
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 724: do you really wish to join the lust state?

"So anyways, back to the question, where are you going after leaving the Lust State?"

Eisheth questioned.

"I haven't decided that yet, but… if you did not plant a spy, then how did you know that we are not going to stay here?"

"I just guessed it."

Eisheth replied.

"Guessed it?"

Nux narrowed his eyes.

"I may not know you for a long time, boy, but seeing you and your wives, I do know one thing for sure.

You are not the type who can stay under someone's control. For you to stay in our State, you would need to follow not only me, but many people with a position higher than yours.

And that is something someone with your personality can do.

It is pretty simple to notice that and guess your future actions."

"Hmm? Are you sure? I personally do not think it is that hard for me, if the leader leading has all the leadership qualities to help me get what I wish and has the power to protect me and my wives, I don't think I mind staying following his command. I believe I have a pretty agreeable personality."

Nux replied.

"Heh, things are never that simple, Boy.

In general, you may or may not have an agreeable personality, but when it comes to your wives, you are too rigid.

The leader you are willing to follow might have leadership qualities and upright nature, but what about people other than him?

Especially the ones with a position higher than yours?

Not all of them could be perfect, there is always one guy with a twisted personality.

And if that person comes after your wives, you would not care about anything and attack him the moment you get the opportunity, weakening your group from the inside and in the process, making more and more enemies.

Then, even if the Leader of that group is upright and visionary, he would choose his subordinates over you, turning you into an enemy of the entire group."

Hearing those words, Nux narrowed his eyes,

"So I am supposed to just let others do and say whatever they wish about my wives?"

"Huh? Of course not.

However, just foolishly creating enemies is not a solution either.

You need connections, you need to play safely, you need at least one or two higher-ups on your side, that way, that higher-up can take your side and defend you and your wives, making your position bearable, and giving you a fair chance."

"So in other words, you need to suck up to others?"

"You can say that."

Eisheth just shrugged.

"That is how the world works, boy.

Strong rules over the weak, you have no other options."


Nux turned silent.

"Honestly, for someone like you, things are not easy.

You do not have a strong Clan or a Family to support you,

Your Potential will definitely attract attention, your wives aren't normal either, Aisha told me, most of them are around 50 years old as well.

Already an Emperor at 50, your group is just filled with monsters,

You people will attract attention, no matter what you do and without a proper background, you will get into constant troubles, you can reduce it to a certain level by sucking up to the strong, but, as I said, with your wives involved, you will not do that.

Therefore, you cannot join any other Groups, be it a Demon State, Human Empires, or anything like that."

Eisheth explained without any changes in her expression.

Nux then looked into Eisheth's eyes and questioned,

"What if I join the Lust State?

You said I would need a backer, I don't think I can find a backer stronger than a Divine Stage Cultivator like you.

What do you say?

Are you willing to be my backer?

You know about my Potential already,

I promise that I will be loyal to the Lust State and I will help the Lust State grow stronger than ever."

Nux offered.

Honestly, after coming to the Lust State, he has realized how dangerous Yrniel actually is.

Exploring this new world, meeting new races, Fox girls, Cat Girls, Elves, Dragons, Vampires, all of this sounded good, however, in truth,

Yrniel is full of beings that could squash him to death.

He and his wives were not safe here.

Nux was confident in his strength, yes, however, even he was not arrogant enough to think that he could face everything by himself.

He was not ready to take the risk, especially when his wives are with him.

So joining the Lust State was not a bad option,

Hearing his words, Eisheth smiled a little,

In all honesty, she was tempted to accept,

Having someone like Nux joining her State, not to mention his monstrous wives joining in together with him as well, it was definitely a great opportunity, however, Eisheth knew the truth.

"Do not ask me, boy.

Ask yourself,

This is the State of Sex Demons, there might not be many Incubuses here, but there are still a few of them, and some of them are in a pretty high position, and since they are Incubuses, their Sex Drive is high as well.

It is not difficult for them to lose control over themselves,

Are you okay with those people ogling at your wives as if they want to devour them?

Are you okay with those people trying different ways to approach your wives?

Are you okay with those people using their position to order your wives around and even spend some personal time with them?

With me as your backer, they would definitely be careful, however, as you grow, they will be intimidated by you, and honestly, I can't always be there to protect you either, I am not your nanny.

Joining my state will keep you and your wives safe, yes.

You will get the time you need to grow and get stronger, to the point where let alone protecting yourself, you might even have the chance to go against me, and even defeat me,

However, as I said, it all depends on you,

Do you really wish to join the Lust State?"