
The Conquerors Pathchapter 380: farrah alberdo

"Let's wake her up, shall we?"

I said, as the AI accepted my words,

"Master should know"

The AI replied to which I walked closer to the tank, once more my eyes trailed around the beautiful figure after which I placed my hand on the glass view, just as I did the encryptions on me started to shine red, this brought about a reaction to the figure inside as a small red light started to appear in Farrah's body.

The glass view opened up as a cold blast hit my face, and my hand went directly in contact with the ice, and while the inscriptions on me started to shine brighter, the ice started to swirl around soon becoming just liquid holding the girl inside.

Once the liquid was established, my hand moved through it as I placed my forefinger on her forehead, I could feel a sort of unique connection between the two of us, an erratic message came to my mind but I was able to easily understand it, my forefinger moved from her forehead to her luscious red lips.

Just as I placed my finger near her mouth it opened as she took a small bite from my finger, draining a drop of blood into her mouth, I had made sure to lower my defense else her teeth would be lost by now, the blood entered her mouth causing her body started to shine brighter red, the encryptions on my body started to tremble.

I took my hand away moving some steps back, I gazed at the body withering in the water, some red lines started to appear in Farrah's body, the lines deeply itching themselves into Farrah, her body was now trembling more and more, the liquid inside seemingly going into her lungs, her struggles increasing.

Her body shaking grew worse and worse until two hands suddenly caught the edge of the tank and rose up,


Sitting up Farrah started to cough hard, water falling from her nose and mouth, and tears at the edge of her eyes, she was delirious as her eyes looked enlarged, she trying her best to understand the situation around her. Seeing so I walked up to her but just as I reached within her private distance her head flashed towards me while heavy killing it started to flow out of her body.

She looked like a wild animal as her eyes snarled at me but just as her eyes landed on me, those dangerous eyes melted like snow in summer, the encryptions were still active in my body, hence I confidently walked closer to the suffering girl. Reaching closer I placed my left hand on her back and infused some life energy into her.

It worked like a miracle as her breathing went back to normal, I took away most of the water within her, helping her regain her breath, while the life energy I gave her started to give her the nutrients and food that she dearly needs, a few seconds later she seemed fine, I took my hands away though just as I did she launched onto me and hugged me tightly.

Her moderate breasts pushed against my chest, while her upper body hugged me hard, I didn't push her away as I too hugged her back, slowly patting her back and whispering into her that she was fine,

"Meriah Fisalea"

The words of the ancient elves left my mouth, my hands moving through her smooth skin, the redness of it fading away, becoming soft and white, her elven ears were perked up, while her body oddly felt both cold and hot. The hug between us continued for a minute after which Farrah left the hug, her huge red eyes looking at me with a lost expression,


She asked in a hoarse language, matching one of the current Era, it wasn't a surprise as that single drop of blood she swallowed had more purpose than just awakening her. Looking into those dreamy eyes of hers I shook my head,

"No, I am your master"

I said as my hands moved around her beautiful face, she liked it as she closed her eyes and pushed her head towards me, purring like a cat, I chucked at the reaction soon taking my hand away which quickly made her open her eyes, she moved her head towards me so that she could get my warmth, so that she could feel the flow of my blood better,

"Who am I to you?"

I asked, this made her focus on me, her eyes blinking as she spoke,


This answer made me grin, the girl in front of me is completely loyal to me, the connection between us is impeccable and unbreakable, and the single blood she drank bonded her with me, that blood giving her all the information she needs on the current Era, in a way she has all the knowledge all that is left if for her to digest that knowledge and make it hers.

The current her lacks a lot of logic, this is the first time she's been awakened, she was actually meant to be the perfect weapon and breeding tool of Alberdo, sounds sick but its the truth, she's built in the way that her love, her feeling, and everything is just for me, the bearer of the encryption and the one that gave her blood.

She's more like a hyper-realistic clone working just for me, be it now or in the future she won't be able to live without me, I am the sole reason for her existence and without me, she will be nothing Alberdo had gone through all required safety measure when he started to create her, the power of blood is just one of her great functions.

The lineage from her mother's side is also a figure not to be messed with, the womb cell that Alberdo used to make Farrah belongs to a Great fallen Angel, once hailed as the Angle Empress, it's just a matter of time before Farrah to awaken her full power and she will be a force to reckon with, my force....

"Let's get you cleaned up"

I said as I lifted her from the water container, my body becoming wet as I took her princess style, her naked body is displayed in full glory, touching her back I could feel small wings crawling out, they have yet to display their great presence.

All this while she just kept looking at me with those curious eyes, once I had carried her fully she hugged me tightly, her hands wrapping all around me, her face rubbing against my face, I felt it a bit annoying but I held myself back for now, currently its the best phase for me to built all feelings from her, once she matures she would understand all the feeling she has to,

"Try standing"

I said, slowly starting to place her on the ground, she understood as she reluctantly got off from me, she didn't have any problems standing by herself, her body in full display as she kept looking at me for more instructions,


I said as I gave my hand towards her, she from her memory understood the action, catching my hand and wrapping her fingers with mine as such I started to walk back towards the throne while keeping a small eye on her, soon reaching the throne sitting on it while pulling and placing Farrah on my lap.

She just curiously followed with my movements,

"Take us back"

I commanded as the AI got to work, the throne trembling as it started to move up again, while once again Farrah started to rub her face against mine,

'Are you a dog?'

Again I held myself back as my mind wandered about the true issue at hand...the treasury....