
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 708: it is a choice you have to make.

"Hmmm, so you are Arvina Skyfall huh, I have heard a lot about you."

The journey to the Lair of Demons was a long one, the ship made by the Dwarves was fast, yes, but at the same time, the Yrniel was huge as well.

From Nux's continent to the Continent of Demons, they needed to travel for 5 whole days without stopping.

Of course, the ship was absurdly large, there were around 20 rooms inside the ship, the Demons, Nux and Nux's wives occupied those rooms, as for the others, well, they had to adjust. Of course, none of them minded it.

While everyone was doing their own thing, Aisha walked towards Arvina and spoke.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Aisha."

Arvina replied as she glanced at Aisha.

"You don't have to address me like that, you can call me Aisha." Aisha smiled.

"You are like my savior, it would be rude to call you by your name, not to mention your status, even if we go by our cultivation, a King Stage Cultivator like me couldn't possibly stand in front of a Sage."

"Ugghhh… you will make things hard for me if you keep showing me so much respect."

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Arvina tilted her head in confusion.

"You were Nux's teacher, weren't you?" Aisha questioned.

"I did teach him a little, yes. But I was only teaching him what my teacher taught him, now that he can directly learn from my teacher, there is nothing else I can teach him. He is already at a level far higher than me."

Arvina replied with a small smile on her face.

"Hmmm, you don't look particularly sad when you say that."

"Why would I be sad?"

Arvina frowned.

"I was lucky enough to teach a monster like him, though not much, my teachings are still ingrained in him. I helped in the creation of the monster he is today, rather than disappointed, I should be proud of it, shouldn't I?"

"Uhhh… I don't know. I would never understand how you humans work.

Anyways, I was not here to talk about things like these.

I wanted your help."

"Hmm? My help? Of course, what can I do for you, Princess Aisha?"

"How do I pull Nux into my bed?"

Aisha questioned.


Arvina blinked a few times, unable to digest what she heard.

"He was your student, wasn't he? So you should know a thing or two about him that can help me pull him into my bed, shouldn't you? I have already tried doing everything I could, but that man is still as uninterested as always.

I would have doubted his sexuality if it weren't for those wives of his. Tsk, those girls, always sticking to him like glue. Tsk, just leave him alone for a while, will you!?"

Aisha sighed.

"Even you huh…"

Suddenly, Arvina sighed.


"Nothing." Arvina shook her head.

"Give me some tips, will you?"

"I have nothing to tell you, Princess Aisha."

"How is that possible? Weren't you his teacher?"

"I was, and that is the reason I have nothing to tell you. How can a teacher know something like that about her student?"

"But… didn't you have sex with him?"

"Huh!? What are you talking about!?"

Arvina's eyes widened in surprise.

"You didn't?"

Aisha's expression changed.

"Why would I have sex with my student!?"

"How could you not!? I heard the two of you spent hours together."

"We did, but as I said, I taught him swordsmanship, nothing else."

"But how can you stay in a room with him and not have sex?"

"We are not Sex Demons, Princess Aisha. We are humans."

"But don't humans procreate as well? Sex is a normal thing!"

Aisha retorted and hearing her words, Arvina's expression turned strict,

"Sex is not a normal thing, Princess Aisha.

Maybe for you Sex Demons, it might be, but for us humans, especially for someone like Nux, having sex with someone is not a small matter.

Maybe your outlook on sex is what pulls Nux away from you in the first place.

A man like Nux wouldn't have sex with a woman unless he intends to marry her. For him, sex is a sacred thing that can only be done with his wives, you on the other hand are completely different, as a Sex Demon, sex is something casual to you. Something you can do with just any random man you feel like.

With this much disparity in thoughts, Nux's decision of avoiding you is pretty natural."

Arvina explained.

"So you are saying that me having sex with just anyone is what Nux doesn't like? I can stop that."

"That's not it.

You might control yourself and convince Nux to have sex with you, but what after that? Would you be able to stay with him and him alone? Would you be able to control the urge to not have sex with any other man you may find attractive in the future?"

"Why would I do that? I already pulled him into my bed, didn't I? The Mission is accomplished."

Aisha couldn't understand.

"That's what I said, if Nux has sex with you, he will make you his wife, and as his wife, you wouldn't be able to have sex with anyone else but him. However, knowing that you wouldn't be able to do that, he is holding himself back and is not making any move on you."

"But why does it matter? He had sex with me, I had sex with him, we both had fun and now we go back to our normal life. What's the problem?

Also, how can you spend your entire life having sex with only a few selected people? What kind of life is that? Where is the variety? Where is the thrill? Where is the entertainment?"

"Well, it is just how it is.

He is not forcing any of his values on you, is he?

It is you who wishes to have sex with him, not the other way around."

Aisha and Arvina suddenly heard a voice, they turned around and saw Allura walking towards them.

"I already told you, didn't I?

If you don't change this casual attitude of yours, then no matter what you do, you will never get Nux.

In conclusion,

It is a choice you have to make between,

Nux, or every other man in the world."