
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 992: how mysterious

992 How mysterious


Nux stood in silence.

In front of her stood a woman, even though the two were of the same height, standing right in front of the cloaked woman, Nux felt short. The feeling he was currently feeling greatly overwhelmed what he felt when he was with other World Leaders.

That time, he could still keep his composure and talk fluently, however, as this woman stared at her with her golden eyes, the pressure he felt was so intense that he couldn't even speak.

Nux's mind was filled with different questions, didn't this woman leave? Why was she back here?

Unlike others, who couldn't even sense the woman and were always doubtful if she was there or not. Nux could accurately tell where she was. Yes, even this mysterious woman couldn't hide from Nux's perception.

Nux clearly sensed this woman leaving. She just returned a few seconds ago and the moment she appeared, she decided to appear right before him.


Even if she had something to discuss, why didn't she discuss it with the world leaders? Why come directly to him?

Nux could sense it...

Something wasn't right...

And just as he expected,

"Nux Leander,"

The woman called out, her voice was full of authority, unparalleled arrogance, and strength.

Nux looked into her eyes, waiting for her to continue,

"How did you become a Complete Great Sage Cultivator when you are still in your 20s?" The woman questioned and before Nux, everyone around him widened their eyes in absolute shock.


Elijah couldn't believe what he just heard.


He lost against a man who was still in his 20s...

No wait... that's not the point, a 20-year-old man was a Great Sage!? And that too a complete one!?

How in the hell is that possible!?

Even the world leaders, people with the most experience in their life could see their world falling apart when they heard what the woman said.

Especially Orpheus and Ambrosia...

They knew Nux was Young, probably younger than Melia, and even though they found it surprising, they didn't talk about it,

But... a 20-year-old...?

"How is that even possible...?" the Dragon Lord muttered.

The only people in the entire venue who seemed calm were the Lust Family. The succubi already knew the truth, and honestly, seeing the reaction of the people around them, Eisheth couldn't help but feel somewhat glad.


Yes, that was it.

This was how shocked they were when they found out how old Nux actually was.

Eisheth felt like she had one-upped the world leaders, it was honestly a thrilling feeling.

In truth, she and her daughters had it better because Nux was only an Emperor Stage Cultivator back then, but these people?

They were all seeing a 20-year-old Complete Great Sage who defeated the Vampire Hero, of course, they would all be utterly dumbfounded.

Seeing their jaws dropping on the floor, Elsheth nodded to herself as she stood proudly with her arms crossed.

"L-Lady Vyriana, a-are you sure there was n-no mistake...?" Suddenly, Vedier, the Dragon Hero questioned.

Another wave of gasps could be heard in the venue.

Was the Dragon Hero doubting the Ancestral Order...?

However, when they thought about it, Vedier's words made sense. Anyone could make mistakes and although Ancestral Order hasn't made any ever before, there was always a first time for everything.

Ancestral Order making a mistake was much more reasonable than a 20-year-old man being a Complete Great Sage Cultivator.

Actually, everyone, especially the Dragon Hero desperately hoped that it was the case.

When Elijah lost against a random cultivator who appeared out of nowhere, Vieder felt happy. Vampires and Dragons had this competitiveness since ancient times. However, since Vieder was more than 500 years older than Elijah, defeating him in a spar wasn't satisfying.

That was the reason Vieder felt strangely joyful when Nux defeated Elijah, he felt like the gap between him and Elijah widened and he 'defeated' him through Nux.

His logic was simple, Nux was better than Elijah, he was better than Nux, so he was better than Elijah. Since he assumed Nux would never be able to surpass him, Elijah wouldn't be able to do so either.


If this man he assumed could never defeat him...was merely a 20-year-old...


"I have personally interrogated the people living in the Forgotten Continent, all of them knew his name, but rarely anyone knew his past. It was like someday he just appeared out of nowhere and married the Queen of Skyfall Kingdom, which was the strongest Kingdom in that continent.

I found his sudden appearance suspicious so I tried to look into it, and after interrogating a few minorities who knew about him in his initial cultivation stages, I realized that his cultivation speed was abnormally fast.

Butler of Felberta Leander said that starting from a mortal, he became an Advance Stage Cultivator in a matter of days, then, he proceeded to become a Master Stage the next month, and soon, within 2 years, he was already a King Stage.

Marquees Alger, the Deputy Generals of the Woods Army, the students in the Skyfall Academy, and many more people said the same things and their stories and timeline matched.

I was still doubtful but soon, I realized another interesting fact,

2 months ago, this man was an Emperor. He skipped an entire stage within 2 months and is now a peak Great Sage.

A speed like this isn't normal. It is not only you, your wives aren't much different either, most of them are less than 100 years old, but they are already Great Sages, a monstrous talent that even overpowers the talent of these so-called world leaders."

Vyriana spoke as she glanced at the world leaders who were just too shocked to even react to Vyriana's words. Then, her tone suddenly changed and,

"But the interesting thing is, before meeting you, all of them were just like any other normal cultivator, no, some of them could even be called worse than average and someone who was never destined to surpass the Grand Master Stage, but here they are, standing in front of all us as the Great Sages.

It is almost as if you not only have the ability to cultivate quickly yourself, but you also have the ability to help the people around you as well.

How mysterious."