
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 393: search

"I can't trust a single person, now, can I?"

Amaya smiled.


The King narrowed his eyes, he believed that Amaya trusted this butler more than anyone in this world, however, it seems that he was wrong.

Of course, in the end, it didn't matter to him at all.

Whatever was happening between Amaya and her servant wasn't something Ricardus would bother himself with.

He was here for a reason, and the reason was,

"Look, if you are here to ask me where Allura is, or anything related to this case, then sorry to disappoint you, but even I don't know anything about this."

Amaya shook her head.

"Even you don't know anything about this?"

The King was a little surprised. This wasn't something he expected to hear. Not after Amaya was the first one to talk about this incident.

"Your Majesty, you have to understand, we are talking about a man who can somehow enter and leave a Royal Consort's carriage without being noticed in the broad daylight.

I have never heard about this sort of absurd Skill in my entire life.

This is definitely not the work of a normal cultivator.

He must be someone special…

The one behind it…

I have a hunch that he is a very scary enemy, a lot scarier than we are imagining him to be."

Amaya spoke in a solemn tone. Then, she looked into the King's purple eyes and cautioned.

"Your Majesty, I would suggest you to be cautious…"

Keeve, who heard those words fell into deep thoughts, for some reason, the priority of catching the culprit rose marginally in his mind.

This King, however, didn't take Amaya's words seriously.

"I do not need your words of caution, Amaya. What I want is your assistance.

Use that head of yours and think of a way to find the culprit.

And if you can't even do that, then you might as well close that little chamber of yours."

The King spat.

"As I said before, I do not know anything about this case. We have practically zero clues, there is nothing to narrow down our search upon, no one knows what the culprit looks like, no one knows if it is a single individual or a group, and if they are indeed a group, no one knows how many of them are there.

Nothing is known at all, therefore, Your Majesty, I cannot help you."

The King Clenched his fist.


Spatting those words, the King left Amaya's room after shutting down the doors as loudly as he could.


After the King left, a small smile appeared on Amaya's face.

'Who knows, the culprit might be a Handsome devil who likes to kidnap beautiful women…'

Then, she pouted.

'I wonder when that devil would kidnap me…

Am I not beautiful enough?'

"Lady Amaya! Are you alright!?"

While Amaya was thinking about all this, a man entered her room with a panicked look on his face.

"Yes, Kelton, I am alright."

Amaya nodded with a calm look on his face.

"W-Why was the King here? And why did he look so angry when he left?"

Kelton questioned.

"Well, he lost one of his trophies."

Amaya chuckled.


Kelton failed to understand, however, Amaya didn't bother to explain.

She just smiled, looking forward to what would happen in the future.







"Useless! All of you bastards are useless!"

The King started throwing and breaking everything he could find, trying to vent his frustration.

Keeve, Trent, Tim, and the Ministers stayed silent and let the King do whatever he wanted.

5 minutes later, after breaking about everything he could find, the King finally calmed down, his eyes, however, were still red in anger.

With his body trembling in anger, the King ordered.



The Ministers frowned.

"Search for Allura.

Search every single house, inn, tent, restaurant, shop, or any sort of building, abandoned or not, search every single of them.

If you find anything or anyone suspicious, capture him.

Form search parties, use all those useless guards who are doing nothing but wasting the Kingdom's food.

Find Allura.

I do not care how you do it but I need Allura standing in front of me within a week.

If this does not happen then…

Don't even think of living an easy life from now on."

The Ministers frowned.

This Search order…

This was impractical!

Just how in the hell were they supposed to do that within a week!?

Just how much manpower would they have to use?

What about the Palace?

Who is going to protect the Palace?

What if the one who attacked Consort Allura attacks them? How would they defend themselves?

The Minsters panicked.

However, the King didn't care about what they were thinking.

All he needed were results.

He wanted his Allura back.

He wanted the culprit behind this kneeling in front of him.

He wanted to torture the bastard who dared to touch what was his.

Only then, would he be able to wash this shame away.

"Now what are you doing here!? Leave!"

The King shouted again.

No matter how unwilling they were, Keeve, Trent, Tim, and Ministers left the Hall.

Then, they gave out commands, every one of them calling their subordinates, and head of guards. Messages were sent to noble houses, even the Skyfall Army was involved.

Within the next few hours, the entire Palace and then the capital fell into Chaos.

Guards and Soldiers roaming here and there.

People being captured left and right.

Guards searching nobles' and commoners' houses alike.

The inns, the shops, each of these places were thoroughly checked.

More and more guards joined this operation, adding up the number and boosting the search speed.

This absurd behavior carried on for days.

From the Capital to the other cities, then to the outskirts of cities and villages, every place was searched.

Many many criminals, who were hiding and trying to avoid the guards for years were captured.

However, the Criminals the Guards were looking for,

They were nowhere to be found.