
The leader widely swung his fist at Souta.


Souta crouched down to avoid the leader's attack. He then stood up and delivered a blow at the leader's stomach.


"Damn!" The leader roared angrily before he launched a series of powerful punches.

[Dozens Explosive Fist]!

Souta swiftly moved his body from side to side as he avoided all the punches that his opponent thrown at him.

He could clearly see everything. The punches were fast but it was slow in his eyes.

'This one is an ordinary B-rank... Stronger than guild master from before but weaker than Wesler.' He thought as he estimated the power level of his opponent.

While dodging the leader's fist, Souta lifted his feet and kicked the leader on the stomach.


"Argh!!" The leader groaned in pain as his body flew outside and crashed on the building in the front.


Smoke and dust covered the building where the leader crashed. Cracks filled its wall as his mana was growing stronger.

Souta was looking at the building in front. He knew that the leader could still fight as he didn't launch a lethal blow.


"It's falling... This building is..." Souta muttered as he found this building heading toward the front.

"Tsk! I need to finish this quickly..."

He clicked his tongue as a black cloak formed around his body. He then flew towards the leader of the Great Swift Bandits.


The leader wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"That man is strong..."

He had to admit that Souta was a powerful B-rank. Much stronger than the B-rank that he has faced before. But he was still the leader of the Great Swift Bandits, a first-grade organization in this city.

He wouldn't go down easily without fighting back.


He shouted as his mana spiked up and it blew the smoke and dust away. He looked ahead and saw that Souta was already flying towards him.


He wanted to jump away but several black tentacles appeared and restricted his movements.

"Shit! This is bad!!" He cursed as he tried to break free from the black tentacles around his limbs.

"[Gravitational Ball]..." Souta opened his palm and ten black balls formed on top of it. The black balls were floating around before it flew up in the sky.


After a few seconds, everything turned heavy. The gravity increased by several folds and it shook the entire building.


Every person in the whole area felt the sudden change in atmosphere. The heavy gravity brought weak people on their knees.


The leader roared as all of his mana erupted out of his body. He shook his body and he managed to break free from the black tentacles using his full strength.

But Souta was already in front of him.

[Destroying Hound Strike]!

The leader widely swung his fist at Souta and Souta crouched down to avoid it. He knew that the power of this attack was high so he couldn't risk himself by blocking this attack.


The air exploded behind Souta as the leader's fist landed on nothing but it still destroyed the walls behind.

He glanced at the destruction behind him. 'This guy has great power but he lacks speed.' He thought as he returned his attention to the leader.


Souta narrowed his brows as he noticed the leader's other fist was heading towards his face.


He moved to the side to avoid it. He then elbowed the leader's side and stretched out his hand grabbing his collar.

Souta tightened his grip on the collar and raised the leader before smashing him on the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two continued to go down until they reach the ground floor. Cracks spread out on the entire building and with the help of heavy gravity, the building collapsed instantly burying Souta and the leader on the first floor.


The people around stepped back when they realized that the scale of the battle was getting higher. They can't just watch the battle of a two B-rank closely. If they don't have enough power, the two B-rank could accidentally kill them.

High energy fluctuated and it shoots upward. The debris of rocks was blown away and it destroyed the nearby houses.


Smoke and dust filled the entire area. The commotion gathered the attention of the people in this district.

Tans and Jocklen just arrived and were shocked by what they've seen. The headquarters of the Great Swift Bandits was reduced to rubble.

"He really destroyed the Great Swift Bandits!!" Tans muttered with a shocked expression.

Jocklen wanted to see what's happening inside but the dust and smoke blocked his vision.

"The headquarters is the only thing that got demolished. We need to see if Souta won against the leader of the Great Swift Bandits." He said to Tans. It's natural that this building got destroyed as two B-ranks fought here. The question was who won the battle.

"....you're right, Jocklen. We need to know the conclusion of the battle." Tans agreed at Jocklen.


The wind blew strongly and it dispersed the smoke that was covering the area.

Souta was standing in the middle of the rubble while grabbing the neck of the leader of the Great Swift Bandits.

The leader of the Great Swift Bandits didn't have any sign of life. He was dead as there was a huge hole in his chest. His heart was gone and it was in Souta's left hand.

He glanced at the heart in his hand before he put more force and crushed it turning it into a bloody mist.

Souta turned his head in the direction of the Cloud Tower. 'They are coming...' He thought as he felt several high mana fluctuations coming at him from the Cloud Tower.

'That's your plan from the beginning, right? Do you want them to notice you so that you would have a chance to interact with the top power of this city?' Saya said to him.

'That's right? Since they are the top power of this city, they must know something that ordinary folks didn't know about Moon Tower.' Souta replied to her.

'First, you should probe them if they are in a good relation with Moon Tower or not.' Saya said.

'Okay.' Souta nodded.


He turned his head and saw Lynn approaching him with Yuko behind her. It seems that they've finished dealing with the members of the Great Swift Bandits.

"Two, no, three people are coming here," Lynn said to him.

"Yes, I can feel it. They didn't even bother hiding their energy so they must be from the Cloud Tower." Souta replied to her.

"C-Cloud Tower...?" Lynn was surprised.

"Yes, they are the ones that are managing this district so they will appear as the incident this time is quite large. After all, the incidents involved two B-rank powerhouses." Souta explained to her.

Yuko went to his side and she leaned her body on him.

"Behave, behave," Souta smiled as he caressed her head. Yuko's weight was nothing to B-rank who could lift more than five tons. So he didn't mind if she leaned her body on him. The only problem was that she was too huge for him. Her body could cover him entirely.

"Mu." Yuko stuck her tongue and licked his cheeks.

After a few moments, three silhouettes crashed on the ground five meters away from them.

Judging from the fluctuations of their mana, Souta and Lynn guessed that they were all B-rank powerhouses.

A woman with long black hair wearing a black suit that didn't hide the curve of her body stepped forward and looked around. Her gazed paused at Souta, Lynn, and Yuko.

The other two were an old man and a man in his twenties. They were wearing black suits and cloak.

The man in his twenties had the weakest fluctuation of mana out of the three of them. The second was the old man. The strongest was the woman in the center of them.

The man gathered his mana and opened his mouth, "The Cloud Tower is here! Those who are not involved in this incident should get out of this place! The Cloud Tower will handle this! We could not guarantee your safety if you still stay here!"

He imbued his mana in his voice so his words resounded in every direction and everyone heard it.

The woman observed the three before she opened her mouth and asked, "Who's the one that killed Orman there?"

Souta glanced at the corpse beside him and thought, 'So this man's name is Orman. Well, there's no need to remember his name.'

Lynn didn't answer the woman's question. She just shut her mouth. She will not say anything to these strangers unless Souta asked her to do so.

"I guess that you're the one who killed Orman. You have some power if you've managed to kill him without receiving heavy injuries." The woman said while looking at Souta. She guessed that it was him as he was the one who glanced at the corpse of Orman.