
The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (178)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

57 Reshuffling of the Forces in the Southeast (3)

Iron grumbled as he continued to look at the situation in front of him.

Thanks to the 22nd and 23rd Corps as well as the two divisions sent by the Southern Command, the monsters couldn’t reach the walls of the castle at all. Because of this, the pressure of defending the castle was lifted off of the shoulders of the divine beasts allowing them to fly freely in the sky. They were like untamed mares galloping freely as they fought to their heart’s content. Or just like kids dumped in the playground to play around and have fun.

Meanwhile, Iron was still left with nothing to do especially after the divisions under the direct control of Command arrived.

“Guys! Go out there! Beat them!”

“We won’t lose! We’re going out there to win!”

Ludem, the leader of the storm troops, and Rodem, the leader of the knight order, growled as they took their subordinates straight out of Command.

The gates opened as the knight order charged out in their V-formation and the storm troops rushed out like crazy. There was also the magic unit and spirit unit who wanted to prove that they would not lose to them in momentum. They used a joint attack that swept away the monsters that blocked the path of the knight order and storm troops.

But unlike these four units, who killed the monsters as if they were competing, the ranger unit just quietly did what they had to do. They would quietly appear all over the place to target the weaknesses of the monsters and kill them in one shot.

However, not long after, they were left with nothing to do.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!


One of the soldiers couldn’t help but exclaim blankly as he listened to the continuous sound of explosions.

With the artillery unit’s leader’s orders, the bombs from the new weapon, the multi-magic bomb launcher, fell down one after the other. There was also the airships that were directly under the command of the artillery unit leader, who dropped a rain of bomb, mercilessly sweeping the monsters away.

“Hoo… There’s really nothing for me to do.”

Iron had not given up hope that he would be able to move too, but he was forced to completely give up after seeing this round of attack.

He looked slightly, just ever so slightly, disappointed after seeing that his subordinates had grown much more than he expected. In fact, it was already surprising enough that they were able to grow despite the lack of confidence but it seemed like they had grown once again the moment they started expanding the territory of the Mobile Field Army in the Southeast. Through the countless battles that they had experienced, each corps was able to embody their own characteristics as their troops moved tightly and neatly together to slaughter the monsters.

Iron was left lost in his thoughts after seeing his subordinates perform better than he expected.

He thought of bringing in the masters to gain an overwhelming advantage. Of course, they wouldn’t come here for free. After all, there was no free meal in the world. Each Command would definitely raise their own conditions and Iron would have to fulfill each and every condition to the best of his abilities.

However, seeing his subordinates perform like this right now, he thought that he could at least reduce the number of the masters that he would ask for help by one.

Pride swelled in his chest at the thought of his subordinates, who worked harder than what he expected, fighting well.

“Who should I take out of the list?”

Iron mumbled to himself as his lips curled up in a smile.

He had to make revisions to his plans but he felt very happy to do so. It was only natural. After all, there would be one less person that he needed to flatter and curry favor with.

Iron sat firmly on the walls as he stared at the battle, completely forgetting that he had just missed his chance to warm up.

“Ariel grew up during this period.”

He saw the 21st Corps’ airships from afar.

The first thing he did was look at how many of the airships that had only arrived now came.

But those who came down from the airships were strong enough that he felt a bit sorry for the words ‘only’.

The first to drop down from the airships was Ariel with her sword that sliced off the necks of the monsters the moment she descended. The officers and knights that followed right after her also showed their tremendous majesty and turned the area where they descended into a mud flat.

“I wonder how those Center bastards will react once they see this.”

One of the articles that he saw in the newspaper recently flashed in his head.

[ Iron’s Mobile Field Army, perhaps they’re just some fragile bubble? ]

The newspapers weren’t just disparaging the famous Mobile Field Army. The articles that they wrote were all with basis.

1 The corps are still incomplete

2 The Corps Commanders’ skills are not good enough.

3 The abilities of the divisions under the direct control of Command are significantly lower than the other troops.

4 Their troops rely on their Commander a lot more than the other armies.

These four facts were correct, they were truly the shortcomings of their Mobile Field Army.

While Iron was busy blocking the giant worm corps, the Command had suffered huge damages which forced them to send their incomplete corps out on operations.

Then, did that mean that the storm troops and the knight orders were complete? Not at all.

With the Northeast’s standards, the division leader of the divisions directly under Command had to be at the end of the 5th Stage or the beginning of the 6th Stage. Corps Commanders should also be at the 6th Stage or should be commanding officers who had made overwhelming achievements in the battlefield to the point that anyone could ignore their level.

Currently, all of the Mobile Field Army’s corps commanders did not reach any of these qualifications. And, it was also true that they still relied a lot on their Commander, Iron.

That was why there were a lot of people giving their two cents saying that Iron should just dismantle his Mobile Field Army and go under the Southern Command to learn while he continued to grow up. Some even went as far as to disparage Iron and call him as the weakest among the masters.


Iron smiled deeply as he watched the video crystal that recorded all of the battles that they fought today. He felt that the videos of today’s battles were enough evidence to dismiss all of their objections.

He left the Command to the operations officers and entered the main building as he smiled in satisfaction at his divine beasts’ overwhelming performance and his subordinates’ unexpected growth.

All of the officers clenched their fists when they saw Iron entrusted them with the battle and its end. They finally received the recognition of their Commander.

Although the divine beasts’ performance was completely overwhelming, the battles that the three corps and the divisions under the Command’s direct control were still extremely impressive even if they took the divine beasts out of the picture. They did not receive any significant damage and their performance was so amazing that it deserved to be called overwhelming. In fact, even if there were no divine beasts, Iron believed that they alone would be enough to protect the Command.

After successfully stopping the first monster wave that appeared in the Southeast, the Mobile Field Army troops cheered loudly with their clenched fists. It wasn’t a small-scaled monster wave but a medium-scaled monster wave and they were extremely happy to be able to completely block it. However, the reason for their happiness was not because they won the war or sustained minimal damage. It was because they received Iron’s recognition.

Iron entering the main building and leaving the Command Center alone to them was a sign of his complete trust with them. And this news was delivered to all units. Iron’s trust in them was also delivered to the divisions under the Command’s direct control, the logistics and troops led by Carl and the 21st Corps led by Ariel, which was the farthest from them.

“It’s been a while since everyone got together like this.”

After the battle, the Field Army’s top commanding officers had gathered in the Commander’s office. All three of the corps commanders as well as the leaders of the divisions under the direct control of Command were all sitting in the office.

“It seems like you did well today even without me, huh?”

When Iron smiled at them as he said those words, everyone’s lips quirked in a smile too.

“Especially Ariel. Right now, we can safely say that you’re like a real corps commander.”

Everyone applauded after hearing Iron’s words that were no better than congratulations.

She might still be lacking but she was already right around the 6th Stage. Just give her a bit more time and she would be completely settled on that stage.

Cardro gritted his teeth as he watched the scene. Even Saeriden was doing the same thing.

Iron nodded his head when he saw their burning gazes.

“I thought it was still too early… but perhaps it was my miscalculation.”

Iron looked at the commanding officers as he spoke.


“Yes, sir!”

“The path from here to Meindania Port, can you do it alone?”

“It’s possible!”

With Ariel’s dependable reply, Iron nodded his head as if he believed in her.


“Yes, sir!”

“From now on, you will expand our territory southward.”

“I understand!”

Cardro bowed his head as he clenched his fists tightly. Finally, their corps was given a proper corps mission.

Iron turned to look at Saeriden after seeing him look enviously at Cardro and Ariel for receiving their corps’ first solo mission.

“There’s nothing for you to be jealous of, Saeriden.”

Saeriden looked at Iron with anticipation.

“The 23rd Corps will be the ones to keep the northern side in check. Can you do that?”

Saeriden couldn’t answer Iron right away.

This was the giant worm corps that the Commander stopped alone. Being given the room to grow, they had become one of the strongest forces in the Southeast. Keeping them in check and stopping them from expanding further meant that there was a possibility that they would fight against them.

Saeriden couldn’t help but ponder for a while after being subtly asked ‘Can you stop the giant worm corps trying to expand their territory?’ by Iron. But he soon replied dependably.

“Yes. We can do it.”

He did not answer with a ‘We’ll try.’ but with a ‘We can do it.’. Iron nodded in satisfaction at his answer.

“Good. I’ll trust you on this. All of the units directly under Command will return here in Command. And in conjunction with the Southern Command, you will completely clean up and purify the area. Got it?”

“Yes, sir!”

Iron nodded in satisfaction.

Just when the commanding officers were about to turn to each other and chat, a man, who they had not seen in a long time, came rushing inside the Commander’s office as he gave his salute to Iron.

“Gaon! It’s been a while, right?”

The man smiled slightly at Carl, who greeted him brightly.

“Everyone, let me introduce him officially to you. This is Raven’s Captain, Gaon Temphet.”

Iron officially introduced Gaon and Raven, the Mobile Field Army’s special force, to the rest of the officers.

Everyone congratulated Gaon after he was officially introduced as a captain to all of the commanding officers.

Ariel stood up to give him a handshake first. And the moment Gaon and Ariel shook hands…


Ariel trembled slightly as he looked at Gaon in surprise.

Gaon was also surprised when he looked at Ariel.

“Congratulations. It seems like Gaon has already stepped in the realms of the 6th Stage too?”

The commanding officers’ eyes widened when they heard Iron congratulating Gaon. Cardro and Saeriden, in particular, looked the most shocked. They weren’t that shocked with Ariel but what shocked them was the fact that Gaon had also stepped to the 6th Stage.

However, Iron had expected this outcome to some extent.

Ariel and Aiden were the most talented figures in the North. And Gaon Temphet was the only person outside of these two in the North who could match their talents. After all, Gaon was the result of two Northern Families joining together so his talents were completely understandable.

“The two of you are aware that you haven’t reached the 6th Stage completely yet, right?”


“I’ll do my best.”

Iron looked at the commanding officers after hearing Ariel and Gaon’s knowing answers.

“It’s not too late for you. If you try harder, then you may be the ones to reach the next level faster than these two. So, be more diligent and earnest in your work.”

“Yes, sir!”

Iron nodded at them before turning to Gaon and looking at him curiously.

“But what’s the problem? Why are you here all of a sudden? Aren’t you still out on a mission?”

“I came because I have something to report.”

“A report?”

“Yes, sir.”

Coming personally to report and skipping the communications officer meant that this information was quite serious.

Iron had gestured for him to say it but Gaon hesitated. Seeing this, the commanding officers tried to get up from their seats.

“It’s okay. Say it.”

Gaon spoke carefully after hearing Iron’s orders.

“A number of master-ranked individuals… appeared in the South.”

“…A number?”

Iron asked as if he found Gaon’s word to be ridiculous.


“Hoo… But there is no news about these new masters in the Empire?”

“They appeared from the Alliance of Southern Kingdoms.”

Iron titled his head at Gaon’s words.

Those who became masters were bound to shine and stand out. But from what Iron knew, there weren’t that many people of that level. In fact, their number continued to decrease after losing their lives from the mutants that appeared from the Southern Death Rim. Their numbers had shrunk to the point that there were only four masters left in the continent’s southern end.

“How many are they?”

“There are six of them.”

Gaon calmly answered Iron’s question.

Everyone listening was astonished with the sudden increase in numbers of their masters.

“There are really six of them?”

Gaon nodded to answer Cardro’s question.

“Do you have the report?”

“Yes, sir!”

Gaon handed the report to Iron.

Everyone turned to look at Iron anxiously as he read the report. Not long after, Iron burst into laughter.

“Hahaha! You don’t have to worry about this.”


Gaon couldn’t help but ask foolishly after he saw Iron laugh so suddenly.

“These guys are lying*.”

“You said… they’re lying…?”

“That’s right. These guys are fake masters. They have ancient artifacts and magic tools, right?”

“Yes… I believe.”

Iron nodded as if he had expected this after seeing Gaon’s doubt.

“These specially talented people created an imitation of the master’s power with their innate abilities and the power of the magic tools and artifacts.”

Everyone felt relieved after hearing Iron’s explanation.

And since everyone had gathered together after a long time, Iron decided to throw a small party for them after knowing that there was nothing for them to worry about in the South. He also gave the troops a break as a reward for successfully blocking the medium-scaled monster wave with only minimal damage.

A few days later, the Mobile Field Army troops began their operation to take full control of the Southeast.

With their movements, the giant worm corps also decided to reach their claws towards the Center of the Empire and successfully enlarged their territory.

Even the unknown existence that dominated the southern end of the region also appeared. It was none other than the manticore that was usually found in the Southern Plains. And right now, thanks to the power of the void, it had become a much stronger existence than before as it dominated the southern end of the region and brought all of the other contaminated monsters under its banner.

Finally, the Southeastern region of the Empire was finally beginning to be divided into three forces.



*Lying – What Iron used here is the word 뻥, which is a slang for lie. Can also be used to say ‘just kidding’ or ‘gotcha’.