
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 390: then let's watch the show, shall we?

'Ugghhh… Why do I have to follow her like this…'

A man groaned inwardly.

He was Trent, one of the men working under King's Personnel Unit known as the Shadow Guards.

Though not many people knew about this Unit, however, if Ricardus were given a choice to choose between the Skyfall Army or the Shadow Unit, then without a doubt, he would choose the Shadow Unit.

That was how strong this Unit was.

Not only that but they were all extremely loyal to the King as well.

Capture them and they would kill themselves the second they get the chance to.

The Shadow Unit was the King's most trusted Unit and knew almost all of the King's Dark secrets that others didn't know about.

The assassination of the troublesome nobles, stealing from rich nobles, finding out about a piece of certain information, burying down a piece of certain news, spreading rumors, there was nothing that the Shadow Unit didn't do.

And being part of this Unit, Trent was dissatisfied with the fact that rather than risking his life for the King, he was assigned to this pathetic job of spying on his wife.

'Ughhh… how boring can one person be…?'

Trent groaned inwardly.

'She is just going to eat, roam around like an idiot, then return… why are they sending me after her…? Don't they have anything better? How about I kill some nobles? Now that would be interesting…'

Trent was full of complaints.

He wanted to live a thrilling life, after all.

And unfortunately,

His wish came true.

Suddenly, Allura's carriage stopped.

Trent frowned.

'Why has the carriage stopped in the middle of a busy street? Wasn't she planning to go inside the restaurant?'

He wondered inwardly.

Then, his eyes fell on the driver, who stood up from his seat and rushed towards the carriage with a panicked look on his face.

Without any manners or constraints, the driver opened the carriage doors and his eyes widened in horror.

"Lady Allura! Lady Allura!!!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Lady Allura is not here!"


Trent frowned.

She's not here? Where else could she be?

He was sure that he has seen her entering the carriage with his own two eyes. He couldn't possibly be mistaken.

Trent wanted to go out and see what is happening, however, he knew it wasn't the time yet.

Lady Allura had her 'official' protectors, after all.

As if on cue, the two protectors quickly rushed towards the driver.

"What happened? Where is Lady Allura?"

One of the protectors questioned.

"I-I don't know!"

The driver answered in a panic.

The protector frowned.

Then, he pushed the driver away and peeked into the carriage.


A solemn look appeared on the Protector's face.

There were some signs of a struggle inside the carriage.


Before the two protectors could talk more about it, one of the commoners, who had circled around the carriage to see what was going on screamed in horror.

The others looked in the direction he was pointing at and,


"It's a Head!"


"He was beheaded!!"

Chaos ensued.

There was a bodyless head that was rolling on the ground with endless blood coming out of the neck…

Trent's eyes widened in surprise when he saw that face…

'That's Stark!'

He recognized that face.

It was a man from the Shadow Unit.

Not only that, but he was also one of the 3 members who were following behind Allura, just like him.

What's even worse?

He was the strongest out of all of them!

'How did he die? Why didn't we see or notice anything? When did all this happen?'

Many questions popped inside his mind, however, now wasn't the time to think about these things.

Right now, he had to act.

The enemy was in the shadows and was trying to hunt them, they don't know anything about the enemy, however, with how effortlessly he killed Stark, Trent assumed that he was a King Stage Cultivator.

The best move in this situation would obviously be to run away, however, King's wife went missing, and the only proof they have is the carriage.

They couldn't leave it here, not in the hands of those useless protectors.

Therefore, the best solution would be,

Trent dashed towards the Carriage. There, his eyes fell on another man who was running towards the carriage as well. He knew that man.

He was the other member who was assigned to this mission.

It seemed that he had the same thought process as Trent.

The two of them nodded at each other and stood in front of the carriage with their backs touching each other.

"W-Who are you!?"

One of the protectors questioned in panic.

"Shut it, we will be taking over this case now."

Trent declared, and at the same time, a badge appeared in his hands.

Seeing that badge, the two protectors' eyes widened in surprise.

"K-King's Badge!!"


*Crackle* *Crackle*

While Trent was dealing with the protectors, his partner quickly fired a firecracker in the sky.

Within a few seconds, the blue Sky was shining with red, and yellow colors, however, no one had the time to admire that beautiful sight.

The crowd continued to run away hysterically, the protectors just bowed their heads, and Trent and his partners just stood there, with their backs touching each other.

"The guards should be here soon."

Trent's partner, Tim, spoke.

"Yes, don't let your guard down. The attacker can attack any time."

Trent replied.

"Don't worry, I am prepared."

Trent and Tim stood there on full alert.

Seeing that sight, Nux, who was looking at everything from afar smiled,

"So they are the Shadow Unit? Doesn't look very strong to me."

He chuckled.

"Don't joke around."

Allura, who was on Nux's back spoke in a solemn tone.

"Well, I will admit, their reaction was faster than I thought. I wanted to kill 2 of them, but they grouped up too quickly."

"You should have asked for help."


Nux nodded.

Realizing his mistake.

"Not that it would matter anyway. In the end, what we wanted to achieve has been achieved."

Allura chuckled.

"Then let's watch the show, shall we?"

Nux pointed at the unit of soldiers that were rushing towards the area.