
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 748: sure you didn’t.

"Welcome to the Blood Kingdom,"

Cassius spoke with a proud look on his face. His subordinates had similar expressions on their faces as well.

"This is the Blood Kingdom?"

Amaya questioned with a surprised look on her face.

"But isn't the Blood Kingdom supposed to be un-"

"Underground? Yes, you are correct. We are currently 1000 km under the ground. So this dark sky you are seeing is not exactly a Sky.

Of course, it is not any different either. Not many people could actually reach the ground above, so it is not much different from Sky.

What? You did not think that we would just be some lowly tribe living underground, with houses made of mud, did you?"

Cassius questioned with a playful smile on his face.

"I did not think that but…

This is definitely a lot different than what I expected.

It is like an entirely different world."

Nux spoke as he glanced forward.

Currently, he was standing on top of a 2 km long tower, a tower Nux had no clue how it was built and the tower from where all the Blood Kingdom was visible.

It was called the Kingdom of Night, yes.

However, this did not mean that it was dark, dull, and bland.

On the contrary, it was blistering.

The streets and the houses were dimly lit with lights, making them look exceptionally beautiful. The roads were made of Stone and what attracted most of their attention were the buildings.

Most of the buildings here matched the castles Nux lived in when he was inside the Forgotten Continent.

Everything building here seemed like an ancient mansion.

"If you are done being mesmerized, shall we go? Don't worry, I'll show you around this 'new world' you have just entered."

Cassius smiled.

"Do we… jump from here?"

Nux questioned with a frown on his face.

"Of course not. There may be cultivators able to do it, however, that is strictly against the rules and could lead to direct execution.

This Tower you are standing on, you must have already sensed it.

It is not a normal place.

It means a lot to us Vampires and has a rich historic value.

Disrespecting it means disrespecting our heritage and that is…"

"That is something the Vampires won't stand for."

Nux completed Cassius's sentence.

"It is good that you know." Cassius nodded.

"Anyways, follow me."

He spoke, and then, he turned around.

The group followed, and soon, they all walked into a particular room. Cassius then closed the door, suddenly, he placed his hand on the wall and injected Mana into it.

Suddenly, the entire room shook a little.

Nux and his wives frowned, however, before they could react, the room started moving.

'It is like an elevator.'

Nux thought inwardly.

The Room continued to move down, it wasn't especially fast, and since the Tower was tall, it took 10 minutes for them to reach the ground.

Cassius opened the door and walked out.

Other followed and soon, they moved out of the tower.

The Guards of the Tower bowed their heads when they saw Cassius, Cassius nodded and continued to walk.

Soon, the 50 Vampires following Cassius turned into Bats and disappeared.

"From now on, I alone will be in charge of showing you around."

Cassius spoke.

Nux nodded.

It was definitely better than walking around with 50-plus people.

Nux and his wives followed Cassius and walked into what seemed like a market for the Vampires.

Most of the Vampires here seemed to be dragged around by their children, it seemed like this market was an event that the children enjoyed a lot.

Everything looked blistering and seeing this environment, Nux and their wives couldn't help but smile.

They could feel that the adult Vampire here were wary of them. Some even seemed hostile. Vampires didn't like humans, after all.

However, unlike the adults, the innocent children didn't know anything, they just completely ignored them and continued with their thing.

Some, however, looked at Nux and his wives with curious looks on their faces.

"Mother, we cannot lose to Ilaya, quic- akkk!"


Suddenly, a child who looked no older than 8 years bumped into Nux and fell on the ground.

The Child's mother, who was following behind him glanced at Nux with a wary look on her face.

She was an Emperor Stage Cultivator, so she seemed wary of Nux and his wives who were Emperor Stage Cultivators as well.

Of course, this didn't mean she was scared. Her child's safety was at stake here, even if she had to die, she would protect her child.

For some reason, she completely ignored Cassius who was standing next to Nux and his wives.

Well, others may not be able to sense it, but Nux did and he knew the reason, he could sense what Cassius was doing.

Cassius has 'Conceal' his presence.

It was pretty similar to his [Conceal], however, Cassius wasn't using any ability, he was just controlling the Mana around himself with such expertise that others failed to sense any change in Mana due to his presence, giving them a rough illusion that he was not here.

It was a Basic Skill taught to Scouts of the Bloodheart House, and Cassius was just scarily good at it.

Anyways, Nux didn't care why Cassius was doing something like this.

His wives seemed to be in a good mood after seeing so many people after such a long time, and he wasn't planning on ruining this moment for them.

He crouched on the ground, and with a gentle smile on his face, he picked the child up.

Then, he rubbed his thigh where the child's head bumped and scrunched his nose.

"How are you so strong, little guy? It hurts."

"I apologize."

The boy bowed his head respectfully.

An action that surprised Nux.

"Look at you. How well-mannered when you are so young. When I was your age, I was only troubling my mother and was getting beaten up by her."

"Hehe, really?"

"Of course. I wasn't as smart as you, after all."

Nux ruffled the boy's hair gently.

"I guess your mother did a really great job raising you, didn't she?"

Nux smiled.

"My mother is the best!"

The boy nodded, his eye lit up in excitement.

"I am sure she is."

Nux laughed as he glanced at the female Vampire, who was now looking at her child with a small smile on her face.

"Anyways, aren't you getting late? I heard you saying something about not losing to Ilaya."

"Ahh! Right!"

The boy realized,

He quickly rushed towards his mother, grabbed her hand, and pulled her.

"Mother! Let's go! We can't be late!"

The moment the mother got close to Nux, Nux nodded at her with a smile, the mother nodded back and then, she blushed a little.

'No fucking way…'

Amaya on the other hand, couldn't believe her eyes.

'There is no way you are going for her, are you?'

'Oh C'mon. I can't even talk to women now?'

'No, you are mine.' Amaya pouted.

Nux chuckled.

'But you handled it well.'

Amaya then stopped joking around and spoke.

The other Vampires didn't seem as wary of them as before.

'Except for the part where you made that woman blush.' Amaya pointed out.

'Oh c'mon,

I didn't even do anything~'

Nux complained.

Amaya and her sisters stared at Nux for a while, and then at the same time,

'Sure you didn't.'