He muttered before he glanced at his system. He copied a skill called [Monster Force] from the Underground King that unexpectedly appeared in the Ladros City.

At their level, their attributes were all three digits. This skill will increase their strength greatly compared to his other buff skills that could only enhance one specific attribute.

The [Monster Force] was a passive skill that increased the user's strength by 100, agility and dexterity by 80, and vitality by 50.

Souta used 2 skill points to bestow this skill to Yuko. Since she was his companion, it's important for her to grow stronger alongside him.

'Just what did you do?' Saya asked him.

'I just used [Pet Bestowing] skill to Yuko.' Souta replied to her.

He took a deep breath and circulate his mana. He brandished his sword and clad his mana around it.

After finishing his preparation, Souta jumped out of their hiding spot and launched himself at the golems.

"Lynn, just support Yuko. You don't need to worry about me." He said as he slashed his sword horizontally.


Several golems were sliced in half in an instant.

The golems were alerted. They quickly moved their huge bodies to intercept Souta.

But Souta was stronger and faster than them. He moved his body swiftly from side to side while slashing his sword.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Yuko also charged forward while smashing the golem in her way. The golems crumbled the moment she swung her paw clad in her mana.

It was powerful that Lynn thought that she didn't need her support.

'Since Yuko could handle these golems, I'll just conserve my mana for stronger enemies.' She thought as she followed Yuko. 'Still... Souta is amazing as ever.' She moved her gaze to Souta who was destroying dozens of golems every second.

A few minutes later, Souta, Lynn, and Yuko cleared the golems in the surrounding.

He turned his head to the side and saw Alice walking in their direction. Lynn and Yuko followed his gaze and saw Alice.

"Alice, you're here." Lynn smiled.

"Yeah," Alice replied as she looked around and asked, "Where's Lumilia and Yujin?"

"I think that they are already inside the tower," Souta answered her question while shrugging his shoulders.

He could contact them using the transmission talisman but what if they were in the middle of a battle and his call distracted them. That's what he was trying to avoid.

"We should go now. The golems will recover in the next minutes." Alice said as she saw the rocks moving in one direction.

"The golems will continue to appear endlessly as long as the mana supply is still here," Souta said while glancing at the top of the tower. He wondered what's happening on the top or what kind of person Curdova was for him to fight a battle that he will not win.

He then turned his attention to the entrance of the tower. "Let's go."

The entrance of the tower was five meters in height and three meters in width. It's built like this so that the golems could enter and exit the tower freely.

There's no door as the cold wind blew strongly on their face as soon as they stepped their foot inside the tower.

"What a strong sensation..." Souta muttered with a serious expression.

The first floor was just an open wide space. There's nothing inside it except for them. At the side of the wide room, there were four stairs that could lead them to the floor above.

"How come there's no one here?" Lynn spoke after looking around.

"That's just how this place is built... If the caster wanted to modify this place then the caster could do it but it's not even an hour since this tower was erected here using the foundation of the Moon Tower." Alice explained to ger. She then glanced upward and added, "But it's different on the floor above. I'm sure that the caster wouldn't leave those floors without any guard."

"Yep, so let's go," Souta said as he walked towards the stairs.

Alice, Lynn, and Yuko followed him after they confirmed that they were the only people on this floor.

They arrived on the second floor and what was revealed before their eyes was a huge maze. They had to find a way to go to the floor above.

"There's mana barrier above so we can't jump or fly. We can't also shatter the barrier. If we had an amount of mana that could rival it then it's possible. Unfortunately, we don't have." Souta explained to Lynn. From Alice's words before, it seems that she knew this spell so he only explained what he knows to Lynn.

"Hmm...?" Alice crouched down as she noticed something on the floor. She stretched out her hand and touch a black mark. "Burn mark...? And it's heading there...?" She narrowed her eyes before she realized what these marks.

She turned to Souta and Lynn before she said, "Look here, Souta. I think that Lumilia left these marks so that we could follow them easily. She knows that we will enter the tower after the earthquake so she left these marks so that we could catch up with them."

"Hmm..." Souta squatted down and saw the burn marks heading in one of the paths. The other paths didn't have burn marks. "....but there's a possibility that it's placed here to confuse us."

"Yeah, so what do you think?" Alice asked.

"Hmm..." Souta rubbed his chin as he thought about what he should do in this situation. He then glanced at Lynn and said, "Since it's Lumilia, she knows about Lynn's strong perception. Lynn try to sense the lingering mana if it's similar to Lumilia."

"I understand..." Lynn closed her eyes as she concentrated. There was an enormous amount of mana above them so it was quite hard to detect faint mana under this.