
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 417: the fourth prince,lucas skyfall.

"I am fin-"

Evane wanted to answer, however, suddenly, she stopped and narrowed her eyes.

"Fourth Brother… are you drunk?"

It may have been hidden with so many perfumes the man sprayed on himself, however, the moment he opened his mouth to talk, Evane caught that smell and frowned.

The people around her frowned as well, however, soon, their faces went back to normal.

Not here, this was not the time to act like that. Especially against someone who might have a shot at becoming the King of the Kingdom, no matter how small the chances were.

Also, they weren't really surprised by this anyway.

This wasn't the first time something like this has happened.

The Fourth Prince was a well-known drunkard.

The Black Sheep of the Royal Family.

Evane knew about that, however, she didn't expect her brother to come here like that. From what she remembers, her little brother knew how to hold himself back.

Well, he did when she left this place.

Actually, other than the First Prince, her relationship with her other brothers was not that bad, especially her Fourth Brother, since he was the youngest, she liked him a lot and spent a lot of time with him.

Unlike her Third Brother, who only cared about Cultivation, the Fourth was different, he actually liked to have fun. Therefore, the two of them were very close.

However, as Lucas grew up, Evane got busy with her own stuff and failed to spend much time with him. He then found new friends, the friends Evane didn't like at all. However, little Lucas didn't listen to his sister and started spending more and more time with his new friends.

The Distance between the two of them started growing.

And before she knew it, the 14-year-old Lucas had already started drinking and abusing women.

This was also another reason why Evane decided to leave the Royal Palace.

Everyone here was so busy thinking about themselves. The First Prince didn't talk to any of his brothers and sisters, the Third only cultivated, while the fourth, well, he was busy with his so-called friends.

In this place, no one cared about anyone but themselves.

"I was happy okay? Happy that you are coming back. So… I drank a little."

"How much did you drink?"

"Only about 10 bottles."


The entire place turned silent.

'That's a little!?'

Of course, nobody said anything.

"I can't believe this."

Evane spoke and then chuckled dryly.

"And here I thought you would not drink today out of your respect for me. Guess I was a fool."

"Oh C'mon!"

The Fourth Prince then shouted.

"Stop this Drama, will you? What respect are you talking about? Please don't act so pure and saintly. I know why you are here.

You are here for the throne, are you not?"


Evane frowned.

The others looked at her face with interested looks on their faces.

"What 'What?', just say the truth.

Why bother hiding? Everyone here knows that already.

I bet that you leaving this Palace was a stunt in the first place, right?"

"No. You are wrong."

Evane shook her head.

"Oh? Then why are you here? Why did you return?"


Evane didn't answer.

According to the script, here was the part where she would say that she is not here for the Throne. However, for some odd reason, Evane couldn't lie.

"What? Why don't you answer? Wait, do you have some sort of plan in your mind? Something you can't disclose to us right now?"

Then, Lucas's smile widened,

"Wait wait wait wait, did I just expose your grand plan? Did I just crush your dreams of becoming the Queen of this Kingdom?

Oh I apologize.


Lucas laughed out loud and Evane… well she just stood there.


The Fourth Prince continued to laugh.

Clearly, he was drunk and was not in his right mind, therefore, a few men wearing skin-tight black clothes appeared and took the Fourth Prince with them.

"W-Were… were they from the Shadow Unit?"

Someone from the crowd muttered.

"The Shadow Unit? As in the King's personnel Unit?"

"I-I think it was them."

"No way…"

"Why is the Shadow Unit here?"

"Don't you know? The King has been on edge since Consort Allura was attacked. It is natural that the level of security would be improved."

"Yes, I suggest that you all do not act impulsively, Prince Lucas is a Prince, the Son of the King, so nothing would happen to him, however, the same can't be said for you guys.

If the Shadow Unit sets its eyes on you, then you wouldn't come out of it unharmed."

"Indeed. We all should be careful."

"Make sure not to get drunk."

The moment the Shadow Unit appeared, everyone's faces and plans changed.

The Shadow Unit was a feared Unit. Nobody except the King and people close to him knew much about it.

However, everyone knew one thing.

The Shadow Unit has the power to destroy any noble house if they wish to.

They were strong, and not someone to be trifled with.

Parties like these would come and go, there was no rush to execute their plans, and the intelligent ones decided to halt all their plans and continued to observe.

"Little Sister."

Finally, Raguel called.

Evane came out of her reverie and turned towards him.

"First Brother."

She smiled a little.

"Don't mind the Fourth Brother, he was clearly drunk. I am sure he didn't mean what he said."

"Yes, I know… he was drunk. I understand."

Evane nodded with a small smile on her face.

"Mhm. Also, it is great to have you back."

The First Prince smiled.

Evane smiled back.

"Alright, I will take my leave now.

As the oldest brother, I need to have a little chat with the Fourth Brother. What he did today was very inappropriate, and I should talk to him about this."

Saying that, Raguel turned around with a smile on his face.

'Finally, Finally some good news.'