
The Author's POVchapter 378: heading to the conference [3]

"Is that my sword?"

My eyes flickered slightly after opening. It took me a couple of seconds for my eyes to recover from the previous bright light.

But the moment I recovered, my eyes focused on the sword that was being dangled in Malvil's hands.

Standing up, I reached out for the sword.

"May I?"

"It's yours."

Malvil handed me the sword.


The moment my hand touched the sword, intense light exploded from it. This time, I wasn't blinded.

Next, my eyes opened up in amazement as I watched the sword in my hand gain a faint green luster. At a single glance, I could see just how powerful the sword was as the mana in the atmosphere agglomerated towards it at terrifying speeds.

The sword was about half a meter in length, glossed in a matt black color, and gazing at its sharp body that made it seem as though it could cut anything, my lips curled up in satisfaction.

"It's pretty light."

I muttered as I focussed my attention back onto the sword and moved my hand up and down to test its weight.

It was a lot lighter than I had originally anticipated.

In fact, it was so light that I thought that was holding onto a feather.

"Try injecting mana into it."

Malvil said from the side. Sitting down on a stool, he rested his arm on the table behind him and nudged his head in my direction.

"Instead of checking it directly, why don't you try seeing for yourself just what the sword can do."

"Inject my mana?"



With a slight nod, I did as Malvil instructed and channeled my mana into the sword.


Another low buzz suddenly sounded. Then, without me noticing anything, the ground beneath me began to creak, as fine miniature crevices started to expand from the bottom of my feet.

"What the..."

After that, my hands which were holding onto the sword started to become heavier as my muscles bulged upwards, trying their best to keep the sword in position.

"What in the world!"

I shouted as I turned to look in Malvil's direction.

"What is going on?"

"Calm down."

With a calm look on his face, extending his hand in my direction, he pointed at the sword.

"That over there is the ability of your sword."

"This? Ability?"

Lowering my head, I focused my attention back on the sword in my hands.

'Is the ability that Malvil is talking about, the ability to change the mass of the sword as I will?'

This ability reminded me of the ability of one of the artifacts that I previously owned.

It was a ring if I didn't remember wrongly. It could change its mass upon changing its settings. I quite liked it too, but unfortunately, it was now long gone as it broke during the explosion that led me to…that place.

Taking a deep breath and stopping my mana flow, the sword in my hand returned to its normal mass and I glanced around the place.

"Let me test this in a different location."

I then turned to face Malvil.

"Do you perhaps have a scabbard?"

"A scabbard?"

"Yeah, I kind of need it…"

The Keiki style could still work without the scabbard, but I was just so used to it by now that it felt weird without it.


Rolling his eyes, Malvil reached out for something in the desk behind him and threw me a black leather scabbard.

"Thank you."

Catching it with one hand, I thanked Malvil.

Then, without saying anything else, I left the workspace and headed out towards a rather secluded area to test out my new sword.

The area that I stopped was quite deserted, and the land was flat. Perfect place to test my new sword.


Putting my new sword into the scabbard that Malvil had just given me, I took a deep breath.

With a thought, the mana in the air converged toward my hand that gripped onto the sword.

As mana started to flow, the sword gradually started to glow and my pants started to feel heavier.

Confirming that it was working, I stopped channeling my mana and the sword once again became lighter.

Taking a step forward, and focusing all of my mana on the tip of my finger, I tapped the grip of the sword.


A clear and crisp sound was heard in the air the moment I touched the grip of the sword.


What followed after that was a loud explosion as the earth before me tore apart and a long line that stretched over the next couple of meters appeared in front of me.

A deep scar that sank at least a meter onto the ground appeared in my vision once the dust cleared out.

"Holy shit."

Staring at the damage, my mouth hung on in shock.

'Was that really something that I did?'

Lowering my head and staring at the sword in my hand, my heart started to beat faster.

Letting out a long breath and stabilizing my heartbeat, I stopped channeling my mana.

'Let me try without using the effect of the sword. Will there be a difference?'


A similar clicking sound rang in the air, but contrary to the previous attack, the ground did not break apart. Instead, a small line appeared in the distance, but that was all.

"The difference is huge…"

F = ma.

This was a formula that I previously thought was useless back when I learned it back in school. That was back then, now...now things were different.

Couldn't be any more grateful for it.

Thanks to the mass increase, accompanied by the acceleration that was brought from the Keiki style, a tremendous force was released from my sword, resulting in such a terrifying attack to occur.

Honestly, the more I thought about it, the fonder I grew of the sword.

It was the perfect fit for me.

"Looks like I've done a pretty good job, huh?"

Startling me out of my thoughts was Malvil's voice.

Turning around, I nodded my head.

"Yeah, it's amazing."


Malvil laughed in satisfaction at my response.

Then, stroking his beard, he tilted his head and extended his hand.

"Give it back."


This time it was my turn to tilt my head as I looked at him in confusion. But seeing just how serious his face was, without wasting any more time, walking in his direction, I handed him the sword.



Taking the sword, Malvil traced his finger over its body.

"Hmm, it looks like I still need to polish it. It's not exactly done. The fact that I had to seal it because of your rank is probably why."

"You sealed it?"

Throwing me a casual glance, Malvil rolled his eyes.

"You think someone like you can handle a sword of this caliber with your rank?"


I shook my head with a bitter smile. He was right.

At my current rank, <B> rank, I wouldn't be able to properly use the sword. Had he not sealed it, the mana consumption would just be too much for me.

On a good note, if it was sealed, it meant that my sword was still not at its fullest capabilities.

Just the thought made my eyes shine.

Focusing my attention back on Malvil, I suddenly thought of something.

"How long do you need to polish it?"

Giving me a long stare, Malvil smirked.

"I know what you're thinking about. Relax, I'll have it done before you leave this place. I'll hand it to you right before you leave."

"Is that so…okay."

It was only after hearing Malvil's words that my shoulders relaxed.

Since I had no idea for how long I would be in the elven domain as well as know when the next time I would be back in Henlour would be, the next time that I would meet Malvil again, years may have passed.

Fortunately, my worries were unfounded.

"Alright, I'll quickly get to work. You should also go back for now."

Hugging onto the sword which was double the size of his body Malvil turned around and headed back in the direction of where his workshop was.

"I'll get it done on time so relax."

"Got it."

I replied back, staring at his small figure slowly going back towards the main building.

'I guess I should start preparing myself as well.'

Once Malvil's figure completely disappeared, looking around the place, I decided to head back and pack up.

My stay in Henlour was coming to an end.


Since then, a week had officially passed and it was now the day I would head out for the elven domain.

"Are you guys ready?"

Standing in front of a large portal, Douglas looked in our direction.

We were nine people in total, him, Waylan, Ava, Hein, Smallsnake, Ryan, Angelica, Leopold, and me.

Originally we were supposed to go with the dwarves, but decided against it and just decided to head there an hour after.

The reason why we decided to head an hour after was because…

"Where in the world is Malvil?"

Ava muttered out loud as she leaned by the side of the wall.

Turning to face Ava, our eyes met and we both bitterly smiled.

"He told me that he'll be done by today."

"That's what he said to me too."

I wasn't the only one that was waiting for Malvil as Ava too was waiting for him.

Having worked on it for over a year now, the flute which I had given to her a while ago was almost completely fixed. Of course, just like my sword, Malvil had sealed it.

That being said, it was now a lot more efficient than before, and not only that, from what Ava told me, it could now even allow her to have more beasts under her control.

This was a massive boost in strength for me.

"He's here."

Just when we were about to directly head to his workshop to find him, in the distance we saw a glimpse of a familiar figure.

Running towards our direction, with sweat all over his face, was a young dwarf.

Instantly, our brows knit.

"Isn't that Malvil's disciple?"

Having seen him multiple times already, we were all able to recognize him instantly.

Running in our direction, his figure looked haggard and tired.

"Typical Malvil, letting his disciple do the heavy work. I feel bad for him. As his leader, and master, he should be more responsible..."

I muttered out loud as pity flashed across my eyes.

It was then that I suddenly felt a pair of eyes burning holes at the back of my head. Turning around, I found Smallsnake glaring daggers in my direction.

"What are you looking at me for?"


Raising his hand and pointing it at me, Smallsnake opened and closed his mouth multiple times, seemingly struggling to get his words out of his mouth.

"Do you have any idea about the words that you've just—"

"Haaa…haaaa…here is your stuff."

But before Smallsnake could even finish his sentence, Malvil's disciple arrived before us, instantly drawing my attention away from Smallsnake.

With heavy breaths, he took out two objects that were wrapped in thin white cloths and handed them to me and Ava.


"Thank you."

"Looks like we're ready."

Douglas said, standing by the portal.

"Since you guys have your stuff, we should get going."

Then, turning around, he proceeded to make his way toward the portal.

"Let's go."


But just before he could enter, Malvil's disciple spoke up.

Instantly everyone looked in his direction.

With all of our eyes focused on him, a bitter smile emerged on his face as he scratched the back of his head.

"Ehm…master told me to go with you."


Silence enshrouded the area around us. Before anyone could say anything else, he continued.

"Master said that I need to check on the two artifacts to see if there are any problems with them."

"I g—"

"Okay, you can come."

Before I could say anything, cutting me mid-sentence, Douglas gave his approval.

Looking at me, he tapped his wrist.

"We don't have much time and one more person won't hurt us, so let's go."


No longer wanting to waste any more time, Douglas directly stepped into the portal and vanished.

Following him was Waylan, and the others who also had no qualms with the sudden addition of Malvil's disciple.

'Well, since everyone is fine with it.'

Shrugging my shoulders, I followed the others into the portal. He may end up being useful.

Finally, the long-awaited conference was about to begin.