
The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenixchapter 61: brother is rehearsing in his mind

Watching Lei Wanjun and Wang Shouren leave, Ye Anping finally let go of his worries.

At this moment, his plan to exterminate the ***Seven Slayer*** Sect through someone else's hand had come to an end.

He and Pei Lianxue set aside their relationship with Wu You, and the target was changed to the ***Black Star*** Sect.

All that was left now was to wait for Feng Yu Die to sneak in, take out the spirit stones from the Fort, and divide the loot.

As for what would happen in a few days...

He started rehearsing it in his head.


*Ku Jiuchong, the ***Seven Slayers*** Sect Master, holding a cup of wine and hugging his two concubines, was sitting in the *Fort of Secrets* banquet hall, enjoying the performance of the erotic dancers.*

*Suddenly, there was a "boom-".*

*Ku Jiuzhong thought it was a rainstorm outside, so he didn't care.*

*Then, suddenly, the door to the banquet hall was opened.*

*A guard of the Fort rushed into the banquet hall and shouted. "Master, it's not good!"*

*"What's all this fuss about? Can't you see I'm watching these beauties dance?"*

*"That Feng girl is missing!"*

*"What? Then what are you waiting for? Go and look for her! Can this ninny in the *Qi Refining* stage escape from my invincible Fort?!"*

*Then another guard rushed into the banquet hall and shouted. "Master, it's not good!"*

*"What now?!"*

*"Many white-clothed cultivators have suddenly come above the *Fort of Secrets*, and among them, there's one who looks really powerful, at the *Immortal Ascension* stage!"*

*"What?!" Ku Jiuzhong was terrified but quickly calmed down. "What are you panicking about?! This *Fort of Secrets* was built by ancient cultivators, and it could seal off any spiritual detection, even if an ancient *Void Return* demon comes. As long as we don't open the door, they definitely won't be able to enter."*

*Just as he was speaking, a third guard ran into the banquet hall and looked at the first two guards for a moment before shouting. "Master, it's not good!!!"*

*"What?!" Ku Jiuzhong stomped his feet angrily. "What is it now?"*

*"The outer gate of the Fort has suddenly opened up somehow."*

*At this moment, Ku Jiuzhong would have a thought in his mind: Could it be that Feng girl who did it?*

*But then he would reject the idea again. Impossible! How would that girl know where the Fort's gate control mechanism was? Even if she knew, she wouldn't know how to operate it!*


There might be some differences in the details, but it should be something like this.

At this point, Ye Anping relaxed and stopped thinking about the ***Seven Slayers*** Sect's matters, preparing to rest for a few days before taking his sister shopping. After that, he would also need to prepare for when his sister entered the *Foundation Building* stage.

The door opened again, and Bai Yuexin, who had been kicked out earlier, walked in.

She sat down by the bedside, and she comforted him. "Anping, don't worry about the medical bills. I just saw Elder Wang paying for you. Just recuperate at ease, I'll come to take care of you in the next few days as soon as classes end."


Ye Anping opened his mouth, and just for a moment, he admired her foolish enthusiasm.

However, after thinking about it, he realized that living in Dr. Zhou's clinic actually had some benefits.

This place was located in one of the inner peaks of the ***Black Star*** Sect, and normally, only inner disciples could enter. While he was in the hospital these days, he could also sneak out for a stroll to see if his sister had been slacking off her practice after leaving him.

But he didn't know which peak of the ***Black Star*** Sect she lived on now.

*Oops -- should've asked before.*

*I'll ask around tomorrow...*

Ye Anping sighed, then waved his hand and said, "Sister Bai, I want to sleep now, I'm tired."

"Wait! Drink the medicine first! The elders came over, and you haven't finished it!"


"Come on! Aaah~~~"

Ye Anping opened his mouth reluctantly. "...Ah---"


The sun was setting over the western mountains.

The autumn wind swept through the fallen apricot leaves on the ground, swirling them around.

Alone on the high platform next to the clouds, Xiao Yunluo waved the long sword in her hand, and the collar of her plain white clothes was soaked in sweat.

For so many days, the scene of the attack during the physical examination had been on her mind.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to.

At that time, if it weren't for Feng Yu Die and Pei Lianxue, who pulled her along, she would have been scared to tears.

Xiao Yunluo used to think that fighting others was not a difficult task. As long as she could bring out the techniques she used when sparring with her fellow disciples, winning against an early-stage *Foundation Building* cultivator was not that hard.

However, the truth was that when facing that group of people, her head was like a lump of pasta, her body involuntarily froze on the spot, and even the sword skills that she had practiced to perfection on a regular basis were forgotten.

She couldn't even hold on to her own sword. She let the thousand-year-old black stone sword be snatched by those people, and she hadn't found it yet.

Come to think of it, if her mother knew how useless she was at that time and how she lost the thousand-year black stone sword, she would be completely disappointed in her.

---*The daughter of our Immortal Matriarch is really incompetent.*

---*I heard she almost wet herself when she faced the ***Seven Slayers*** Sect thugs.*


Of course, no one actually said that about her.

Yet it was as if she could hear them.

Xiao Yunluo gritted her teeth and thrust out the long sword in her hand with all her strength. The sword blade was like a dragon breaking through the haze in her mind and charging toward the ginkgo tree trunk beside her.



When the sword shadow flashed across the tree trunk, it broke in two and fell to the ground with a bang.

Xiao Yunluo sheathed her sword and slowed her breathing. After wiping the sweat on her forehead, she took a bottle of pills out of her storage bag, unscrewed it, and poured it into her mouth.

However, no pill came out.

She shook the bottle.

"The Spirit Gathering pills are finished..."

With a sigh, she put the empty bottle back into the storage bag, stepped on her flying sword, and headed for the *Alchemy Hall* on the middle peak.

The Spirit Gathering pills were basically considered the second currency among cultivators, with the first being spirit stones.

Any cultivator below the *Nascent Soul* stage could use it to help cultivate and condense Qi.

Every month, every inner disciple of the ***Black Star*** Sect could go to the *Alchemy Hall* and receive a certain amount of Spirit Gathering pills. The higher their cultivation level, the more they received.

Xiao Yunluo walked to the counter, glanced at the face of the disciple in charge, and asked awkwardly. "Well, Sister Shi... Do I still have a share of this month's Spirit Gathering pills?"

The disciple looked up from her notes, and seeing that it was Xiao Yunluo, a look of disbelief shone in her eyes.


"Hey? My share of the Spirit Gathering pills?" Xiao Yunluo thought that she hadn't heard clearly, so she repeated it, but when she saw her staring with a dumbfounded expression, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Young Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Why did you suddenly ask about the share?" The disciple tilted her head in confusion. "How could the *Alchemy Hall* remember your quota?"

"Before it was different... Until now, I was just the Young Lady, but in a few days, I will be an inner disciple." Xiao Yunluo pursed her lips and replied awkwardly. "People will gossip about me if I get too many."

"Everyone knows you're the Young Lady of the ***Black Star***. Who would gossip about you?"

"Nevermind! Just write it down! I remember that the monthly share of disciples in the *Qi Refining* stage is ten Spirit Gathering pills, right?"

The disciple sighed faintly, then pretended to write down a sum in her notebook and even made a point of reading it out. "Well... Xiao Yunluo, received ten Spirit Gathering pills this month. Noted down. I'll go get them for you."

"Yes, please."

The disciple went to the storage room at the back to get Xiao Yunluo's pills.

Xiao Yunluo leaned on the counter and looked around, and suddenly, she heard a few disciples talking about **Willow Moon Lake**, so she listened to their chat.

---"It happened this afternoon. It seems that the girl who beat Sister Bai in the sword test was kidnapped."

---"That silver-haired girl with the heavenly spirit root, right?"

---"Yes, it's her. Senior Chen said that **Willow Moon Lake** was all blasted into a fish soup and that the ***Hundred Lotus*** Sect's Young Master was there at that time and is now seriously injured... I feel that Elder Lei is most likely going to explode with anger again and then be dispatched to the frontier by the Matriarch..."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunluo was slightly startled, walked over quickly with her eyes wide, and asked, "What?! What are you talking about? Who was kidnapped? Who was seriously injured?"