
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

Ricky let out a breath as he fired an onslaught.

Having succeeded in the perfect fusion of holy power and black mana, he poured out merciless slashes at Blazer.


The blade that was burning with chaotic energy struck as if it would break the great sword at any moment. However, despite being pushed back, Blazer had a very calm face.

As he looked at Ricky, who had this terrifying look, he thought to himself,

‘He had obtained the Absolute power.’


It was created when incomparable things turned into one, and in a way, it could be called the source of the universe.

Jamie Welton reinterpreted chaos in a different way and created ‘Tae Heo.’

One might think that chaos was below it, but it wasn’t.

‘Just that the method is different.’

Chaos was an Absolute power.

Jamie Welton decided that Tae Heo was more suitable for him and chose another path. Chaos is the most violent force in the universe.

No matter how strong this force was, if it couldn’t be controlled, it was as bad as not having it.

However, if he could accept it, the story would be different.


Blazer looked at Ricky, growling like a beast. His golden hair was now fluttering upwards in a mess, to the point where one couldn’t tell what color it was.

The energy around him raged in an odd manner, and it destroyed the surroundings.

It was a force that was out of control. However, Ricky didn’t seem to care at all.

“Did you choose to become the God of Destruction?”

Ricky was still transcendent, like a half-God, since he couldn’t get his hands on absoluteness. Which meant he couldn’t rule over chaos, and it was impossible for him to use the power in a perfect manner.

So he chose to surrender himself to chaos.

Blazer gripped the great sword a little harder. If he were completely swallowed by the chaos, he wouldn’t be able to handle it, no matter how much he tried.

So they should be killed.

“The situation is unfortunate.”

If it hadn’t been for his current state, it would have been more enjoyable.

“This place is a bit dizzying. Let’s move to a wider place.”


Ricky screamed and charged at Blazer.

Blazer sighed briefly, approached Ricky at great speed, grabbed him by the collar, and moved to another space.

Ann bit her nails at the rapidly changing battlefield.

The entire battlefield was moving like gears under her control. However, the causality of the enemy had suddenly skyrocketed.

It was normal for the causality rate to decrease when a God appeared. If it wasn’t 100%, the rate was just a consumable item needed for the Gods to descend.

But the numbers went up.

If the aide hadn’t informed them of the presence of the Apostle of the enemy, things would have become more messy.

‘It is a bigger variable than I thought.’

In the Sun Church, all the deities were newly created except for Ra.

Blazer, who was an Apostle of Ra, also became a God, so it was possible for an Apostle to exist.

Ann went to war after thinking of all the possibilities, but it was all based on the information she had at hand. Therefore, if the probability of having an Apostle on the enemy side was like a decimal, then a decimal was enough to change the war.

‘If only I had thought about that.’

Ann thought so, but it wasn’t Ann’s fault.

If she had to point out her fault, it was that she hadn’t grasped the power of the Sun God, and no one in the world knew it.

Fortunately, Hasyath had done a great job.

He couldn’t prevent the appearance of a God, but by killing an Apostle, he made an enemy God descend in an incomplete form.

If it had been perfect, the number of their allies would have been reduced by more than half at once.

“There has been a report that Ricky and the enemy’s holy powers have vanished.”

The two Gods, who had been engaged in a tremendous clash of power while occupying one side of the field, moved to a different place.

This was good news.

If the Gods ran rampant here, normal soldiers would die. It was better to move to a place where there was no one.

“Leave the enemy God to Mr. Ricky, and let us organize the enemy troops quickly. Now that the momentum has risen, let us wipe them all quickly.”

“I understand!”

Ann confirmed that the aide had left, looked at the battlefield again, and then smiled.

The dragon that was blowing its Breath from the sky, the High Elves that freely used their magic and the spirits, the fairy Valkyries that ravaged the battlefield with cute fairy wings, and the Rans were confronting the enemies with Hasyath.

Suddenly, she thought that it was an unrealistic sight that she could only see in children’s books.

‘A world where all the races are in harmony. Is this the world Teacher wanted?’

Her teacher, Jamie, had always told her that.

‘When true freedom comes to the land, we will stand at the starting point.’

She didn’t understand it then, but looking at this scene now, she could finally understand it.

“Maybe we are at the starting point.”

Wasn’t everyone joining forces in the struggle for freedom? That alone made it meaningful.

Lennon was a bit exhausted.

He was also a magician who could be called a genius, but he got buried under Jamie’s name, and he used up most of his mana trying to block the enemies’ large-scale attack.

It could have been a huge problem if the allied races hadn’t come to support their side.

“We will really die.”

Thanks to the whole-body breathing method he had learned from his teacher, he managed to hold on until now.

If it weren’t for that whole-body breathing method, he would have collapsed from mana exhaustion right away.

Thinking like that, he thought a lot about the situations he had to go through to be here now.

If he still did the childish things he did as a kid, he wouldn’t have gained the truth about his father, if he hadn’t entered the Phoenix Academy, if he didn’t meet Ann, if he didn’t become Jamie’s apprentice…

There were a lot of what if’s that could have gone wrong.

If he had made one wrong choice, he wouldn’t be standing here. Even if he were standing here now, he might just end up with the fate of being killed like a dog.

“So I need to repay this.”

Even for the sake of his teacher, who made him a human being when he was just supposed to have lived as a lame man from a noble family. Even for Ann, the one and only comrade who had been with him until now.

For his father, who believed in him. For his mother and older brother, who were waiting for him at home.

For everyone in the North who would be praying for their victory.

“Let us go again.”

His mana rose to a certain extent through the whole-body breathing method.

Lennon stepped forward. His staff was engulfed in flames, and he spewed them toward the enemies.

In order to save his allies, he gritted his teeth and dug into the enemy lines. He didn’t have the gift of a scholar like Ann, so he had to help out in the war like this.

And so he turned into a battle mage.

He had trained for three long years, and because of his talent in magic, he managed to develop a lot.

“You are running amok now!”

It was then.

An ax of enormous size was heading towards his head.

Lennon decided it would be difficult to evade this, so he unfolded a shield, but his shield was torn down too easily.

Still, he was able to buy himself a little time, so he was able to pull himself back. The large man wielding an axe took heavy steps toward him.

“Little boy, go home and suck more of your mother’s milk.”

“It is Mr. Berto!”

“Mr. Berto is here!”

At the sight of the man who just appeared, the enemy troops were all bursting into cheers.

It seemed like he was someone famous.

Lennon glared at the man called Berto, hiding his exhaustion as best he could.

Berto said as he looked at him,

“Your eyes aren’t those of a kid. My name is Berto Obsidian. What is yours?”

“Lennon Simon.”

“Simon? I’ve heard it somewhere. Well, it doesn’t matter. My axe does not have mercy.”

“That is exactly what I was going to say. The larger the body, the larger the attack. I will turn you into a pig.”

“Kuk. This young man talks wildly!”

Berto approached at a speed one couldn’t imagine.

Lennon was taken aback at his speed, but he immediately created sparks to counter the axe.

Aura and mana collided, creating a strong shockwave.

The flames trembled a lot, and Lennon gritted his teeth as one of his legs slid back.

“Is this all?!”


He lowered his axe once again, and Lennon’s flame split in half with a powerful roar.

And they could feel it from there.

Berto was a strong man who was a Master class. Until now, he had mercy in his hands.

‘Too early for a Master.’

Even if he became a great magician, his chances of winning against a Master class were slim. Even more so, Berto was an impossible opponent for Lennon, who hadn’t become a great magician.

Berto raised his lips in a smile as he swung his axe with an unimaginable force.

The entire place exploded in waves, as if the space were being torn apart. The ground shattered, and the soldiers who were caught in it soared to the sky.

It was like a magic phenomenon that happened with a single swing.

That was why he was able to notice that it was an ability, but by the time he noticed, it was already too late.

“Goodbye, young magician.”

Berto, who jumped to the height that Lennon had risen from, swung the axe with his eyes watering.

‘Am I going to die like this?’

In vain, without being any help to the war?

That couldn’t happen.

He was the son of Richter Simon and a disciple of Jamie Welton.

He tried his best not to tarnish their reputation. Even if he couldn’t stand by their side, he tried to have their backs.

He tried to stay by Ann’s side.

But were they all meaningless? Was he going to die like this?

He thought that if he had to die, it should be by protecting Ann.

‘No. I cannot die like this.’

War was death because it wasn’t strange for one to die there.

So it wouldn’t be strange for Lennon to die. However, the opposite was also possible in war.

“I will not lose to you!”

As he watched the falling axe, Lennon shouted.

At that moment, the mana core in his entire body cracked. His blood flowed backward and reached his throat.

The veins were swelling up on his head, but Lennon liked this feeling, as if he could do anything.

‘It seems slow.’

The speed at which the axe was falling was slow. It was obviously so fast that it was difficult to grasp with the naked eye, so why was it slow?

He didn’t know why, but Lennon stretched out his staff in a way, knowing it would be alright.

No, there was no staff.

He didn’t know if it was broken, lost, or what happened to it, but he was extending out his bare hands.

Even that didn’t matter.

[Magical Perspective]

Lennon’s eyes turned red.

[Solution (Ifrit Mode)]

The axe cut through Lennon’s body.

Berto’s face went stiff.

Clearly, his torso should have been divided into two parts. However, there was no feeling of cutting something.

It was then.


A flame rose from the cut part. The entire upper and lower parts turned to flames and merged again.

Berto frowned at that absurd look and landed on the ground.

He raised his head and looked up to see a round flame burning mid-air.

“I cannot die here.”

The flame turned into a human form and took on Lennon’s appearance.

However, the appearance was slightly different.

Parts of his hair, body, and clothes were moving like flames.

“I cannot lose.”

“Interesting. Did you just awaken in this situation?”

Berto smiled as he held the axe on his shoulder.

“Come, Magician. I will bring down all your flames.”

“Which is why I said.”

Lennon moved right in front of Berto before he knew it and said,

“I cannot lose.”

And the flames exploded on his body.