
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 511: astaria meets the harem.

"Though I did allow you to cause some ruckus, I did not expect you to go this far, Boy."

Suddenly, a voice was heard, the tension in the voice disappeared and everyone turned towards the source of the voice.

There, their eyes fell on a black-haired woman who unconsciously had a strange but suffocating Aura around her.

Seeing the woman, Iria, Phorus, Keeve, and Reeve bowed their heads. A few others who knew who this woman was bowed their heads as well.

The rest were confused, however, seeing how all the higher-ups were bowing their heads with respectful looks on their faces, they did the same and bowed their heads as well.

Nux glanced at the woman and smiled,

"Did you think I was joking when I said you will be surprised?"

Iria, Phorus, Reeve, Keeve, and other King Stage Cultivators widened their eyes in horror when they saw how this man was talking with Lady Astaria.

'You are dead.'

Phorus already predicted it.

However, unlike how he and everyone else predicted, Astaria didn't seem angry, rather, she had a smile on her face. It was as if she was enjoying this conversation!

"Tsk, you only said that introducing your wives would cause a ruckus, but you took so much time to just introduce yourself."

Astaria snorted jokingly.

"The Main Character needs to have a long introduction, that's the rule. I obviously can't go against it." Nux shrugged.

"Shameless indeed." Astaria shook her head.

"Also, how could I possibly introduce my wives when you are not here?"

"Hmm, that seems like a valid point."

Astaria nodded.

She was shameless as well.


Others didn't know how to react to all this.

This woman, who seemed to be respected by all the higher ups was acting friendly towards this man who the higher-ups were fighting against. Nobody knew how to react in this situation.

The Kingdom's King Stage Cultivators, however, had different thoughts in their mind.

"His wives?" Iria frowned.

"Are you saying that the Queen's husband has a Harem?" A man wondered out loud.

There is no way anyone would accept this.

This would destroy the Skyfall Kingdom's image.

"Lady Astaria, we cannot allow this! A Husband from unknown origins was already big enough, but the husband has his own Harem as well? You can't possibly allow this!"

Phorus shouted.

This time, even Reeve and Keeve agreed with him.

This was going too far.

Astaria then glanced at Phorus and suddenly, all her playfulness disappeared,

"Did I ask for your suggestion?"

Phorus's body trembled and he bowed his head,

"N-No, Lady Astaria."

"Then Stay silent."

"A-As you command."

Phorus stepped back, indicating that he won't be speaking anything anymore.

Iria frowned, she couldn't understand why Lady Astaria was supporting this man, however, a few seconds later, she frowned.

She couldn't care less about the Kingdom or its reputation.

She only jumped in because it was her duty, in all honestly, she didn't care who Evane marries.

She would end up being bored with this man one day or another, just like her father.

Iria stepped back and closed her eyes as well.

Seeing this, other King Stage Cultivators backed away as well.

Nux took this opportunity and smiled,

"Well, now that I have the stage all to myself, let me introduce you to my lovely wives,"

Although he was standing in front of everyone, the only person he was looking at was Astaria, he couldn't care less about the others.

"First, Felberta Leander, my first wife."

As he said that, Felberta removed her mask and smiled.


Suddenly, Astaria's expression changed.

She finally realized that she has missed something all this while,

These 8 Women…

All of them were King Stage Cultivators!

8, no 10 including Nux and Evane,

10 King Stage Cultivators!

All 10 of them were together!

How absurd is that!?

Nux didn't notice Astaria's expression and continued to introduce others.

"Skyla Leander, Lane Leander, Edda Leander, Thyra Leander,"

Then, Nux paused.

The real shock would start after Thyra, he knew it full well, therefore, he waited for everyone, or mainly Astaria to settle down, a few seconds later,

He pointed at another masked woman and introduced,

"She is Allura Leander."

These were simple words, however, the reaction to these words was,



Deafening silence.

Everyone looked at Allura with shocked looks on their faces.

"I-Isn't that Lady Allura!?"

In the end, one of the soldiers pointed at Allura and shouted out loud.

"Why is she here? Wasn't she Missing!?"

"No wait! She was a Master Stage Cultivator! How did she become a King Stage Cultivator!?"

"You dumbass, that is what you are worried about,

That man just introduced the Royal Consort as his own wife!"

Another soldier shouted and another wave of silence fell all over the place.

A Royal Consort was introduced as someone else wife.

Everyone's eyes fell on Astaria, they wanted to see how she would react to this situation.


However, this time, even Astaria was too shocked to say anything.

Nux realized that introducing his wives like this was a little too much… if he gave them any more shock, some might even pass out, therefore, seeing that many of them were still too shocked to say anything, he decided to use this opportunity to introduce all his wives.

"This is Amaya Leander, then Ember Leander, then last but not the least, Evane Leander,

Mhm, that's it, I don't have more wives."

"T-That's Lady Amaya! She is also a Royal Consort!"

"She is also a King Stage Cultivator!?"

"Wait, wasn't she cursed!? What happened to her curse!?"

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wasn't she less than 50 years old!? You are telling me that she became a King Stage Cultivator when she is not even 50 years old!? What kind of monstrous potential is that!?"

Everyone's emotions burst out and chaos ensued.

No one could believe what they were seeing.

10 King Stage Cultivators!


Simply Absurd!

Just how in the hell is this possible!?

Phorus didn't know how to react either, nobody reacted when she was introduced, however, to him, the most surprising out of all these women was not Allura or Amaya,

It was the General of the Woods Dynasty.

That fucking monster who killed thousands and led ten thousands,

Just how in the hell did this boy manage to marry someone like her!?