
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 736: let's just do both.

'Thyra, I don't get this, do we really have to be so strict on ourselves?'

Ember questioned as a Magic Circle formed in front of her arm and it started sucking the surrounding Mana.

'Ember, you want to actually be useful to him, don't you?'

Thyra, who was running towards a 7 Star Lion Type Beast spoke with a serious look on her face.

The Lion noticed Thyra and without even thinking about it, it pounced at her. Thyra jumped back, her daggers appeared in her hands.

The Lion was 3 meters long, nearly twice the height of Thyra, however, that didn't scare Thyra, she jumped into the air and stood on top of the Wolf's face.

'Of course, I want to.' Ember replied.

As a 7 Star Beast, the Lion was a lot faster than Thyra, it knew how to protect itself.

Before Thyra's dagger could reach its eyes, it fiercely moved its head, throwing Thyra away.

In the air, Thyra summersaulted and landed on the ground.

'Then we have to push our limits. I have seen that man fight with my own eyes, Ember.

He was surrounded by more than Fifty 7 Star Beasts, and Two 8 Star Beasts, and he killed them all.

Without breaking a sweat, the 8 Star Beasts included.

All the time, he just jumped around on the purple-black colored 'Stands' he created with his ability, and used Devouring Mist to kill those beasts, the two 8 Star Beasts didn't even realize that the time when they actually started fighting him rather than just sending their subordinates to die,

They were already in his 'Domain.'

Ember, you have to know.

Nux treats 7 Star Beasts as mere bugs and we are having trouble defeating these 'bugs', what use could we possibly be to him?' Thyra questioned.

The Lion turned its head to where Thyra landed, however, just as it was about to rush towards her, it sensed scorching eat coming from a certain direction.

The Lion beast quickly turned around and noticed a large fireball coming towards him.

The beast realized it,

It may just be an 8 Star Spell, but the amount of Mana fed into that spell was enormous.

That Fireball was a Threat to its life.


The Lion roared.

Its mane started shining, it opened its mouth and a silver ball appeared in the air. The ball continued to turn brighter and brighter and then, It shot a beam toward the Fireball.

The Silver Beam and the Fireball collided and,


A huge explosion was heard.

'This innate ability of these Star Beasts, it sure is annoying.'

Ember commented as the Fireball she prepared after preparing for 10 seconds was destroyed by something that Beast created within a second.

'I agree. Their body is already as strong as the Body Stage Cultivator, adding this annoying innate ability, isn't that just unfair?'

Thyra complained.


'Well, we can't do anything about it, now can we? It is just how it is.

Also, we can't really talk about unfairness in the first place…'

Ember smiled as another Magic Circle appeared in front of her hand.

'Hahaha~ You are correct.'

Thyra nodded in agreement and at the same time, she pulled her dagger out of Lion's eye.

'I assume you got it?'

Ember questioned.

'Of course, I did.'


Thyra replied with a confident smile on her face as she dodged the Lion which was pouncing at her without thinking about anything.

Thyra's body was flexible to a scary degree, and she was using that fact to her full advantage, and was avoiding the Beast's attacks even though its speed was clearly faster than hers.

Not only that, but while she was dodging its paws, it was even going around counter-attacking with her dagger whenever she could.

Now normally, this wouldn't have done anything.

The Beast's skin should be too strong for any of her attacks to actually work, however, while she was attacked, Thyra's daggers were shining.

A shine which seemed awfully similar to…

Astaria's sword aura.


Although she had not mastered it, Thyra had learned Astaria's Sword Aura, and not only that, she has even incorporated it into her own Battle Style and has modified it to some extent.

The attack from her dagger was not as strong as Astaria's sword, however, it was definitely faster.

Thyra's attacks weren't deadly, however, the longer this continued, the slower the beast got.

And of course,

Thyra wasn't the only one the Lion had to worry about.


The Beast roared in agony as 2 Wind Blades came from behind and left a deep cut on both its rear legs, taking away its movement speed.

The Beast turned around, noticing Ember, who was calmly preparing another spell.


The Beast opened its mouth again,

Another silver ball appeared in front of its mouth,

It was thinking of killing Ember while she was still casting her spell, however.

Thyra just jumped on its face again and,



She got the eye as well.

The Beast roared in frenzy. Trying to move around, doing anything it could to kill Thyra, who was standing on its face.

It moved, it rolled, it recklessly swung around its paws, however, in the end,

Without a vision, and with deep cuts on 2 of its 4 legs, there was not much it can do.

The rest was simple, Thyra just kept the Beast busy, Ember, on the other hand, took her time to cast another fireball.

This time, even stronger than before,

And once she was done,

She shot that Fireball towards that Beast.


Another explosion,

However, this time, it was not a collision between a Silver Beam and a Fireball.

This time, Ember's attack had connected.

The smoke cleared up, the charred body of what once looked like a majestic beast was seen.

It was definitely not a beautiful sight, neither was it a clean victory, however, it still looked effortless.

"That took us 57 Seconds."

Thyra commented as she walked close to the Beasts corpse.

"Still too slow."

Ember narrowed her eyes.

"It was one of the strongest 7 Star Beasts but…

We need another strategy."

Thyra muttered.

"I feel we should continue practicing it till we perfect it, I believe it can all be done in under 30 seconds if we really try," Ember suggested.

"Well, the new strategy wouldn't hurt."

"Neither perfecting this one would."

The two women glanced at each other,

Then, the two of them smiled and at the same time,

""Let's just do both.""