
Seeing the two fly away, Feng Yu Die gritted her teeth in anger, completely forgetting that there was still a bleeding hole in her left shoulder.

It wasn't until Xiao Tian flew out to remind her, that she took a deep breath and swallowed her anger.

"Yu Die, you have a hole in your shoulder."

Feng Yu Die froze at his words, lowered her head to look at her left shoulder, and seeing that the blood had already dyed half of her shirt red, only then did she feel the sharp pain.

She looked toward Pei Lianxue, thought for a moment, and suddenly sat down on the ground, screaming, "Waaaaaahh!!"

"Ouch! It hurts! I'm dying..."


When Pei Lianxue heard Feng Yu Die's scream, she hurried over, squatted beside her, and reached out to tear off her sleeve and examine her wound.

Seeing this, Feng Yu Die quickly said in a weak voice, "Sister Pei, I think I'm dying. Can you grant me one wish? I've always wanted..."

Pei Lianxue didn't pay attention to what she was saying, but seeing that the hole in her shoulder was quite large, she recalled the trauma emergency treatment method her brother had taught her.

Under normal circumstances, using medicinal pills would definitely be the best method.

Unfortunately, she didn't have this kind of medicine for stab wounds in her storage bag now, but her brother taught her to "disinfect" first and then bandage to stop the bleeding.

So, Pei Lianxue took out the unused jar of salt from roasting the deer, unscrewed the cap, and poured it on Feng Yu Die's wound.

"Bear with it, it might hurt a little."


Feng Yu Die watched her take out a jar and thought it was medicine, so she didn't say anything.

However, at the first yellowish-white pellets sprinkled on her shoulder, a shriek that sounded like a slaughtered pig rang out in the swamp.

But it sounded like killing a coquettish pig.


After that, Feng Yu Die's eyes rolled upward, and she fell to the ground as she fainted.


Pei Lianxue nodded in satisfaction, then tore off a strip of cloth from her shirt and bandaged her up before leaving her there.

She then went to look for Xiao Yunluo.

Xiao Yunluo was crouched in front of the "Second and Third Brothers'" corpses, and it was not clear what she was doing, as she was muttering to herself, saying things like "Go for it!" and "Don't be afraid". Her small hands were quivering, moving back and forth in front of those two's storage bags.

Pei Lianxue stepped forward with a puzzled expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ah?!" Startled, Xiao Yunluo stood up quickly and said, "I just... want to find my sword. These people stole my sword."

"Oh." Pei Lianxue nodded and asked, "Did you find it?"

"Ah... I..." Xiao Yunluo pursed her lips and shifted her eyes awkwardly.

In fact, it was the first time she had seen such a "fresh" corpse and she was afraid!

But she felt it would be humiliating to admit that she did not dare touch their storage bags.

She was the Young Lady of the ***Black Star*** Sect! How could she be afraid of such a trivial matter?

After a moment's hesitation, she said without confidence, "I was worried that there might be traps in these people's storage bags, so I didn't dare touch them."

"Hmm." Pei Lianxue nodded in understanding.

Worried that Pei Lianxue could think she was too cowardly, Xiao Yunluo hastily added. "I'm really not afraid, I'm just worried that there are traps... that is... Elders said, don't go touching other people's storage bags, maybe there are poisonous insects or something inside..."

"How about using your spiritual sense to take a look inside first?"

"Oh... right..."

Xiao Yunluo smiled awkwardly, then clenched her fists and summoned up the courage to send her spiritual sense into "Second Brother's" storage bag to check. Meanwhile, Pei Lianxue started exploring "Third Brother's" storage bag.

Unfortunately, there was nothing inside but some pills and spirit stones.

Seeing that she couldn't find her sword, Xiao Yunluo looked disappointed, and after thinking for a while, she asked, "Besides these two, weren't there two other people who escaped? Could they have it?"

"We'll go back and look for it later." Pei Lianxue pointed at Feng Yu Die lying on the ground and said, "You stay with her for now and call me if you need anything, I'm going to take a stroll in the woods."

"Oh, okay."

After saying this, Pei Lianxue quickly ran toward the nearby forest.

Just now, her brother used an iron whistle to tell her the location of the spell knot, which meant he was here somewhere.

It was fine that Feng Yu Die was knocked out by her now, but in case Xiao Yunluo fell in love with her brother after seeing him, she would have another rival in the future.

So, after walking deeper into the forest and making sure that Xiao Yunluo didn't follow her, she imitated a bird's song, calling out to her brother.



After she called a dozen times without any response, she grimaced in displeasure.

"Where's my brother? He was still here just now..."

After waiting for a while, seeing that her brother did not appear, Pei Lianxue went back.

At this moment, several flying swords flashed in the distance.

Wang Shouren rushed over on his flying sword, accompanied by seven or eight inner disciples.

After seeing the three people and two decapitated corpses below, he frowned, and quickly ordered the other disciples to guard and search the surroundings as he landed.

Initially, Wang Shouren thought they were fighting with another group of people who participated in the selection, but after asking Xiao Yunluo and the others about the situation and checking the two corpses, he was utterly stunned.

***Black Star*** Sect spent millions of spirit stones every year on defensive spell formations. Even a powerful cultivator would never be able to break through the defense easily, but now, several *Foundation Building* cultivators had slipped in unnoticed.

Just as Wang Shouren ordered his disciples to search for the two who had escaped, a thunderbolt suddenly flashed in the sky.

An old man with a white beard and glowering eyes arrived with it.

When Wang Shouren saw him, he immediately cupped his hands and greeted, "Great Elder."

---This person was one of the five Great Elders of the ***Black Star*** Sect, Lei Wanjun, a cultivator in the *Deification* stage.

He swept a glance at the two corpses on the ground and asked angrily, "What happened here?"

"A group of people sneaked into the back mountain and attacked Young Lady and two disciples participating in the selection. There are still two people at large, and I have sent some disciples to hunt them down."

Lei Wanjun turned his head to look at Pei Lianxue and Feng Yu Die and nodded. "I recognize these two. They are the ones who won in the sword test, right?"

"It's them."

Wang Shouren motioned for the three to come forward and pay respects.

Feng Yu Die sensed this was an *Immortal Ascension* bigwig, so she immediately bowed respectfully.

"Greetings, Great Elder..."

The same went for Xiao Yunluo, she cupped her hands and said, "Greetings, Elder Lei."

But Pei Lianxue's style was different. She raised her voice, straightened her body, and shouted loudly, "Greetings, Elder!!!"

This loud voice startled Lei Wanjun, but he didn't feel offended. Instead, he replied with a smile. "You girl, you are so spirited."

"Ah... my brother said to salute louder, hehe..."

Lei Wanjun patted Pei Lianxue's shoulder, then stepped aside, narrowed his eyes, and raised his *sword fingers* slightly.

In an instant, countless thunderclouds appeared out of thin air in the originally cloudless sky.

The thunders rumbled for a while, and then Lei Wanjun waved again.

The clouds in the sky dissipated as if they were an illusion.

"This group of *Foundation Building* cultivators entered the ***Black Star*** Sect without anyone noticing, and then two of them escaped?"

Hearing this, Wang Shouren understood that Lei Wanjun had just swept the ***Black Star*** Sect's back mountain with his spiritual sense, but still couldn't believe it and asked, "They really escaped?"

"If they didn't escape, it means they are able to evade the probing of my spiritual sense. Do you think it's possible, Elder Wang?"

"This... is obviously impossible."

Then, Lei Wanjun walked over to the two corpses and examined them carefully.

"These two rogue cultivators... should be members of the ***Seven Slayers***." He looked at Feng Yu Die and Pei Lianxue and said, "Looks like one of you two has a big bounty on your head."

Feng Yu Die was confused. "Huh?"

"Did you guys mess with anyone?"

Feng Yu Die replied with some uncertainty. "I don't think so... No? "

Lei Wanjun sighed and waved his hand. "Anyway, this matter must not be spread out. As for that ***Seven Slayers*** Sect..."

Thinking about how to solve the matter, he planned to send an elder in a few days to ask the head of the ***Seven Slayers*** to apologize to the two kids, Feng Yu Die and Pei Lianxue, and compensate them with some spirit stones.

However, before he could finish speaking, an inner disciple rushed over in a panic.


"What's the meaning of this thoughtless behavior?" Lei Wanjun glanced at the disciple.

"No... it's not like that!! I found this map in one of those people's storage bags..."

As he said this, the inner disciple knelt down on one knee and handed Lei Wanjun the map of the ***Black Star*** defensive formations that Ye Anping had left in the "Fourth Brother's" storage bag.

Lei Wanjun looked at it, and in an instant, his face, which was supposed to be kind at first, turned terrifying.

Thunder rumbled in the sky---

"This ***Seven Slayers*** Sect is outrageous!!!"

Frightened, Wang Shouren quickly approached and looked at the map in Lei Wanjun's hand. Seeing it, he widened his eyes and sighed in his heart: *'The ***Seven Slayers*** Sect really dares to do anything for money!'*

They actually dared to spy on the defense formations of one of the five Great Immortal Sects, and the most important thing was that they even sent a team to poke around.

The nine marked positions on the map were actually the nine knots of the sect's main defensive formation.

Once this map circulated, this formation would be useless, and anyone would be able to enter and exit the ***Black Star*** Sect at will.

Doing such a thing was no different from declaring war on ***Black Star*** Sect.