
The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunterchapter 177: preparations for the grand festival (1)

༺ Preparations for the Grand Festivals (1) ༻

The sun rose early in the morning at Märchen Academy.

As the red sun peeked over the horizon, heralding the dawn. I woke up my weary body and prepared for the day.

I started the day with a morning run. Just like how I used to recite legal texts in my head when I was a law student, I reviewed what I studied the night before by going through it in my head while jogging.

After jogging, I looked up the things I couldn’t remember in my book. This method was very effective for memorization.

Since I maximized my [Learning Efficiency], it felt strange that I could study well even when I was exhausted. If I had this body in Korea, I would have easily passed the three major Korean national examinations.

I took a shower and walked out naked. The shower facilities in Elma Hall, a middle-high-ranked dorm, were of much better quality than my previous dorms.

As I wiped my soaked silver-blue hair with a tower, I stood in front of a full-length mirror and looked at my body. Sure enough, I felt taller. My proportions were better than before.

The baby form of Frost Dragon Hilde was rolling around on my desk. It was a non-verbal signal for me to pet her, so I touched her belly and she let out a cute ‘uhh’ sound. She was just like a dog. No, let me rephrase that. She was like a puppy.

I changed into my school uniform. As I tied my necktie, I felt a slight pressure on my neck.

It had been a while since I graduated from high school, but after staying at the academy for over a year, I got used to wearing a uniform again.

I walked out of Elma Hall and was greeted by Luce Eltania at the front gate. Her beauty and reputation attracted the attention of many students.

On days when her training at the Magic Tower didn’t overlap, we usually went to school together.

I responded to Luce’s usual greeting, ‘How’s the weather today?’ and we headed to the Magic Department building together.

We entered our respective classrooms and prepared for class.

I was holding a magic tool. It was essential to practice my mana mastery in my spare time. In the meantime, I focused on improving my magic proficiency by calculating various formulas in my head.

Calculating magic formulas was quite tiring, and I often got headaches and felt exhausted in the beginning. It was a symptom of overusing my brain. But I was used to it now, so it was fine.

“Appear like the wind, Professor Daisy.”

Daisy, the second-year Class B Professor, swung the classroom door open and entered. It was a noisy entrance that didn’t look like the wind to anyone.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})Several students looked surprised as if they hadn’t gotten used to her yet.

I placed my magic tool under my desk and turned to face Professor Daisy.

“Before we start the class, let me make an announcement.”

Professor Daisy slammed a textbook down on her desk.

She looked around the students with a serious face. She seemed to pause to gauge their reaction.

At this time of year, everyone knew there was an event about to take place. However, it wasn’t decided yet whether the plan would proceed, so the students were skeptical.

This was due to the numerous events that had occurred since last year. Demons had been appearing unexpectedly, after all.

Everyone wanted to enjoy a big event, but they were well aware that they should refrain from festivals and events. It was always a pity for the students.

The students looked at Professor Daisy with anticipation and worry.

Tension filled the room and the students swallowed dryly. Professor Daisy was really taking her time.

And then.

Professor Daisy huffed and exclaimed in a powerful voice.

“Rejoice! In three weeks, it has been decided that the ‘Jeblem’ Grand Festival will be held!”


The students erupted in cheers at the long-awaited good news.

The male students stomped their chairs and roared, and the female students squealed ‘Kyaaah!’ and let out strange noises that were a mix of cheers and screams.

The classroom turned into a frenzy of excitement as the students celebrated in different ways.

I didn’t celebrate since I already knew about it. I just sat quietly and watched them rejoice.

Professor Daisy nodded in satisfaction, clearly pleased with their reaction.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})Grand Festival.

The Grand Festival was called ‘Jeblem’. It was an event that took place once every three years.

According to the scriptures of the Helize Church, the Grand Festival was created by humans, who had no way to repay the grace of the Lord, Manhalla, intending to provide the deity with a pleasant spectacle.

In short, it was like the Olympics. The Jeblem would be held on a grand scale in the Zelver Empire. A splendid festival would commence.

Since it would be scaled down here at Märchen Academy, it would be more appropriate to call it a ‘sports festival’.

The Principal and the faculty must have agreed to hold the Jeblem recently.

‘To boost the students’ morale.’

They must have strongly pushed for it.

Canceling all events would only demoralize the students.

Märchen Academy, which had developed a detailed defense system, decided to carry on with some events to boost student morale.

And with Emperor Carlos on their side, they didn’t have to worry about finances because of the demon issue.

There shouldn’t be much difficulty in holding the festival.

‘It was supposed to be held anyway.’

Chapter 8 of ❰Magic Knight of Märchen❱「The Priestess of the Red Lotus」, took place during the Grand Festival.

Incidentally, Alice Carroll, the Student Council President, knew that the event would take place. The Clover Paladin also used that information to concoct a scheme to fight me.

With the Paladin’s involvement, I had more formidable opponents to be wary of.

However, their appearance wasn’t necessarily a detriment. Although I couldn’t read Alice’s psychology, I could read the Paladin’s psychology who were receiving her orders.

In other words, this meant that I would indirectly infer Alice’s plans and orders. Which was convenient.

“Everyone, quiet.”

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})The students turned to face Professor Daisy with smiles on their faces. They were quiet, but they couldn’t hide their delight.

“Although the decision was delayed, I believe that three weeks is enough to prepare for the Grand Festival. Now, we will start recruiting participants for each event. Since every student must participate in at least one event, don’t hesitate to apply for the event you’re interested in.”

She was talking about recruiting participants for the sports event.

Professor Daisy wrote the information on the board.

The chalk, imbued with magic, carved letters on the board in colors that she chose, and when she infused magic on parts she wanted to emphasize, it shimmered for emphasis.

Watching that scene, I thought about the Clover Paladin’s plan.

‘It’s so childish.’

He saw my anger when White was beaten by the Priestess. The Clover Paladin used that element to plot his selfish scheme.

The list of participants for each event would be made public to everyone at the academy during the Grand Festival. The Student Council President could check that information in advance.

The Four Paladins would be given that information beforehand in their quest to find the Black Monster.

With that, the Clover Paladin would confirm which event White would participate in and lure another student in the same event into an accident.

Then, he intended to take that student’s place in the event. The reason he’d built up a good image with the students was to take advantage of such situations.

‘Since he got hurt, I will participate instead.’ Imagine a tall, athletic, handsome, and sociable alpha male making such a touching statement.

The students, especially the girls, would be supporting him with tears of joy.

And he had every intention of hurting White during the Grand Festival.

Since it was a sport, I could only watch in silence if White got hurt. That was how the Clover Paladin wanted me to build up my anger.

‘After all, the Grand Festival sports mainly involve participants clashing with each other.’

For example, sports like soccer, ice hockey, or rugby. Not that such sports were actually played, but it implied that physical confrontations were inevitable.

In the end, on the last day of the Grand Festival, the Clover Paladin planned to secretly convey to me that ‘I intentionally hurt White’, aiming to direct my anger towards him.

He must have thought that would lead to a real fight between us.


Will I let his childish intentions come to pass? Obviously not. I have no intention of letting White get hurt again.

I decided to use that opportunity to my advantage.


Upon reaching the corner of the Butterfly Garden, I saw a goddess sitting leisurely against a zelkova tree out in the sun.

She tipped her witch’s hat and smiled brightly at me. Her halo was dazzling.

“Oh, President!”


Dorothy jumped up to greet me.

She was so pretty. I scurried over to her.

“Did you have lunch yet? You’re here early.”

“I just had a quick bite! President, what event did you choose for the Grand Festival?”

“The arc ball race.”

“Me too! We’re in sync!”

Dorothy showed her pearly white teeth and let out her signature laugh, ‘nihihi.’

‘Arc ball race.’

It was a race to chase a shiny ball called an ‘arc ball.’ It was called the Flower of Jeblem, so it was the most popular and large-scale event.

Well, it was called a race, but it was practically a battle for possession.

Originally, I would have participated in a simple event and waited until the shadow demon appeared, but because of the Clover Paladin, I deliberately chose to participate in the arc ball race.

The last time I spoke to White, she said that she would participate in the arc ball race if the Grand Festival proceeded normally.

When I bumped into White at Orphin Hall earlier, I asked her and she confirmed that she was participating as planned.

Well, who would dare stop a princess from joining the arc ball race?

Of course, due to the limitation on the number of participants, we had to select dropouts through a simple bet among the participants. Thanks to my [Psychological Insight], I easily won the bet.

It was a dirty trick, but I was sure the participants would be convinced if they heard that it was ‘to protect the Princess.’

By the way, because Classes B and C had many students, they were divided into groups. Tristan ended up in our group, and he was absolutely livid that he couldn’t fight me.

“That’s how much you wanted to play with me, President?”

Dorothy tilted her head and asked playfully.

A joke deserved a joke as a response.

“Speaking of which, aren’t you too fond of me, Senior? Even copying my event.”

“Nehehe, what are you talking about? I’ve always been independent.”

“Well, I can’t imagine you without me. How would you survive in this harsh world without me?”

“I’d be just fine. As long as I have chicken, I’m fine!”

“That’s reassuring.”

I responded with a joke and walked toward the center of the Butterfly Garden. I couldn’t keep playing around with Dorothy.

“…Hey, President.”

Dorothy spoke as if she remembered something, and I stopped and turned to look at her.

“You know I’m kidding, right?”


She still had her naturally graceful smile, but somehow, there was a hint of seriousness in her cheerful voice.

‘I was just kidding…’

What’s with her reaction?

Of course, I knew. To Dorothy, I was someone of importance in my own way.

Perhaps that was why Dorothy didn’t want to imagine a world without me, even as a joke.

“…Senior, you did want to be with me, didn’t you? That’s cute.”

“Nihihi. You’re so cheeky, President!”

It immediately lightened the mood.

Dorothy and I looked at each other and laughed heartily.


Orphin Hall. Magic Department Class A for first years.

As the sun was setting.

Priestess Miya sat alone in the empty classroom, quietly looking out the window. The academy grounds were filled with students after hours, each doing their own thing.

Miya twisted her braided hair, trying to organize her thoughts.

In this academy, she couldn’t always be on top. That fact was infuriating her.

Luce Eltania. How could she win her over? She seemed utterly indifferent to wealth and honor. She was completely different from the people that Miya was familiar with.

Isaac. How could she been bested by that bastard? He was just a lowly commoner with no credibility. But he did not show fear, as if he didn’t care whether or not Horan was targeting him.


Suddenly, Miya grabbed a fistful of her hair.

Isaac. Issac. What the hell is that man?

Why did she have to come all the way here, why did she have to react so sensitively over a lowly commoner?

It was his fault. The root of her deep-seated emotions was because of that person.

Anger flashed in Miya’s eyes. Her veins were throbbing on her forehead.

She wanted to punish Isaac harshly and make him pay for infuriating her to this extent.

But she couldn’t.

It was obvious she couldn’t just go and punish him at any time. If she were to get expelled, all the thrilling opportunities for love, recruiting talents, and everything else Miya wanted would vanish into thin air.

So, at this moment, Miya secretly harbored thoughts of brutally tearing Isaac apart.

It was then that a knock on the door resounded.

Startled, Miya quickly turned to the door. The act of knocking in a classroom, as if it were a private room, disrupted Miya’s thoughts.

Soon, Miya found the answer. The person who knocked must have known that Miya was alone and wanted to come in.

Which cocky bastard is it?

Miya was on guard.

The door opened slowly. Miya’s eyes widened as soon as she saw the female student who entered.

Her golden hair shone brightly in the sunset streaming through the window. She was beautiful and enchanting.

Miya swallowed a gasp, recalling the memories from the duel evaluation.


Alice Carroll greeted her with a gentle smile.