
The Conquerors Pathchapter 454: dangers rising.

"Guess this is it," Ralph said as we stood in front of a door, waiting for it to be opened. After the meeting with the elders, we received a notice that the proposed meeting would take place within an hour. After getting some rest, the time was up, and we found ourselves here, standing in front of the door, this time being led by a person with actual skills and experience.

It was a much better experience than when we arrived. An added bonus was the fact that the one leading us kept his eyes on me, though they quickly dropped as we reached the door. After bidding his regards, he left, leaving just the two of us here. The two bodyguards who accompanied us were not allowed to enter this meeting.

Creak... Creak... Creak...

The sound of the door opening was heard as a humongous hall appeared in front of Ralph and me. Our eyes immediately focused on the center of the room as we gazed upon a huge round table that had been set up. At the same time, several other doors also opened, revealing new passages and chambers.

The sound of the door opening resonated through the colossal hall, echoing off the ancient stone walls. As the doors swung wide, a breathtaking sight unfolded before Ralph and me. We stood at the threshold, our eyes immediately drawn to the majestic centerpiece of the room: a massive round table adorned with intricate carvings and symbols of a long-forgotten civilization.

The table, weathered by time, bore the marks of countless stories and gatherings that had taken place within these hallowed walls. Its surface shimmered with a polished sheen, reflecting the soft glow of the torches that lined the room. Around the table, ornate chairs stood like sentinels, each one a work of art, depicting scenes of mythical creatures and ancient heroes.

As our gazes shifted beyond the table, we noticed that numerous other doors had also opened simultaneously, revealing hidden chambers and passageways. It was as if this room, this grand sanctuary frozen in time, held secrets waiting to be unraveled. The air carried a sense of anticipation, as if the room itself held its breath, eager to reveal its mysteries to those who dared to venture further.

I felt several gazes focus on Ralph and me as we entered the room, followed by the others for whom the door had opened simultaneously. Every step I took reverberated through the hall, accompanied by a hushed whisper that seemed to rise from the very stones beneath my feet.

Each person my gaze landed on had a powerful gaze and aura, characteristics held by people at the top of the food chain. Their curious eyes trailed my body, seemingly trying to uncover any secrets they could from me. I smiled at their attempt as Ralph and I reached the table, taking our rightful seats along with the rest.

My eyes continued scanning the people, trying to learn more about them now that I was face-to-face with them. DarkNight had provided me with enough information about all the organizations gathered here today, totaling eight powerful organizations, each controlling their own unique powers, with their own views and desires for the world. In fact, many of these powers extended their control over empires, kingdoms, and more. If one were to think that empires are the pinnacle of this world, they would be far from the truth, something I learned the hard way.

Of course, there are powerful empires beyond such control, yet even they would have to answer to the War Council, which sits at the top among these organizations. However, that doesn't mean that the War Council can control or command these eight organizations.

Currently, twelve people were surrounding me at this table: eight representatives of the organizations, two of whom brought another person with them like Ralph, and the other two representing the War Council—the current leader and vice leader of one of the most powerful organizations in the world.

My eyes scanned the man sitting at the table with power and grace. His bearing was light yet strong, and his visage was on the handsome side, with curly red hair and piercing green eyes. His elongated ears showed his lineage, with one bearing the mark of a half-elf. At the same time, small horns on his head sparkled with redness, representing his demon side.

'Quazex Volleen, one of his kind, a great genius who crushed all others of his time...'

My mind reeled with this information as I gazed at his faint smile. I could tell that he was a very dangerous man and would be the most troublesome person for me to deal with on my conquest of the War Council. Activating my system, I examined his information.

'Oh?... This is interesting...'

As I read through his powers, I elevated his danger level. Someone like him, hiding so much, would be a very tricky opponent to deal with. Having completed my analysis, I turned towards the woman sitting beside him—the vice leader. Unlike him, she had her face covered by a mask. Her long white hair spiraled down behind her, while she sat behind him like a robot.

'Trixi Rixi, the only known information is that she is a unique being...'

All other information about her was completely destroyed, making her a bigger enigma than Quazex. I delved into her information, reading what I could. My eyes widened for a moment before returning to normal as I sat there in silence.

'Looks like things will be fun here...'

Just from reading the information on Trixi, I would have to change some of my plans for the War Council. And just as I was lost in thought, Quazex spoke.

"I guess everyone is gathered?"

His voice resonated throughout the large room, after which the pillars in the room lit up, completely hiding this conversation from anyone who dared to gaze into this place. From now until the end of the meeting, all of us here would exist in a different plane of existence.

"Well, we did, after all. Things kept being delayed..."

A man on the table spoke, his rough voice adding tension to the situation in the room. The man in question was a demon with reddish skin, three horns, and sparkling yellow eyes—the leader of the organization Dexos, named Ghkerle Ved Kerfee.

"I don't think it's the time to talk about that. We have bigger issues to deal with..."

A light voice spoke, belonging to a mermaid with beautiful features. Her sparkling blue hair and eyes focused on the center of the table.

'Nini No Navi, leader of Sefak,' I thought as both Ralph and I gave her a light nod. She returned the gesture before focusing on Quarex.

"So tell us, what's going on?" she asked, to which Ghkerle spoke before Quarex.

"You better have something else. We can't afford to have too many minds involved in this incident within the academy," his rough voice sounded more upset, but he was willing to hold back as the situation called for it.

"Indeed, things are bad, as 'they' have begun to move again," once those words were spoken, the atmosphere in the hall became much more solemn.

"I thought we dealt with them to buy us enough time?" a dwarf at the table spoke, his question hitting the mark as the rest turned to look at Quarex, who let out a sigh as he responded.

"Things are much more disturbed than you think..."

"What does that mean?" the dwarf, Omanio Jazeka Vole, leader of the Teraform, asked.

"Before I answer, why don't you all have a look at this?" Quarex said, placing a device on the table that soon started displaying a report. A declining graph appeared in front of all our eyes.

"This is the current fall of corrupting energy. As you all know, the energy never left our world; it just reached a point where no one could feel it. The report in front of you shows the situation for the last hundreds of years..." Quarex paused, changing the report this time to show another graph as he spoke.

"And this is the report for the current corrupting level within these 50 years..."

"Dear Goddess..." Nini gasped.



"Why now?..."

The stunned gasps of all filled the room as the graph represented a humongous rise in the corrupting energy level, which would soon reach the level of rebirth.

And that could only mean one thing...

...Civil war...