
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 632: you are a hurdle in my way.


Hear me out…"

Nux called out with a nervous smile on his face.


Astaria didn't say anything and just glanced at Nux. Nux took this as his cue and started,

"You are a hurdle in my way."

Astaria narrowed her eyes.

"As a warrior, I wish to overpower you, defeat you, and leave you behind. Just like I have done it before, starting from a mortal to Beginner Stage Cultivators, then Advance, Masters, Grand Masters, Experts, Kings, and then the Emperors, I have defeated them all.

And I do not wish to stop here.

The main continent.


I wish to do the same there as well.

However, you are different from other 'hurdles' I have encountered or will encounter in the future.

You are someone I wish to obtain. I want to carry you with me when I encounter future hurdles.

You are someone precious to me, you are someone I cannot leave behind.

Look, I am not some great warrior like you who has an unextinguishable flame inside her, wishing to reach the peak.

I am just a normal man, who wants to live a long, happy life with my family, and in this world, where the strong rules, I have to keep defeating everyone, I have to keep destroying all the hurdles, the Sage Stage, the Great Sage, and the stages after that, I have to surpass them all.

I need to reach the peak as well, however, the force driving me is different.

I wish to reach the peak together with the people I love,

And that includes you.

And since I plan to take you the peak with me,

I cannot do something that would harm you."

Nux's expression turned serious, he looked into Astaria's eyes and,

"I will not use the Mist to defeat you, Astaria.

I will find another way.

It might take longer than a week, and it might even take years, but that won't stop me.

I will defeat you, Astaria. I will make you mine.

No matter how long it takes."

A strange aura emanated from Nux's body when he said those words.

Astaria, however, wasn't intimidated by that aura.

She continued to look into Nux's eyes.

This time, Nux didn't back down either.

He spoke out his honest thoughts, he wasn't planning to go back on his words.


Suddenly, Nux frowned as Astaria placed her hand on his chest.

"What would you do after you defeat me?"

Suddenly, Astaria questioned.


Nux didn't expect this question.

"What? You don't have an answer ready in your mind?"

Astaria questioned as a playful smile appeared on her face.

"I expected better from you, Nux. I didn't think you were the unprepared type.

Or maybe you just don't think you can defeat me in the first place, so thinking about it is pointle-"

"Didn't I answer you already?" Nux didn't let Astaria finish and a smile appeared on his face as well.

He then moved his face close to Astaria's, their foreheads touching each other, and,

"I will make you mine."

"And how do you plan to do that?" Astaria questioned and hearing that question, Nux paused.

Soon, however, he decided to continue pushing forward.

Shamelessness was the way.

"Isn't that obvious?"

"It is not, please, elaborate."

"You remember our bet, don't you?"

"I do. I said I will marry you when you defeat me. You aren't thinking that I will be yours just because you married me, are you? Don't forget, I had a husband before. As a matter of fact, I even had a son."

"I still find that hard to believe. You don't look like a 300-year-old at all. You have maintained yourself well, Astaria."

There was no way Astaria was winning when it came to a war with words.

Nux was a champion when it comes down to it.

He has reached the true peak.

Astaria, however, wasn't planning on giving up.

"I thank you for the compliment, but you still didn't answer me,

You keep saying you will make me yours again and again, but how exactly do you plan to do that?"

"I will marry you after I defeat you."


"And what does a married couple do?"


"You have the experience, don't you? Answer the question, what does a married couple do?" Nux questioned with a playful smile on his face.

"They live together."

"Oh c'mon, don't be like that, Astaria.

You know what I want to hear, don't you?

Wait, don't tell me,

You aren't embarrassed of saying that out loud, are you?

What an unexpectedly cute si-"


Married couple mate with each other, in order to procreate."

Astaria replied.

The red shade on her face combined with the stern and 'not giving up' expression on her face…

Even Nux was having a hard time facing that look.

However, right now, he couldn't back down.

"And that's your answer." He smiled.


Astaria furrowed her brows.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"You asked how I was planning to make you mine, didn't you?

That's your answer.

I will 'mate' with you."

"Y-You think I would become yours just because you managed to mate with me, t-that's not how it works. But you can't be blamed as well, you are nothing but a young boy." Astaria replied as she tried to look away.

"Nope, you got it all wrong, Astaria."

Nux, however, shook his head.

"I am not saying I made you mine just because I managed to have sex with you."

A perverted smile appeared on his face as he continued,

"You will become mine because you will enjoy the process so much that you wouldn't be able to hold back and would give yourself to me just to experience my love and care again, and again, then again~"

"You sound confident," Astaria commented.

"Trust me, when it comes to this, I am the best.

And it is not arrogance, it's confidence."

Nux smiled confidently.

"Hoh?" Astaria raised her eyebrow.

Nux continued to smile,

Then suddenly, Astaria pushed Nux onto the bed.