
(EP-185.1) Own place #1

185 – Each in their own place #1

There are only a few days left until the trial.

With people from all over the world flocking to witness the rare fight, Ark’s atmosphere was bustling.

The vacant dorms were now filled to capacity, and strangers chattered in unknown languages on every street.

━The execution of the Queen’s assassin is on the day after tomorrow, right?

━I’m looking forward to it! So, do you know who’s going to be the Queen’s champion?

━Don’t be surprised, but they say that Angmar’s Demon Monk is stepping forward!

Voices of anticipation reached my sensitive Half-Fairy ears. In my eyes, various placards and flags were being displayed all around.

「Trial By Combat Venue – Temporary Arena on the 1st floor of the main building.」

The place, date and the participants of the trial were written there.

There was really not much time left.

Seeing my name being written made me slightly dizzy and my steps felt light, like walking through clouds.

To think that I, who always prioritized my own safety, would voluntarily enter such a dangerous duel.

However, this was my opponent’s condition, the Villain Hunter.

If I could personally show a satisfactory fight, he would agree to give up the match and accept going to the barrier.

Also, dueling him was a surefire way of quickly improving my magic. In hindsight, despite the risks, it didn’t go against my principle of survival-first.

Then someone suddenly grabbed my ear.


“Well, aren’t you looking relaxed?”

It was Elga, who was walking with me. She seemed more tense than I was, considering the quickly approaching decisive moment.

“Are you that confident?”


Hearing such, I solemnly answered, while tending to my swollen ear.

“I have a way. Don’t worry, I don’t intend on making Elga-nim a young widow.”

“What, what widow-”

Elga snorted, turning her head away. Still, I could tell that she was worried about me in her own way.

My child was inside Elga’s belly right now. I didn’t want them to grow up without a father. Because I knew better than anyone the reality of not having one.

… No, Elga was an only daughter from a wealthy family. Wouldn’t she remarry?

The image of me dying, and Elga remarrying someone else to raise the child, came to my mind. She was happily enjoying life with the insurance money she received after my death.

Suddenly, I felt intense anger, as if horns were growing on my forehead…

“Elga-nim, if I happen to die, would you remarry?”

“… What? Are you seriously saying such trash!? Hwak, chi!”

Elga clenched her fist.

Aigo~, I thought I was about to receive another smack, but surprisingly, her fist didn’t fly towards my head. On the contrary, she relaxed it, eventually turning loose.

“… You’re not going to die in a place like this. Didn’t you talk about reviving your family or something? Ambitions and all that… If you’re going to die, die splendidly and gloriously. Don’t die like a dog in someone else’s battle!”

“That’s true.”

Even the not-so-honest Elga was, in her own way, cheering me on. We were on the same boat now, so if I were to die, Elga would have a hard time as well. She might even mourn and weep.

Thinking about such, it felt infuriating and sad. I didn’t want to see Elga crying as she embraced my tombstone.

‘I should have done better while I had the chance!’

Of course, I wouldn’t let that happen.



At that moment, Elga handed me something. It was a small ribbon tied with beautiful golden threads.

“What’s this?”

I checked it out, as Elga brushed her slippers against the ground.

“It’s a charm.”

“A charm?”

“Look, it’s just…. The girlfriends or fiancées of soldiers who go to the battlefield often make these for them. I don’t believe in this stuff. But you might need it, so I’ll borrow whatever power a charm has.”

Now that I looked closely, a part of Elga’s lush hair, which got tied back, was roughly cut. It seemed like she had cut her own hair to make the charm.

Although she always acted bristly, she was still thinking of me… How moving…

“I don’t have anything immediate to offer in return. Shall we go into that cozy place over there?”

“… What did you say!”

Elga deeply blushed and got embarrassed. She probably picked up on my innuendo.

“I’m kidding~.”

Of course, I was just joking. Elga was in her early pregnancy after all.

It was a time to calm down in many ways.

Elga frowned and grumbled.

“You always find a way to poke fun at me, don’t you?”

* * *

I met Mirna Draco with a large bump on my head, which had yet to subside.

“Is it Miss Mirna?”

Seeing Young Lady Draco after a long while felt nice.

It was a peculiar feeling.

When I first met Lady Draco, I thought she was just a strict and picky person.

However, as we spent time together and faced various challenges, I found myself growing fond of them both. It was just like how a dry handkerchief soaked in moisture in the air, I, too, got soaked in warmth.

Initially, I had no intention of attaching anything like affection to the people of this world. But leaving the palace life had brought about many changes.

Pushing aside the bubbling emotions, I greeted Mirna.

“It’s been a very long time. Have you been well?”

Edited by: faker