
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 409: l never thought a woman could reject a man like nux.

"You and I, really can't happen."

Nux spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Nux you…"

Arvina stepped towards him, her cold expression suddenly changed into worry, no, extreme worry.

This was the first time she had seen Nux like this.

She was shocked.

She wanted to wipe those tears, however, Nux stepped back.

Then, a shocked look appeared on his face.

His hand quickly moved towards his cheek and he finally realized,

He cried…

He cried right in front of…

"Nux I-"

Arvina stepped forward but before she could touch Nux, he disappeared.


Arvina frowned.

How in the hell did he disappear into thin air?

Is that even possible?

She knew Nux was fast, however, she was sure that he wasn't fast enough to move past her and leave the room before she could even react.

Even an Emperor Stage Cultivator cannot do something like this.

Was that one of his magic?

A thought appeared in Arvina's mind, however, soon, thoughts like these disappeared.

There were more important things she had to worry about right now.

She didn't know what Nux would do right now.

She just hopes that he doesn't do anything reckless.

And… she hopes that… he is fine…


Amaya frowned as Nux suddenly appeared in front of her. However, her frown soon turned into a smile.

It was not the time yet but, why not?

She was ready.

However, as soon as he appeared, a veil of Dark Mist surrounded Nux's body. Amaya frowned,


She called out.


However, there was no answer.

Amaya's frown deepened.

She then used her [Sense] and realized.

Nux was not there.


He used the Devouring Mist as a cover to move out of her sight, then, he activated his [Conceal] and disappeared.

A genius idea that Amaya would normally appreciate, however, right now, she could feel that talking to Nux was more important.


She called using her connection.

'I will talk to you later, Love. I am a bit busy now.'

She then heard Nux's calm voice.

'But you just here.'

'Yes, I needed to go somewhere, the Royal Palace was close, so I used the Harem's Gate.'

'But why did you hide?'

Amaya questioned.

'I was in rush,

I hope you understand.'

Nux replied.


Amaya nodded in understanding.

'You are the best.'

Nux smiled cheerfully.

'Of course I am.'

Amaya smiled back.

A minute later, her smile disappeared.

She could feel it, something was wrong.

Though he didn't sound like it, for some reason, Amaya knew something was wrong with him.

'Did something happen?'

Therefore, she contacted her sisters.

'Hmm? What do you mean?'

Felberta questioned.

'With Nux, I mean. Did something happen there?'

'Hmm? With Nux, nothing. Why? What happened?'

Seeing her seriousness, Felberta didn't joke around and questioned.

'He looks… sad…'

Amaya then told them everything that happened, however, since none of the women were there, they couldn't understand what Amaya was talking about.


Suddenly, Allura spoke.

'He was with Arvina 10 minutes ago.'

'I will talk to Arvina, she would know about it if something actually happened to him.'

Ember spoke.

The others nodded, Ember nodded back and walked towards her door.

However, before she could touch the door, the door opened and Arvina walked in.

"There is a problem."

Arvina spoke.

"What happened?"

Ember frowned.

"Nux disappeared."


Ember's frown deepened, however, she soon realized that Nux must have used Harem Gate and calmed down a little.

"What happened?"

She questioned.

At the same time, the rest of the women except Amaya and Evane walked into Ember's room and questioned.

"""What happened?"""

"W-Why are you all here?"

Arvina couldn't help but ask.

"That is not important right now, tell us, what happened?"

Thyra spoke.

Arvina agreed with her words, therefore, she nodded and,

"He proposed to me."

She started talking about everything that happened.

10 minutes passed by and Arvina was done with her story.


The room turned silent.


Arvina was silent as well.

Her worry was clear with how she was sweating and how pale her face was.

She really was very worried about her student.

However, Ember… she was thinking about a completely different thing.

"You really rejected him… Arv, I am amazed. I never thought a woman could reject a man like Nux."

"I agree."

Felberta nodded.

"It is surprising indeed."

Thyra nodded her head as well.

"Teacher Arvina, you are… amazing… You managed to resist Nux's Charm."

Skyla was amazed.

This time, she didn't even call her 'Sister'.

She was just that impressed.

The others had the same reaction.

And seeing that, Arvina couldn't help but shout.

"What are you guys talking about!? Why are you praising me!? Shouldn't you be worried about Nux!? He is not emotionally stable right now. What if he does something reckless!? Aren't you guys worried!?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

To Arvina's sudden outburst, Ember just replied with a small frown.


Arvina was taken aback.

"Look, I know Nux is your student, so there is a chance that you see him as a child, however, you have to understand that he is not a child.

He is mature enough to hold himself back.

What do you mean by 'he would do something reckless?'

He is not stupid.

He knows how to control himself.

He just needs some time.

It is the first time he got rejected by the woman he loved, after all."

Ember smiled a little.

"Y-You knew about it?"

Arvina questioned.

"Why do you think Skyla was calling you Sister?"

Ember questioned back.

Arvina then looked at Skyla, who just smiled foolishly.

"You all knew about it?"

Arvina couldn't believe it.

Felberta smiled,

"Well, he has been talking about you from the day he fought with that Candice girl."

"That's when…"

"Yep, when you first met him."


"Well, it wasn't really love at first sight, unlike my case."

Felberta first asserted her dominance as she placed her one leg on top of another and then, she continued,

"But yes, he did fall in love with you after spending some time with you."


Arvina didn't know what to say.

"Oh, don't take it as if we are trying to convince you or something."

Suddenly, Felberta spoke.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Arvina frowned.

"Mhm, I know Nux, he will respect your feelings, so you don't have to change yourself because you are worried about him.

He will come back, don't worry."

Felberta explained.

"Mhm, he is a strong man, after all."

Ember smiled. Then, she looked at Arvina and her smile widened,

'Just make sure you are not trying to fool yourself.'

Of course, she didn't say those words out loud.