
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 401: are you ready to participate in the battle of the throne?

"You really don't want the King to live now do you?"

Ember questioned with a curious smile on her face as she glanced at Amaya.

"Hmph! Who would want that bastard to live any longer?"

Before Amaya could even answer, another woman snorted.

Evane, Amaya, and Ember turned towards Allura, and Ember smiled.

"Heeh? Sister Allura, I didn't know you hated the King so much."

"Try living with him for a few days, you would have the same reaction."

Allura snorted.

"Thank you very much but I am very fine here."

Ember chuckled.


Allura clicked her tongue.

"Umm… Sister Allura… why do you hate the King so much?"

Evane couldn't help but question.

Allura's eyes fell on Evane and she finally realized what she has done.

"Nothing, I was just joking.

The King won't live for a long time anyway, we don't have to kill him if it is not absolutely necessary."

"No, you don't have to hide it, Allura."

Suddenly, Thyra stepped forward.

"Our initial plan was to Kill the King, which was put on hold because it might affect Sister Evane, however, and as much as I hate to say it, you are also part of the family.

If you are dissatisfied, Nux wouldn't be happy either and I wouldn't allow that. Therefore, say what you were going to say.

Why do you hate the King so much?"

'Thyra standing up for Allura, now that is surprising. Not complaining though, it is pleasant to the eyes.'

A smile appeared on Nux's face.

However, then, a frown appeared on his face,

He didn't know Allura hated the King so much.

She never mentioned it before.

"I am not lying, nothing happened between me and the King, I… well, I would just prefer if I don't have to see his face anymore."

Seeing that everyone was now looking at her, Allura sighed.

"My name is Allura Winfer, I come from Winfer family.

My family didn't have a very strong influence, we were just Baron, I, however, was different, unlike other members of my family, I had a Medium Level Affinity with Water Element, of course, it is nothing much compared to some monsters here, however, for a Baron Family, it was big deal.

If I trained well, I could become a Master Stage Cultivator, someone who is as strong as an Earl.

When I learned about it, I was overjoyed, the only thing I wanted to do was to raise my family's status.

And for that, I joined the Royal Academy, faced all the bullying and harassment bravely, cultivated with everything I had, but one day,

My family called me back.

I returned, and realized that while I was working hard, doing my best to help my family, my so-called family sold me to the King, in exchange for raising their status from Barons to Viscounts."

Allura revealed her past with a smile on her face.

However, Nux and everyone present in the room could see how painful that smile was.

Nux appeared behind that Allura and hugged her from behind,

Allura's fake smile was instantly replaced by a warm, lovely smile.

'This bitch.'

Thyra cursed in annoyance when she realized what Allura was trying to do.

Of course, she wasn't going to let her win.

"I still don't understand, I get that you were betrayed by your family, but why do you hate the King? You aren't blaming him for this, are you?"

Thyra questioned.

"Well, after I was arranged to marry the King of this country, the naïve 20 year old me thought another thing.

'So what if my family betrayed me? I am leaving them anyway, therefore, rather than focusing on them, I should focus on the future. I would give everything to my future husband.'

With that fragile attempt to heal my heart, I focused on the King and tried to love him with all my heart, initially, things were going well, the King reciprocated my feeling and visited me from time to time, I actually thought that the King loved me back, the two of us then… well, spent a night together and then,

The King disappeared.

I waited.

I waited for a whole year.

And then I finally realized.

He betrayed me as well, just like my so-called family.

I realized that since my birth, I was just a trophy.

And whenever I see that man, and that unbothered, slightly disdainful look in his eyes, I realize that again.

Therefore, I would rather not see that bastar-"

Before Allura could even complete, Nux tightened his hug around her and whispered,

"You are not a trophy, Allura."

"Of course, Allura Winfer and Allura Skyfall was,

Allura Leander isn't, right?"

A big smile appeared on Allura's face.


Nux then started kissing Allura's shoulder.

Allura held Nux's head with her arm and enjoyed his touch.

At the same time, she glanced at Thyra and smiled.

Thyra shook her head and smiled back.

'You really are a bitch.'

She muttered.

'Thank you for your kind words.'

Allura chuckled.

'But Nux is right, you are not a Trophy.'

Thyra spoke in a serious tone.

Allura looked at Thyra for a while, and then, she smiled,

'I know that already.'

Thyra nodded.

"Wait, so you hate King just because you don't like the look in his eyes?"

Ember questioned.

"As I said, I don't really hate him, I just don't want to see him. Killing him would be better, however, if that would hurt one of my sisters, I wouldn't want that.

As long as I don't see that ugly face, I am perfectly fine."

Allura answered.

"Well then, just like we decided, we won't be killing the King, rather, we would just make Evane the new Queen, which would automatically make Nux the King.

Is that okay with you, Evane?

Are you ready to participate in the Battle of the Throne?"

Evane looked at Amaya and then others with a determined look on her face and then, she nodded.

"I am ready."