
The Conquerors Pathchapter 333: the plan is done

"What happened from then onwards?"

The disguised Celestinia asked her face now devoid of any emotions, trying her to best to hold back the emotion that was bubbling deep with her heart, memories that were sealed now lunging to her, making her remember her mistakes, making her remember what she had done.

Meanwhile, Austin who was narrating the story and had stopped at a certain point. his eyes filled with pain as he relaxed on the chair, seemingly the next part of the story being difficult for him to get to,

"You don't have to force it, is it too hard"

Celestinia spoke but Austin shook his head, a weary sigh leaving his mouth,

"Sigh.....no, I will tell the rest, it's just that, reliving these moments where you fall from heaven to hell is tiring"

As he replied he closed his eyes once again beginning to deliver the story, of course through all this he had kept quiet about the true girl in the story, he didn't tell the disguised Celestinia who the girl really was, playing a respective line that he was keeping,

"Since she wanted to go fast I did, my love for her making me unable to refuse her wishes but what she didn't know was that pain and sacrifice I had to go through so that she wasn't hurt"

Saying till here Austin's countenance turned dim,


"So we will be reaching there soon?"

Celestinia asked with a tired weary voice, filled with annoyance as she hugged Austin from behind, he moved as her transport. by now the lovey-dovey situation between them had deteriorated a lot, no, it would be more accurate to say that the seal on Celestinia was twisting her personality more and more, bringing out an ugly monster.

During these days she had turned into a monster without feeling, discarding any danger that come their way while forcing the boy to face untold danger, all her frustration and anger were being released to the boy, treating him as harshly as possible but the boy held on, not reacting to the pain his heart was filling him,

"Yes, we are there....."

The boys tired voice spoke out, his hand holding Celestinia's legs as he trudged forward, his voice less powerful than before, his body hunched than before,


Celestinia nodded her head, seemingly a smile finally blooming within her after all this time, due to the change, a distance between them had formed, their faces are even now hidden from each other, the boy even doubting his love, while the lock n her steering and sealing away the true identity and thoughts of Celestinia, pushing her towards a path she wouldn't even dream of.

They kept trudging forward, the boy being very careful, they were very deep within the jungle, and the beasts here were far beyond his level and control, hence he was making sure that no mistake was being made,

"Go faster!"

Celestinia whined as she hit the top of the boy's head, her annoyance filling her voice but the boy held on, keeping back his feelings on the account of love, which was diminishing as the days go by. Soon under the boy's expert control, they reach upon a closed-off valley, a beautiful waterfall, falling into a small lake.

"This is it!"

Celestinia's excited voice was heard, her hands pushing off the boy as he fell to the ground but she paid no heed as her glance turned towards the opening hidden behind the waterfall, meanwhile the boy dusted himself as he rose up,

"This is the end"

The boy whispered with confidence, seemingly having decided on something, standing up he walked towards Celestinia, standing beside her as he spoke,

"The entrance is behind?"

To his question she nodded her head, eyes focused completely on regaining her powers, the boy noticed it as a sad sigh left his mouth,

"Let's go"

That is all he told as he moved towards the back of the waterfall, Celestinia not finding anything wrong with the situation followed behind him, moving around slowly they walked around the edge of the valley as they soon gazed upon a cave-like opening, where only darkness could be seen, without another word both of them entered and just as they did a sinking feeling filled them twisting, forcing them to close their eyes,

It took a moment before which both of them were able to open their eyes, it was the boy who recovered first as his eyes scanned his surroundings, soon it gazed upon Celestinia who was holding her head,

"Are you alright?"

He asked as he ran up to her, giving his hand to help her, she took it but her attention didn't even last much on him before which she left his hand and her sparkling eyes focused on the two doors before them, leaving him behind without not even a word if he was fine she moved forward, while the boy seeing it clutched his hand, his decision becoming stronger,


He called out to her as he watched her gaze at the two doors before them, one representing a black dragon screaming to the sky while its eyes focused outward, asking for a battle, up above the door stood a sign.


While the second door looked less menacing, it had the figure of a dragon sleeping, its body curled to itself, its face filled with a frown, having a bad nightmare, another word is written on top.


"This is the two trails one can take, one requires you to fight the Dragon God and the other to face your worst fear, with this I will be able to meet"


The boy called out again,

"It better you take the fear challenge because the fight is a sure death for you"


Finally, the boy shouted out, getting the attention he needs, Celestinia looked back, seeing the boy close to her, his face obscured,


She asked back in an annoyed voice, making the boy take a deep breath before which he bluntly spoke,

"Let's break up"


Only a confused voice left Celestinia's mouth as she heard the words she thought she never will,

"What did you say?"

She asked back, not believing but the boy was adamant,

"I love you, I really do but I can't suffer like this anymore, I want a break from you, after this I want us to take a different road, maybe some time away from you will help m-"


An enraged voice left out of Celestinia's mouth, shaking the cave, her sheer anger causing cracks to the lock placed on her, making the boy flinch, he waved his hand as he walked forward,

"No, no, I am not leaving, it's just I want some time alone, I-"


Celestinia screamed with her voice hoarse, her mind muddled, dragons are very possessive, they display their emotions outward and live as such. When they love, they love with everything, and every one of them will only have one partner their whole life, Celestinia's mind was already muddled with the lock and when the boy's words were added to it she lost herself and due to it she made a mistake she couldn't take back,

"Celes, I-"

The boy walked forward to console her but she didn't want to listen, in her angered state she cursed out, a huge crack on the lock on her as she pushed him back, due to the lock weakening a part of her power was let loose, thus causing her attack to be more powerful than she imagined, her hands touched his chest blasting him forth to the door written with the word.......fight.


The world seemed to slow down for Celestinia, the cracking of the seals letting them lose her true self, the memories of what they went through flashing back in her mind, the memory of what she was doing to the person she love was flashing through her mind and now in front of her she watched with hazy eyes as the boy's disbelieving voice echoed out as he blasted into the door disappearing in, a trail of blood blasting from the boys mouth,


Her high-pitched scream sounded out as she ran forward but she could only helplessly watch as the door disappear,

"NO! COME BACK!.....NO!"

The worth of the action she did now setting in, the voice of the boy she loved echoing in her mind, while the disgust she had for herself filled her, Celestinia legs trembled as she crashed to the ground, her body shaking, her breathing becoming erratic,


Her voice was broken, as blood started to flow from her nose and mouth and before she could say anything she fainted, the sheer shock of what happened put her out.

A silence remained the place as Celestinia lay on the ground blood leaking by, before which a beautiful figure appeared beside her, the figure's eyes focused on Celestinia as complex emotions flashed through her,

"I'm sorry my child"

Vena spoke as she took her daughter, eyes now the door that disappeared, a crazy love filling her eyes,

"Come back soon, hubby"

Vena whispered before disappearing.