
… It must be the voice of hope.

“… Qilin, dodge to the right!”

Trusting the voice instinctively, Xue Qilin watching Phecda approach from the left leaned her head back.

A fireball broke into the lass’s field of vision from the peripheral.

It is a small, a pitifully small fireball. It’s not in the same league as Thunder Flame Dragon No. 3 in terms of power.

Even so, after hitting Shui Yuner’s wrist, it was enough to make the latter become sluggish, enough to allow a gray sword blade containing red intrude between Phecda and Xue Qilin.

The lass recognizes the long sword that saved her life.

It is Sky Apart.

Tilted at a small angle, Sky Apart deflected Phecda.

At the same time, Ye Zhen hurriedly hugged Shui Yuner from behind.

“Qilin, don’t space out! Grab the sword!”

The familiar voice awakened Xue Qilin, who was still in a trance.


Xue Qilin let go of Empyrean Universe, and the large sword fell to the ground.

“Eat my loli kick!”

The lass spun her body, and blueish-white light wrapped around her slender leg.


Shui Yuner finally panicked.

No, it should be said Phecda!

The delicate sole of a a blue embroidered shoe whipped the joint of Shui Yuner’s right wrist, and a violent force penetrated her entire arm.

Crack – the unpleasant sound of bones breaking rang.

Shui Yuner’s right hand suddenly lost all strength.

However, Phecda is still firmly attached to her hand.

“Eat another kick!”

Taking advantage of the reaction force, Xue Qilin changed the direction of the spin, kicking violently from bottom to top.

Phecda’s sword blade was hit, and it finally left Shui Yuner’s hand and shot high into the air.

At the same time, Shui Yuner tilted her head slightly, lost consciousness, closed her eyes, and collapsed. If she wasn’t held by Ye Zhen, she would have fallen on the ground.

Phecda stopped strangely in the air, shaking fiercely.

When Xue Qilin saw this, she realized that she wanted to return to Shui Yuner’s hand again.

“Don’t even think about it! Brat!”

Pulled by the domain, Empyrean Universe that fell on the ground rose into the air and knocked Phecda away.

“Young Ancestor, catch!”


Ye Zhen suddenly tossed Shui Yuner and rushed towards Phecda, who stopped in the air again.

Xue Qilin quickly caught Shui Yuner.

A scent close to that of water entered her nose. The warm, soft sensation from the girl’s body made the lass feel at ease.

After landing on the ground with Shui Yuner in her arms, Xue Qilin immediately looked down and found that Shui Yuner’s eyelashes are trembling slightly, as if she’s just asleep.

“It’s nothing serious…”

Xue Qilin breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s good then!”

A familiar voice sounded next to her ear, which made Xue Qilin suddenly feel moved.

She turned and saw Qi Qiqi, who just so happened to have an expression of relief.

“I already called a doctor.”

Qi Qiqi’s fiery red eyes are resolute.

“Yo yo yo, you made thorough preparations!”

“Who do you think you have before you?”

Qi Qiqi rolled her eyes. However, the smugness at the corners of the girl’s mouth didn’t escape Xue Qilin’s eyes.

“Yes yes yes, our Little Seven is the most reliable.”

Xue Qilin placed Shui Yuner on the ground and laid the girl’s head to her lap.

Sleeping with a peaceful face, Shui Yuner appears not to feel the pain stemming from broken bones.

She must have fainted.

Xue Qilin placed her porcelain hand on Shui Yuner’s forehead.

“What are you doing?”

Seeing the lass’s hand suddenly release gentle white light, Qi Qiqi asked curiously.

Xue Qilin closed her eyes, not replying. When Qi Qiqi saw this, she didn’t pursue it, but just stood quietly aside.

Soon after, Xue Qilin withdrew her hand and breathed out heavily.

“I was checking her soul for damage.”


“Have a guess.”

Qi Qiqi just raised her fist, causing Xue Qilin’s expression to freeze.

“Don’t don’t don’t… everything’s okay! Phecda didn’t seem to do anything to her, she just took over her body. ”

At this time, Ye Zhen came over, holding firmly the struggling Phecda.

“Young Ancestor, I’m going to put Phecda back into the Sword Mound.”

“Wait…” Xue Qilin said lightly, “Give me Phecda.”

“Why do you want it? This is the founder’s sword! No matter what, you can’t…”

“I won’t take her, relax!”

Unconvinced, Qi Qiqi looked at Xue Qilin suspiciously.


“What do I need another sword for?”

Xue Qilin uttered, vexed.

“Okay…” Qi Qiqi turned to Ye Zhen, “Uncle Teacher Ye, give the sword to the Young Ancestor.”

Ye Zhen nodded and gave Phecda to Xue Qilin, expressionless.

The lass held Phecda’s hilt with one hand and stroked the sword blade with the other hand. Phecda calmed down gradually.

After a long silence, Xue Qilin finally spoke.

“Phecda, I can hear you.”

‘… You can hear me?’

A childish voice sounded directly in Xue Qilin’s head.

“Yes, I can.”

‘… You really can?’

Her tone is that of incredulity.

This isn’t surprising.

Phecda is still some distance away from being a complete item spirit. She’s only an embryonic form with a consciousness. Ordinary people simply can’t perceive her existence. If it weren’t for Shui Yuner’s physique, she wouldn’t be able to communicate her either. But Shui Yuner’s physique is beyond rare.

However, Xue Qilin is also able to hear her voice.

‘Don’t put me back there again!’

Phecda pleaded emotionally and sorrowfully.

“Really, I’m actually quite angry. You made such a… But I have to say, I also am responsible… If it weren’t for me, Little Yun wouldn’t have sneaked into the Sword Mount and taken you out.”

Xue Qilin lowered her eyes and spoke lightly, sounding like she is talking about something trivial.

‘I… I’m sorry… I just don’t want to go back there…’

Phecda sounds wronged, like a child scolded by their parents for doing something wrong.

‘Sorry, I’m sorry… I rarely meet someone who can hear me. I really don’t want to go back there again. There, it’s so quiet, dark, cold… Please, don’t make me go back.’

“You can’t become a sword spirit, you know this, right?”

‘I know… I tried various methods. But alas… I still haven’t transformed.’

Xue Qilin nodded.

“I can keep you by my side – I won’t give you to Little Yun, though. I can’t trust you. I don’t want what happened today to repeat.”

‘I’m okay with anyone!’

Phecda’s voice sound’s urgent.

‘I just… want someone to talk to.’

“Yo yo yo, you’re also okay with me?”

Xue Qilin teased.

Phecda was silent. Instead, the sword blade shook slightly, as if nodding.

“That’s good. However, you can’t stay in Phecda sword anymore. This sword doesn’t belong to me. It can only return to the Sword Mound, that’s where it belongs – you can separate your spirit from Phecda sword, can’t you?”


Phecda is very hesitant. Probably because she lived in Phecda sword for a long time, she is reluctant to part with it.

“I have a way to nurture you and make you into a sword spirit.”

Xue Qilin uttered, playing it down.


She felt like a lass’s face with round eyes appeared in front of her.

Is what I said so unconvincing? Xue Qilin rolled her eyes.

“If you don’t believe me, then forget about it.”

‘I believe you, I believe you.’ Phecda is quite excited, but she still remembered to say, ‘But if you lied to me, you will lose your teeth!’

“Okay, I don’t want to eat without teeth anyway!”

Xue Qilin knocked Phecda’s sword blade impatiently.

Then she turned to look at Ye Zhen.

“Is it okay if Phecda stays with me for a few days?”

“Only if the Temple Master agrees.”

Ye Zhen kicked the ball to Qi Qiqi.

Xue Qilin turned her attention to Qi Qiqi.

“Little Seven, what say you?”

“Do as you like…”

Qi Qiqi answered after a moment of thought, and the Xue Qilin snapped her fingers.

“Then it’s settled.”

“I’ll go deal with the aftermath.”

With that, Ye Zhen turned around and left.

After his figure disappeared from view, Xue Qilin picked up Shui Yuner and walked towards the Middle Peak.

“When did you learn Fireball?”

When she was at death’s door, Qi Qiqi was the one who released a fireball that won her a chance to live.

Walking side by side with her, Qi Qiqi’s cheecks flushed like two small red flowers, and she said meekly: “Some, Some… time ago.”

Xue Qilin raised her eyebrows, unhappy.

“Then why didn’t I know of it? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you!”

To some extent, it was really a big surprise… Xue Qilin doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Not only did the girl learn Fireball, but she also saved her.

Qi Qiqi suddenly stopped, and her face darkened.

Realizing that the person walking beside her stopped, Xue Qilin blinked her eyes and asked: “What’s wrong?”

“… Uncle Teacher Liu, what are you going to do?”

Xue Qilin froze, and then sneered.

“It never ends.”

She showed restraint repeatedly, yet the other party is always pushing his luck.

… Even a saint won’t bear it, let alone Xue Qilin who has nothing to do with the word “saint”.

“Shui Yuner has caused a big disaster, she can’t stay in the Merak Temple.”

Qi Qiqi’s tone suddenly became cold. She can’t bear to look straight at Xue Qilin.

What did she say? Xue Qilin looked back at Qi Qiqi in disbelief, not expecting to hear such words coming from the other party’s mouth.

“Not only did she enter the Sword Mound without permission, stole Phecda, wrecked the tournament, and ruined the martial arts ground, but she also hurt the vice-Temple Master and dozens of outer sect disciples. You tell me whether she should be expelled or not.”

An expressionless look in her eyes, Qi Qiqi counted on her fingers and enumerated Shui Yuner’s crimes.

“I’m already giving you face by expelling her.”

“I won’t allow it!”

Xue Qilin frowned.

“So what?”

“I am your senior!”

Qi Qiqi snorted.

“How shameless. Only at this time do you assume the mantle of an ancestors. However, let me tell you, fat chance!”

Qi Qiqi continued overbearingly: “Although you are an ancestor, but I am the Temple Master, I am the one in charge here! If I don’t expel Shui Yuner, how do I explain this to the forefathers? How do I explain this to the disciples of the Merak Temple?”

An obscure fire lit up inside her, and Xue Qilin uttered in anger.

“If you insist on expelling Shui Yuner, then I’ll…”

Xue Qilin couldn’t voice the latter part of the sentence.

Qi Qiqi showed a disconsolate and disappointed look, which was like a bucket of cold water poured onto Xue Qilin’s rage.

“Then you’ll what? Say it. Will you leave the Merak Temple?”

Qi Qiqi’s senses are very sharp under such circumstances, as if she can see through people’s hearts.


A bitter expression on her face, Xue Qilin is left speechless.

She did want to say this just now.

However, after calming down, she became ashamed.

She forgot Qi Qiqi, forgot Luo Qing, forgot Xia Xue, forgot Gong Tianqing – she forgot these most important people she once called “family”.

“… Sorry.”

Qi Qiqi’s expression became colder.

“Either the Merak Temple or Shui Yuner, choose one.”

As if she became another person, estrangement permeates her tone.


Xue Qilin is in a bind. Whether it is the Merak Temple or Shui Yuner, she doesn’t want to abandon either of them.

However, she knows that she might lose both if she doesn’t make a choice.

After much consideration, she came to the answer…

“I want both!”

Qi Qiqi looked askance at the lass and sneered.

“You really are overbearing…”

Speaking till here, she suddenly switched gears.

“Well, it’s actually not impossible.”

Qi Qiqi extended her index finger.

“But there are conditions.”

“What conditions?”

“First, you have to cover all the damage out of your pocket! Your monthly allowance will be reduced from 5 to 1 silver tael!”

“Wait a moment! This is not my fault!”

My allowance is the lowest in the Merak Temple’s inner temple to begin with, and now you want to reduce it? Xue Qilin released a sad cry.

“The Teacher sharing half of the disciple’s debt is a matter of course! Shui Yuner’s allowance will also be reduced!”

Qi Qiqi’s heartless words left Xue Qilin speechless.


After hearing Qi Qiqi’s second request, Xue Qilin was taken aback for a while.

It was act just now in order to make Xue Qilin agree to her second request.

She got played! It took a bit of time for Xue Qilin to understand it.

“Little Seven, when did you become so clever?”

“Why, do you want to eat a fist?”

Qi Qiqi arched her eyebrows and waved her fist, and Xue Qilin shivered.

“No no no!”

“Then do you agree or not!”

Qi Qiqi hasn’t put away her fist yet.

“Fine, I agree!”

Helpless, Xue Qilin can only agree to her request.

This little vixen! Seeing Qi Qiqi smile smugly, the lass gritted her teeth.