
The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (147)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

50 The Capital’s Collapse (2)

A gigantic blue bird appeared as hundreds of lightning bolts rained down from the sky.

Thunderbird, who Iron hadn’t seen in a long time, finally appeared amidst a storm of lightning.


It had been a long time since they last saw each other so Iron couldn’t help but smile at Thunderbird’s unexpected appearance. Thunder also cried happily as it glided above Two Moons and Phoenix. The divine beast looked pleased to see him too.

Meanwhile, the being that Molina summoned finally completed its form and spread death energy.

― Grrrrrr―!

The strange growl signaled the rise of other beings from the ground. They were the undead that the humans knew all too well.

The Death Corps’ sacrifice created the Bone Army that crawled up from the ground.

“I have to… risk my neck.”

Commander Leopold approached Iron with a heavy expression on his face.

It might have been possible to stop them if he was in the best condition. However, Leopold was seriously injured right now. Even the Central Army was only less than half of their original force.

“It’s Hell.”

Iron looked at the Bone Army that was going to attack them in bitterness..

The skeleton soldiers kept on rushing forward despite the fact that their bones were melting from the overwhelming holy power that he was emitting.

Clack! Clack!

― Kiyaaaaaaack!

The skeleton soldiers shrieked loudly as they rushed towards them.

The soldiers’ expressions distorted upon hearing their shrieks. The Sound of Death could vividly express how much pain they had suffered during their lifetime. Iron was also able to hear it.


He also felt the sacrifices that they made and the irrational things that they had experienced in their lives through their voices but Iron’s expression did not change and waver.

The shrieks and howls that they had felt through the sound of death were desperate. The unfairness, pain and suffering was probably unforgettable that they couldn’t let go even after dying.

However, that was not enough justification for them to get revenge on the living right now. Their wrath and revenge would be understandable if it was only directed towards the Imperial Family. After all, they were still conducting those inhumane and terrible experiments. But their justification had lost power when they dragged the innocent just so they could exact their revenge. This was the case even in an environment where revenge was bleak.

For Iron, their cause was just some bullshit excuse for chaos. Bringing the world to destruction to end the vicious cycle that they had been dragged in was pure nonsense.

“Don’t be fooled. They’re our ‘enemies’, nothing more!”

All of the dazed soldiers turned to Iron when they heard his roar.

“They must feel unfair after experiencing such pain in their lives, right? But not everyone would act like this just because they were treated unfairly. What about the people who died under their hands? The people who lost their homes and had to run away? Will they take responsibility for the innocent people that they harmed?”

Hearing Iron’s questions, the soldiers couldn’t help but turn to look at the howling skeleton soldiers.

“Never forget this. They are our ‘enemies’. Just because they are a bit pitiful does not change the fact that they are our enemies. All we can do for them right now is to ‘bring them to rest’.”

Iron’s words brought back strength to the soldiers’ hands as they gripped their weapons tightly.

Commander Leopold also joined in after seeing Iron instill a clear goal on their confused troops.

“Everything is for the ‘Empire’!”

“For the Empire!”

Leopold’s cry boosted the morale of the knights and soldiers as they answered him loudly. Their eyes turned clear as they seriously and diligently swung their swords to bring their enemies to rest.

In the midst of this, the gigantic bone knight glared at Iron and Leopold. The bloody red light glowing in its eyes spread the wrathful cries all over the place.

― Wicked humans…! Pay for your sins with death!

The images of humans committing crimes and sins were projected in the sky at the words of the skeleton knight’s words. It showed the images of the garbages that created slaves, conducted experiments and abused the children. The atrocious acts of these sinners kept on playing in the sky to the point where the soldiers questioned if they were truly the same humans as they were.

However, the exhausted and injured master did not give in to its provocation. All he did was courageously move forward and wield his sword. Right behind him was the saint, who released endless holy power in the surroundings.

“Don’t be fooled!”

“Don’t be tricked by their illusions! Trust me! Follow me!”

Leopold took the lead and opened up a path as Iron followed while encouraging the soldiers.

It was a declaration of their victory. The oath and pledge that Iron made while protecting Soren was once again declared in this place. And his troops, who trusted and followed him, wielded their weapons silently as they vowed to never be shaken by any tricks and illusions.

Seeing them move like that, the Central Army troops also gathered their senses and advanced forward.

The gigantic bone knight moved to mislead them once again but this time, the divine beasts moved to interfere with its illusion magic.


― Clank! Clank!

It was as if the end had come.

The battlefield showed how humans fought until the bitter end to send their enemies to their absolute deaths. It was a huge war where the armies from both sides fought fiercely.

The sight of the human soldiers fighting fearlessly against the endless skeleton army was truly a spectacular sight to see.

But hope was a word that existed. Eventually, the humans were able to endure the attacks of the numerous and countless undead to the point that they could advance forward.

The undead, who lost their strength under the cover of the sanctuary, and the humans, who weren’t afraid of being hurt… During their fierce battle, the one that was gradually pushed back was the Death Corps.

The black earth, the death’s territory, was gradually purified under the influence of the sanctuary. Even the gigantic body of the bone knight was gradually melting under the intense light of the small bird flying in the sky.

Unlike its majestic appearance, the bone knight was gradually losing its strength. And the injured master and the hero that was still yet to grow desperately attacked this bone knight.

“Don’t give up! The Empire is behind you!”

“Trust me! We will definitely win this war!”

Hearing the shouts of the two commanders, the exhausted and about to collapse soldiers gripped their weapons even tighter.

The bone knight also started to break down. It was as if their courage and bravery were being paid.

With the gradual collapse of the strongest being, the purification of the death territory that was created earlier sped up.

― Aaaaah…

The bone knight screamed as the land was purified. Even the numerous spirits that were summoned from hell to get revenge on the Imperials wailed as the sanctuary extinguished the light in their eyes. The bone knight knew that it shouldn’t let things end like this as it tried to mislead the soldiers once again. However, victory was already in sight and the soldiers’ morale could not be beaten black and blue anymore. In the end, the bone knight melted under the bright glare of the holy power.

“It’s over.”

Leopold looked at the area where the bone knight was standing before with exhaustion on his face.

The enormous number of undead that surrounded the Central Army troops slowly disappeared into the ground the moment the bone knight disappeared.

The soldiers only cheered once all of the wailing undead, who were filled with resentment and anger, completely disappeared into the ground. They couldn’t help but cheer loudly after experiencing something this miraculous. After all, they thought that they were going to die this time.

“Leopold the Brave!”

“Iron of Victory!”

They chanted the names of the two commanders who led the battle to victory and saved them from damnation. This was their tribute to their sacrifices and bravery.

While everyone was basking in the joy of the moment, Leopold turned to look at Iron with a solemn and heavy expression on his face.

“How long will the capital last?”

“I don’t know it well. But I believe the Imperial Family still have their secret weapon.”

“…I see.”

Leopold looked at Iron bitterly.

He knew full well that the Imperial Family was a family that cared only about their safety so they would definitely have a secret weapon. That was also the reason why they willingly left the Central Army like this. They were rotten people who only took the elites to the Capital Defense Force and left them as they were. And the only reason why they had not abandoned the capital yet was because they were confident that they could prevent the Death Corps.

“Hoo… It doesn’t matter, the capital should not collapse anyway.”

Leopold spoke solemnly.

The images that the bone knight had shown were related to the experiments conducted by the Imperial Family. He was also aware that the nobles in the capital enslaved the poor, raised children to be gladiators, sexually assaulted them and even brutally killed them.

However, even if they were rotten, the capital had to survive for the Empire to remain standing.

Leopold was only able to remain as the commander who led the Central Army, which had become rotten to the core, due to his loyalty to the Empire.

Iron could only nod solemnly. He was also aware of this fact.

“…I see.”

“We will move as soon as the troops are reorganized.”


Iron smiled bitterly at Leopold’s words before nodding his head in agreement.

Either way, his next destination would still be the capital. He had no choice but to go there to see for himself the truth of this world. Even if it was against his will, he needed to go there and save the Imperial Family from the people who wanted to take revenge on them. This was inevitable.

The moment he decided that he should go to the capital, despite the discomfort that the thought brought to him, the sound of notifications rang in Iron’s head. This was the only thing that brought comfort to Iron.

[ Protect the Imperial Palace! ]

Rewards : Unknown.

In case of failure : Unknown.

※ This quest is the Center’s main quest.

The quest finally appeared.

A bright smile appeared on Iron’s face the moment it appeared.

‘The world’s secrets.’

Both the rewards and the penalty for failure were tagged as unknown. However, he knew one thing. And that was the importance of protecting the Imperial Palace.

And with the issuance of this quest, he was now sure that the Emperor and the Imperial Family were deeply related to the secrets of the world.

While Iron took a step closer towards the secrets of the world, the other-worlders also stopped dilly-dallying as they moved towards the capital.

Everyone was agitated and excited that the main quest in the Center had finally appeared. The other-worlders who failed to participate in the North went crazy as they headed straight towards the capital. They vowed to get the rewards that they had missed before this time. After hearing the situation from the chosen and the other-worlders, the armies from the other regions also began to hasten their steps.

The beings from the void jumped ferociously to interrupt their advances.

The Death Corps finally rushed all of their troops the moment everyone realized the importance of the battle in the capital as they rushed towards the center of the Empire and the continent.

― It’s finally time.

A man with black hair stared blankly at the red moon.

The light from the once blue moon that had now completely turned red was ominous. However, the black-haired man grinned and bared his fangs. It was as if he was waiting for this very moment.

― Isn’t this a perfect day for the Empire to fall?

“You bastard!”

A man wearing golden armor pointed his sword at the black-haired man in anger.

“How impudent! How can a savage like you talk about the Empire’s downfall!”

― Ah… so you’re that person. The Emperor’s first loyal dog.

The commander of the Imperial Knight Order, the person who did not care what atrocities and sins the Imperial Family had committed, the person who only served the Emperor and the Emperor alone.

The black-haired man looked at one of the Empire’s masters leisurely. His red eyes twinkled brightly as he swept his hair up. The commander of the Imperial Knight Order bristled in anger when he saw how lax and leisurely he was.

“Today! I will restore the Empire’s peace by taking your neck, commander of the savages!”

― I hope that you can do what you wish for. You should take my head before all of your troops disappear.

The first experiment that escaped from the laboratory, the Death Lord.

His eyes flashed ominously as he moved to bite the head of the dog that was most loyal to the Imperial Family.
