
Oracle of Goddess (2)

Staring at Ryu Han-bin, the Templar Lords stepped back.

“I can’t believe you’re from Earth……?”

“Your name is Ryu Han-bin?”

“Are you an Alien?”

However, there were no people who rushed to pull out the sword.

Such a rash person could not even rise to the status of Templar Lord.

Han-bin was surprised at the moment, but he still looked at the situation calmly.

Staring at Ryu Han-bin, the Templar Lords stepped back.

“I can’t believe you’re from Earth..?”

“Your name is Ryu Han-bin?”

“Are you an Alien?”

However, there were no people who rushed to pull out their weapons.

Such a rash person wouldn’t even be able to rise to the status of Templar Lord.

Han-bin was surprised, but he still looked at the situation calmly.

After a while, Sabine Asil, the Althea Templar Lord, relaxed.

Castalo II, the saintess Sermen, and Leon Hart, Kybriel’s Templar Lord, all kept their calm.

“I think you all know that.”

Others, however, seemed to have suspicions still.

“Are you sure we can trust him?”

“The incarnation of Darkness said that but…”

“The incarnation is the will of the Goddess, not the wisdom of the Goddess…”

They didn’t doubt the authenticity of Kibie.

But she was at the moment wearing a human body.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"}) She could misjudge someone since she’s no longer a Goddess.

Kibie reassured everyone.

“There is no reason for you to be worried. He is the helper of Kybriel, chosen by the wisdom of the Goddess.”

When choosing Ryu Han-bin, she devoted all her remaining power as a Goddess.

In other words, it was not the incarnation of Kibie but the Kybriel of Darkness who had chosen him.

Indeed, the faces of the Templar Lords had become noticeably brighter.

It wasn’t until the truth had been revealed that they could trust the gigantic Alien.

“Forgive us for our disrespect.”

“Forgiveness is the will of Kybriel.”

Kibie, who was continuing her serious tone of speech, suddenly smiled.

It was a playful expression of beauty.

“Then that’s it to deliver the message of Kybriel.”

Like high-ranking priests, the other Templar Lords understood the meaning.

They stopped respecting the Goddess and stood before the incarnation.

“Okay, Kibie.”

“But it’s amazing.”

“Isn’t it necrosis that the Goddess has chosen an Alien as your apostle?”

Palmer, the Yessen Templar Lord, looked back at Leon Hart.

“Leon Hart, do you trust them?”

Though they had seen proof of the incarnation, the Alien and the Dragons all part of the team. There might be doubts in the corner of their heart.

“Of course, I couldn’t believe it easily at first either.”

Nodding his head, Leon Hart smiled bitterly.

“But once you hear the details, it won’t matter if the apostle of the Goddess is an Alien.”

The Pope of the Darkness Church, the Saintess, the six Templar Lords, and Han-bin’s party sat around a large round table.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"}) Kibie began calmly explaining the current situation to the Templar Lords of five churches who hadn’t yet heard the circumstances.

Whenever the story progressed, their faces hardened.

“Oh, my God…”

“What did they do?”

“How can Latna’s heroes—!”

“What the hell did those blessed beings did…”

It was shocking to them.

Of the Top Four, the Sword King, Baotolt, had passed away, and the other three conspired to rob Kibriel of her divinity.

They never would’ve believed it unless it was a story told by the incarnation herself.

Angelica, the Rhamiana Templar Lord, lamented.

“Are you saying that even those great heroes fear death like commoners of lowly birth?”

Leon Hart sighed.

“The Goddess also blessed me, and I know her content.”

Nevertheless, he had never thought like that before.

He still had decades of life left.

“But wouldn’t I be afraid of death when I’m over ninety?”

Thinking back on their position, he understood their behavior again.

“Of course, I don’t mean to do anything crazy like that.”

* * *

During the meeting, Ryu Han-bin, Artis, and Effir quietly watched the situation in the corner of the round table.

They didn’t have much to say about such an important story.

There was nothing much to do, so Han-bin secretly looked at the five Churches’ Templar Lords.

‘She’s the Althea Templar Lord, right?’

Sabine Asil was a brown-haired woman who appeared to be in her mid-40s.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"}) [Race: Human. Swordsman Lv. 96]

Even though she was a woman, she was nearly 180 centimeters tall and had broad shoulders, indicating that she was a well-trained warrior.

But she didn’t look like a man. Rather, she looked like a well-muscled athlete on Earth?

Angelica Hade Han, the Rhamniana Templar Lord, was also a woman. However, her atmosphere was quite different from Sabine Asil’s.

Unlike Sabine Asil, who looked like a Westerner, she was of Asian descent.

She was in her 30s with black hair and black eyes. She didn’t look very strong on the outside.

Contrary to Sabine Asil, she had a slender figure and was about 160 centimeters tall.

She wasn’t that tall.

However, no Templar Lord was weak.

In fact, the Guideline showed her significant level.

[Race: Human. Magic Swordsman Lv. 92]

Frederick Cartel Mercatz, the Sorondi Templar Lord, was a reliable middle-aged man in his 50s with a well-built beard and had his half-white hair swept backward.

He looked like a knight for sure.

He was an Aura user who used a shield and an iron mace. His status appeared in the Guideline.

[Race: Human. Fighter lv. 93]

Not all of the Templar Lords were human.

There were also two fairies.

Palmer Lomberst served Yessen, the Goddess of fire.

He was a short man carrying a big battle-ax.

He had gray hair, reliable shoulder width, and abundant beard. Han-bin wasn’t sure about his age, but he looked roughly middle-aged.

[Race: Dwarf. Martial Artist Lv. 91]

Merdil Kenneth, the Preleu Templar Lord, was also a fairy.

[Race: Elf. Magic Swordsman Lv. 93]

He was a man with green hair and lake-blue eyes, but he looked quite old, even though he was an Elf.

He was in his late 40s in human age.

He still looked so handsome as an Elf.

Han-bin thought it would be just like that if he brought the word romance gray to Latna.

Suddenly, Ryu Han-bin felt suspicious.

‘Wait, why is he the Preleu Templar Lord?’

He heard that the creator of the Elves was Sorondi, the Goddess of the Earth.

The Goddess of the wind, Preleu, was the creator of Sylph.

‘Then shouldn’t Merdill, the Elf, be the Sorondi Templar Lord, not Preleu’s?’

He whispered to Artis out of curiosity, and Artis was surprised.

“Han-bin, sometimes you ask really random questions. What is the relationship between the creator of his race and his religion?”

“Huh? Is it natural that it doesn’t matter? I think it should be related.”

“And in that sense, Leon Hart, the Kybriel Templar Lord, should be a dragon?”

Even the Dragon, Artis, was not a follower of the Kyibriel church.

“I have no religious sect, but if I need to choose one, I’m on Althea’s side. I owe them a lot.”

Effir joined the conversation.

“If that’s the case, I’m on Sorondi’s side. The Spiritist of the Biryong Knights was the hierarch of Sorondi, and when I woke up, I was baptized by the Earth.”

Furthermore, although it had become meaningless, Ryu Han-bin and Artis were collaborators of the Church of Light.

“Come on, so I’m a follower of Althea?”

“Legally, yes.”

After hearing the following explanation, Ryu Han-bin realized that he had misunderstood Latna’s religion.

There were six denominations in Latna that served ‘six Goddesses.’

However, that did not mean that there were six religions.

There was a single religion called ‘Goddessism,’ and there were six denominations underneath it.

“Is it like a diocese or a branch on Earth?”

That didn’t seem right.

There was no separate entity that oversaw all Goddess believers, such as the ‘Pope of Goddessism.’

The six denominations were mutually independent and had separate systems, and competed against each other.

“Then they believe in the same Goddesses, but the doctrines are different? Like Christianity, Catholicism, Anglicanism?”

It wasn’t like that either.

The six denominations did not deny the existence and doctrine of the other.

As long as the Goddesses existed, their teachings were part of the world.

They were independent of each other but cooperated simultaneously, serving the six Goddesses of Latna.

No matter which Goddess they served, it was their freedom and choice. Serving one Goddess didn’t mean betraying the others.

“That’s why they are in an Order that’s meant to be, usually.”

Ryu Han-bin clicked his tongue.

“Wow, it’s hard to understand. It’s complicated because God really exists.”

It wasn’t exactly complicated, merely that it had a different concept.

“I’d be so comfortable right now if it just went ‘I’m the light. Just trust me!'”

Artis laughed in vain when he heard Han-bin.

“There’s no god in the world like that. Wouldn’t he be a swindler, not a god?”

“Yeah, if you say that on Earth, you’re going to blow it!”

Regardless, in Latna, it wasn’t unusual for the Elve, Sorondi’s creature, to be the Lord of the Preleu’s Templars.

There were Elves and Dwarves who served Althea, the creator of humanity, and there were many humans who served Kybriel, the creator of the Dragon race, and there were more humans in the Goddesses’ church that had created the fairy family.

“Well, most of the fairies serve their creators. The population is so small there. A large number of humans are evenly distributed among the six churches.”

“What about the Dragon race?”

“The Dragon race is an entirely different case.”

Artis laughed.

“Dragons don’t serve Goddesses in character, and there’s not much of a notion that lower-class dragons serve things because of their lack of intelligence.”

“… Didn’t the Goddess create the dragon family too unfairly?”

Glancing at Kibie, who was talking a lot, Ryu Han-bin clicked his tongue.

Looking at the Guideline, he could feel that only Leon Hart stood out more than others.

First of all, his level was much higher.

Other Templar Lords were level 114 alone, compared to the early to mid-90 level.

‘Everyone’s either an Aura user or a Magic Swordsman. He’s the only Spiritist.’

He had another question.

“Hey, Artis. The jobs of the Templar Lords are quite biased, what’s the reason for that?”

It wasn’t that only hierarch of the Goddess could be the Spiritist.

However, due to its specialized healing and supporting nature, there were many Spiritists among the clergy.

Most of the popes and saints of each church were Spiritists.

However, there were three Aura users, two Magic Swordsmen, and only one Spiritist among the Templar Lords there. There was no Mage at all.

Artis shrugged his shoulders.

“Of course. The position of the Templar Lord itself is to lead the army.”

While the Aura user or the Magic Swordsman fought in the frontlines, the Spiritist or the Mage supported everyone behind the battlefield.

They weren’t fit to be generals.

“Leon Hart is weird since he fights in the forefront though he is a Spiritist.”

“I see…”

It seemed right to consider Leon Heart as a unique case in many ways.

He wasn’t chosen to be blessed by the Goddesses for no reason.

Meanwhile, Kibie’s story was finally over.

All five Templar Lords were shockingly lamented.


“Oh, my God…”

“Is the change in the night their sins…?”

Sabine Asil talked in a serious tone.

“Fortunately, we learned the truth from the incarnation.”

Flames sprang from her eyes.

“Now it’s time to discuss ways to punish those sinners.”