
The Conquerors Pathchapter 383: snow....

"Tastes good"

Austin said, taking sips of the aromatic tea prepared by Sabrina, who stood before him like a perfect servant, her face impassive. Austin enjoyed the slow small silence as his complexion 'improved',

"10 minutes..."

He said earning the girl's focus as she looked at him and without his intention, she saved every bit of information about him to her mind, from his mannerism to his way of speaking, the way he was holding the teapot to his posture, everything was going into her mind to make it such that she could find anything that she might be able to use against him, not knowing that she herself was imprinting everything of Austin to herself,

"What is it, master?"

Sabrina asked in a subservient tone,

"Your pursuers, they will be here in 10 minutes"

Hearing his her pupils dilated, while she acted as if everything is fine, she knew deep down that she couldn't mess around with her pursuers, they seemed to have circumvented the rules of the place and brought about powerful people inside, it also seemed that they have been planning for this for a long time.

"Malflick, that elf doesn't look like he's part of your group"

Austin said with an entraining smirk,

"Internal problems?"

He asked, which caused a twitch in Sabrina's eyebrows,

"Please refrain from asking about my internal matters, respect the contract, master"

Sabrina cooly replied, making Austin chuckle,

"The ring bearer Malflick, what will you do to him once you get out of here?"

He asked, making Sabrina's killing intent sparkle for a moment,

"None of your business, master"

She replied once more, causing Austin to look at her with a playful look that screamed he felt hurt by her words,

"Come on my maid, aren't I part of the Royal Eleven banK? I have my powers"

He whispered in an angering manner but it didn't rile up Sabrina as she kept her impassively look, making Austin click his tongue,

"Tsk, we should get moving"

Saying so he placed the tea and everything else back in his special ring. Dusting himself he stood up but he still looked 'weak' and 'pale',

"Are you okay, master?"

Sabrina asked, causing Austin to wave his hand at her,

"I am fine, nothing much"

He said as he stretched his body a bit, the crunching of his bones filling the place, having done enough stretches he started to look at Sabrina while rubbing his chin in thought,

"I am confused about the fact one what I should do about you? should I make you suffer a bit and save you? or should I just save you?"

His words caused Sabrina to frown,

"I am capable of dealing with things myself, master"

"Perhaps but you have no idea about these people, they won't stop at anything and they have their mysterious ways"

But suddenly the brooding look left Austin's face as he replied to Sabrina, a small smile of mischief blooming on his face,

"Let's go maid, we have a lot to do"

As he finished speaking he vanished from where he stood while Sabrina followed after him, the two of them soon appeared above the scorching desert, the heat playing down at the duo. Just as the two reached above Sabrina frowned at looked in a certain direction,

"You can feel them?"

Austin asked to which Sabrina nodded her head,

"How can they track me, master?"

Sabrina asked,

"It's through what you call your curse"

He said, making Sabrina's frown even harder but it went away quickly as she looked back at Austin,

"What's the plan, master?"

She asked, this only made Austin smile brighter,

"Well, aren't you my maid? so sit back and just serve me"

As he finished speaking he started to move, walking closer to Sabrina he extended his hands towards her, she didn't question it as she took his hands the moment she did so the two of them disappeared from where they stood, the only remains being the spatial energy left behind.

The pursuers within seconds appeared at their position, the one leading the group cursing at the cat-and-mouse chase that was going on,

"Fuck! find her!"

He screamed in uncontrollable anger.


A few seconds later the two figures appeared in a snow-filled area, their bodies manifesting above a certain snow peak, the first one was to open his eyes was Austin while Sabrina soon followed, her eyes filled with confusion,

"Welcome, master"

This time a truly respectful voice was heard, the depth and respect within the voice binding,

"Good to see you are doing well, Amon"

Austin said with a smile, Amon respectfully stood up, and in his hand was a dark orb, the very same twin spatial vow of lovers that Austin used with Nora, one was with him and he had handed over the other one to Amon, naturally, you can't use spatial treasure here but then again what could stop a treasure blessed by the Goddess of Space itself?

"How did it go?"

Austin asked, while Sabrina beside him was burning with curiosity, her natural mind quickly picking up the picture of the orb and running through all the information in her mind, quickly reaching a terrifying conclusion.

"It went well, master"

Amon replied with heartfelt gratitude in his voice, to which Austin patted his shoulder,

"Don't fret it too much, I only showed you the place, if he didn't think you worthy he wouldn't have given it to you"

Austin's words only made Amon's loyalty even fiercer. He was the perfect follower, Amon didn't even question or ask about why Sabrina was beside him, he did his job bowed to give his respect while passing on his reports to Austin who took it and nodded his head,

"You can be on your way, don't you have some revenge to complete?"

These words made Amon's eyes frosty, thick killing intent leaving him as he gave a nod of affirmation, with his new gifts he would make them all here suffer for what had happened to his family in the past, everyone would be a paying great price,

"Don't make it too bloody and cover everything well"

Austin gave his final advice and taking it to heart Amon moved, getting away from the winter region and heading to the location of his target, of course, Austin didn't forget to remind him of where he should keep the orb next, its quite the hassle moving around everywhere, its better to just teleport.

"Quite the beauty, isn't it?"

Austin asked,

"You trust him that much, master?"

Sabrina asked and Austin just smiled at it, in their contract they didn't explicitly mention that the secret of Sabrina being his maid should be kept secret but it was indeed there at heart, else Austin's life would definitely be in danger if anyone of the Elven lineages even got a whiff of the knowledge that their dear princess is now a maid, especially Sabrina's doting father and brothers.

"Let's go, our adventure awaits"

Austin said before taking the lead and Sabrina like the perfect maid she is started to follow behind him, her curiosity only keeps burning brighter, while she started to feel that no matter what time, going along with him only seems to end in a fruitful adventure.