
༺ Mentor Isaac (7) ༻

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. I remember being grandly rejected by Sir Isaac here.”

“It wasn’t a rejection…”

“Hehe, just kidding~.”

When the twilight slowly settled in.

Kaya and I visited Norhan Lake, located in Josena Forest near the gates of Märchen Academy, for the first time in a while.

The lake, with its natural mana flowing gorgeously, was emitting its clear and vivid colors as always.

We could have done the discussion in a hideout not so far from here, but we decided it would be better to come to a place filled with memories.

Kaya and I sat at the tree stump and admired the beautiful lake. We could hear the sound of water flowing and the buzzing of insects.

It atmosphere here was still amazing.

“So, what’s the thing you have problems saying?”

“Ah, yes. That is…”

Kaya awkwardly smiled and twirled her hair with her fingers.

“…The more I think about it, the more I feel it’s not the right time to say it. May I speak after you have achieved your goal?”

Seeing my face, Kaya seemed to waver in her resolve and changed the subject.

Indeed, it made sense. What Kaya wanted to suggest to me was technically a family meeting, but since even the steps before that hadn’t been properly taken care of, it would be too soon.

I decided to pretend like I didn’t know and I reacted accordingly.


“I feel it’s too premature to speak now. I’m sorry, but… if someday you could set down your heavy burden, and if I’m seen as a woman by you, Sir Isaac… would it be okay to tell you then?”

That’s a lot of hints.

I took it as Kaya just laying the groundwork for something more. I’d act surprised when she got to the main point later.

I sighed lightly, feigning disappointment with a kind smile as I patted Kaya’s head.

“It’s okay if it’s hard to say. Speak when you feel like it.”

“…As expected, Sir Isaac, you are very understanding. It would have been too frustrating for me to bear it.”

Because I already know what you want to say.

I wasn’t a particularly forgiving or generous person. If I hadn’t known, I would have pressed the issue out of frustration.

As soon as I tried to take my hand off of Kaya’s head, she quickly caught it and rubbed it against her cheek. She closed her eyes, seemingly enjoying the touch of my hand.

“One thing I can confidently say is that…”

Kaya let out a suggestive smile.

“I am always ready to be Sir Isaac’s woman. This body, my heart, all of me belongs to Sir Isaac…”

She was going along with the mood, seemingly intent on seducing me again. She did that whenever she got a chance.

Did she come up with this cheesy line during the holidays?

From my past readings of her psychology, she was determined to seduce me relentlessly until my journey at Märchen Academy was finished.

I could almost see Kaya’s original personality screaming in agony right about now. She must be ignoring that desperate scream.

“…Sorry, but as I’ve said before, I’m not in a position to be in a relationship yet.”

“Of course, I know~. But once Sir Isaac’s intentions are realized, then it will be time for me and Sir Isaac’s rendezvous, right? I bet you can’t even begin to imagine how much I’m looking forward to that moment.”

Kaya, with a beaming smile, took my hand that had been rubbing her cheek and placed it on her chest, as if to let me feel her heartbeat.

“I like you, Sir Isaac. It will always be so… please never forget that.”


Being human, hearing such words made my face flush.

I tried to maintain my facial expression, but I too was reminded of my own manhood.

“…How could I forget that?”

My lips quivered in response to Kaya’s seductive provocation, seemingly because my affection for her had reached its limit.

“By the way, what was it that you wanted to say, Sir Isaac?”

“It’s about a strategy meeting.”

“…Is it about the demons?”

Kaya guessed the meaning of my answer and her expression turned serious.

I nodded my head.


Suddenly, Kaya hugged my arm and rested her cheek on my shoulder. I could feel the softness of her chest against my arm.

Her expression was still serious, which didn’t match the bold behavior typical of lovers.

“Please explain.”

“…What are you doing?”

“It’s a bit chilly, don’t you think? If we’re going to have a strategy meeting, isn’t it better to stay like this? Humans are social animals and this is social behavior.”

“Is that so…”

How shameless…

I was dumbfounded, but since it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, I let it pass.

I shared the information about The Abyssal Sea Monster’s appearance with Kaya during the joint practical evaluation and discussed with her how to deal with it safely.

And when we finished talking and were about to part.

Kaya, expressing sadness, kissed my cheek several times and asked to stay a bit longer, hugging me tightly for a while.

Only after I barely managed to pull away was I able to send her back to the dorm.

…It was a healing experience.

The chirping of sparrows announced the morning.

The morning sunlight pierced through the silk curtains, brightening the dorm for top-ranked students, Charles Hall.

On the bed, Kaya Astrea slowly opened her eyes. Her jade-colored irises captured the familiar ceiling in her view.

She laid there impassively for a while…

Suddenly, the memories of the previous day struck Kaya like an arrow.


Kaya coughed up blood and then trembled violently.

“Kill… me…”

The more she dwelled on what she had said to Isaac, and her attempts to seduce him…

Kaya clutched at her chest in agony and writhed in her bed.

─‘I am always ready to be Sir Isaac’s woman. This body, my heart, all of me belongs to SIr. Isaac…’


─‘I like you, Sir Isaac. It will always be so… please never forget that.’

“Stop… Stop it…!”

─‘It’s a bit chilly, don’t you think? If we’re going to have a strategy meeting, isn’t it better to stay like this? Humans are social animals and this is social behavior.’



The door swung open and Mary, the Astrea family’s personal maid with purple hair, hurried in.

“Miss Kaya! What’s the matter?! Huh!”

“Mary… please… take away my breath… please…!”

“Lady Kaya?!”

Kaya felt like dying of shame.


In a shabby warehouse adorned with triangular gables, Abel Carnedas listened intently.

The abandoned warehouse was located somewhere in Josena Forest, near the main gate of Märchen Academy.

In front of him, kneeling on one knee, was a small ant made of turquoise-colored natural mana.

Its voice was very small, fitting its size. Moreover, being a magic beast that had not yet reached maturity, its linguistic ability was not even comprehensible.

But Abel understood the words of the magic ant. He could perceive its emotions and thoughts.

“Being able to use 1-star magic already is amazing! According to my logical analysis, you have the potential to become a fully-fledged rock element magic beast capable of using 3-star rock magic within ten years.”

The ant raised its forelegs and its eyes sparkled. It was a tiny gesture, smaller than a segment of a finger.

Abel, a boy with mischievous gray-blue hair, smiled brightly.

“Of course, I know. I have a deep understanding of magic beast ecology. What’s that, you ask? It’s a field of study about creatures like you. So, you can completely trust what I say… Ah, what time is it?”

He had lost track of time while talking with the magic ant.

Abel took out a pocket watch from inside his clothing to check the time. The mysterious face of the watch, shimmering with a golden hue, had a strangely shaped hour hand ticking away.

“…My goodness.”

Could his eyes be deceiving him? Abel rubbed his eyes and looked at the pocket watch again, starting to sweat profusely.

“Are you able to move now?!”

The ant nodded.

“It’s a shame we can’t talk more! I have somewhere I need to be…!”

Abel hurriedly slung the bag he had placed beside him over his shoulder.

“Then, let’s meet again next time!”

With that, Abel dashed out of the abandoned warehouse.

Reflecting on the situation,

Abel Carnedas had stopped by Josena Forest early in the morning to converse with small magic beasts formed from natural mana.

He had heard the crying of the ant in the abandoned warehouse.

So he went inside and, after casting a healing spell to accelerate the natural recovery of the injured ant, had a pleasant conversation with it.

It couldn’t be helped. To him, young magic beasts were very endearing.

Abel glanced at his pocket watch and ran down the verdant path.

“Ah, I’m going to be late…!”

In Märchen Academy, where only the most talented students gathered, he could not bear the disgrace of being the first freshman to be late, especially being from the Carnedas family.

Abel ran as if his life depended on it.


“Merlin! This is the highest quality parchment for practicing magic circles! The pen marks show up so well on it that it’s much more effective for learning than other parchments! It cost about 500 gels, but it’s worth it, right?”

“Merlin! This is a magical herb said to help increase mana! If you brew and drink this, the amount of mana you can wield will grow rapidly! It costs the equivalent of three weeks worth of meals, but it’s worth it, right?”

“Merlin! This is…”


Lately, Merlin had developed a problem.

White’s spending habits… have become too excessive…!

The joint practical evaluation was coming up soon. White had been fervently training in preparation for the exam.

Whenever possible, White was swayed by merchants’ sweet talk and ended up buying anything and everything claimed to help with training.

“With this much, I’m all set~. I’ll easily pass the next exam. Senior Isaac will be so surprised when he sees how much stronger I’ve suddenly become! Heehee.”

It was just a few days ago that White had said those words. She was looking forward to a future brimming with bright light and hope.

But today, White’s expression was tinged with worry.

Noon. In front of Orphin Hall, the Magic Department lecture hall, on a bench.

White had been repeatedly making remarks about the nice weather in every conversation since earlier, saying things like, ‘The weather is nice,’ ‘The weather is good,’ etc. Merlin knew that White tended to talk about the weather when she had a secret she wanted to hide.

Merlin wasn’t sure whether it was appropriate to ask such a question to White, who had resolved to become more independent.

Merlin felt that she had to ask.

“Princess White, how much gel do you have left…?”

“What?! gel? Oh, I have plenty left!”

White responded dramatically.

Her eyes betrayed her turmoil.

“Ah, I still have, enough, enough to last until the next exam!”

The quake in her eyes gradually spread throughout her body.

Merlin instantly realized that it was a lie born out of embarrassment.

Befitting her status as a Princess, the concept of ‘rational spending’ had not yet taken root for White.

It seemed that her financial situation was… not very good.

Merlin kept quiet, not wanting to tarnish White’s declaration of self-reliance and her dignity.

After all, living within one’s means according to their current income level was an important task for fostering independence.

Merlin decided to just watch and see if White could navigate through her current problem.

* * *

As mentioned before, to obtain a specific item from The Abyssal Sea monster, the demon from ❰Magic Knight of Märchen❱ Act 7, there was a hidden condition.

If that condition was met, one could obtain a magic weapon called ‘Ring of the Abyssal Queen’.

I planned to give that ring to Luce.

The only problem is that the ring had to be worn on the ring finger of the left hand to take effect…

“How should I give it to her…”

The sky was darkly stained at night. I was jogging down the street lit by glowing stones in the street lamps, lost in thought.

For now, one task has been accomplished.

A few days earlier, I had placed a cube filled with corrupted dust, which granted [Domain Expansion], on Ian’s usual path.

As he passed by, I lightly burst it with a pre-prepared spell.

At that moment, the corrupted dust seeped into Ian. He was flustered and confused.

Thus, he became capable of deploying a light element domain. It was a crude method, but also fitting.

However, I was still troubled about how to give the ring to Luce.

Luce was sharp. A clumsy lie would be worse than not saying anything.

The joint practical evaluation day, the appearance of The Abyssal Sea Monster was coming soon. I needed to resolve this problem quickly…


Suddenly, I noticed a girl in a school uniform, standing dazed and drooling in front of a small unmanned shop run by magic tools. She was a student whom the term ‘pure white’ seemed naturally fitting.

Her gaze was fixed on the display case.

I stopped and tilted my head, examining her face closely.


Indeed, it was Snow White.

What’s she doing here? And where’s Merlin?


“Ah, Senior Isaac?!”

As I approached and spoke to her, White was startled and looked at me.

She hurriedly wiped the drool from her mouth, making a flustered sound.

“What were you doing?”

“Oh, nothing…?”

White awkwardly smiled and waved her arms vehemently.

I looked at the unmanned store’s display case. There were simple food items like bread inside.

It was a device similar to the unmanned stores used in last semester’s hunting evaluation, essentially a vending machine that dispensed food in exchange for gels. Its appearance was quite crude.

Soon after,



A loud hunger alarm sounded from White’s stomach.

Tears welled up in White’s eyes as she continued to smile awkwardly.

Overwhelmed with unbearable sadness, she expressed her true feelings in a tearful voice.

“Senior Isaac… I’m hungry… Sob…”


…It seems like she has been through a lot.