
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1363: lady faustina you…

1363 Lady Faustina you...

"That energy he uses...

It is not the part of Yrniel.

It comes from another world."

Faustina dropped another bomb.


Vyriana froze. Faustina just nodded again, letting the Dragon absorb the shock.

"N-No, isn't it just an energy? Although rare, there are still techniques that would allow one to cultivate using a completely different energy. We have a few cultivators in the Order who use such techniques as well. Couldn't he be using any one of those techniques?"

Vyriana questioned, stuttering in between her sentences.

Faustina however, just shook her head and replied politely, "Who do you think created all those techniques? Do you truly think, I, as one of the creators of life wouldn't recognize a technique created in Yrniel?"

"..." Vyriana still wasn't convinced.

"Not to mention the energy that boy uses is far more advanced than Mana or any other energies used by our cultivators. If we had access to such energy, every person in the Order would be using it." Faustina continued and Vyriana just stared at her with a dumbfounded look on her face.


"That energy comes from another world, the technique Nux is using, it was created by an Otherworlderer and, Whoever that being is, he is not someone who can be underestimated.

If he was capable of creating such a technique...

Then that being is at least from a High World... if not from the Supreme World."

Faustina spoke and in an instant, Vyriana felt like her perception of the world was crumbling.

All the worlds in the universe were divided into Tiers.

Lowest Level World.

Lower Level World.

Medium Level World.

High Level World.

And the Supreme Level World.

And despite having more than 60 Progenitors, beings whose strength couldn't be defined by mere words, the Ancestral Order whose strength was unfathomable, Yrniel was only considered to be an upper Lower Level World.

In the grand scheme of things, Yrniel was still prey in the eyes of the hunters.

The only reason it still existed even after millions of years had passed is because of that man's existence.

The man who made Yrniel an impenetrable fortress.

Honestly, Yrniel should have been considered a Lowest Level World, however, the Vampire Progenitor's existence alone made the other worlds perceive it as a Lower-Level World.

After all, despite being a Low-Level world, Yrniel still never lost a battle before because every time it was on the verge of being destroyed, that man woke up, killed the enemies, before going back to sleep again.

That was simply how absurdly powerful, Azriel Ruinous, the Vampire Progenitor was.

Of course, another reason why it still stood tall was because the High and Supreme Worlds never cared about its existence. In their eyes, taking action against Yrniel was never worth it since it was only a Lower Level World.

Despite all this, High and Supreme Level Worlds were still a level of existence that a world like Yrniel could not afford to offend.

After all, even if they had a monster like Azriel in their ranks, they weren't sure if Azriel was strong enough to defend against High and Supreme Level world invaders.

And knowing that the technique Nux was using was created by a being who was either from the High level world or even worse... a Supreme Level World... it would mean that Nux had a connection with such a being... This would explain his monstrous talents...

And as someone who had been training him for so many decades...

Vyriana's body trembled. Finding herself stuck in front of a strange crossroad she never imagined herself to be in.

Soon, however, another question popped up in her mind as she turned towards Faustina with a frown on her face, "Then... why are you trying to help him...?"

"Hmm?" Faustina tilted her head in confusion.

"If... if he is from another world... then is he not an enemy?" Vyriana questioned, such words still crushed her heart when she said them out loud.

Heck, even though she was completely loyal to the Ancestral Order since it was the only place she had known that had given her everything she desired. What made her even more fearful was that, in her heart, she still couldn't say that at this crossroad, she would choose the road that leads to Yrniel.

To her horror, in the crossroads between Nux and Yrniel... her heart was inclining toward Nux... 'W-What is happening to me...?' The Dragon couldn't understand and as if under extreme pressure, her heart started breathing heavily. She was having a hard time breathing as her body started trembling even more strongly.

But then,

"Why would he be an enemy?" Faustina chuckled and as she heard those words, a ray of hope flared up in Vyriana's heart. She turned towards Faustina and the next words that came out of her mouth relieved the Dragon's heart to the point where she felt like she would pass out from the extreme comfort, "That boy is not an enemy. I cannot imagine him turning against Yrniel. He has too many things to lose."

Faustina spoke as she stared at Vyriana with a meaningful look on her face.

Yes, the Dragon in front of him was crazy for that man, she never admitted it out loud, however, that man was now an integral part of her life and Faustina highly doubted that the Dragon could imagine her life without that man in it.

Yes, the Dragon was attracted to that man, a little too attracted for that matter.


That man was the same.

No, he was the worst.

He may joke around and smile playfully most of the time, however, Faustina, has noticed the possessiveness in that man's eyes as he stares at the Dragon.

Heck, the look in his eyes when Vyriana was talking to Dagahra, her Master and Caesar, the Human progenitor alone was enough to tell everything Faustina needed to know.

That man was much crazier than Vyriana could possibly be. He was just better at hiding himself.

Faustina couldn't imagine Nux betraying Vyriana and... for some reason, she couldn't imagine her son betraying her either.

And if... her judgment did turn out to be wrong...

Then well... it would be Faustina's fault for being fooled by the enemy and the Human Progenitor would take all the blame.

Faustina had prepared her mind.

Vyriana however, still had a few questions in her mind,

"Then what about the technique he uses...?

If you say that the technique comes from the High or Supreme Level World, then..."

Before Vyriana could even complete her sentence,

"Only he knows the source of that technique. You can ask him if you wish, however, if he hasn't told you about it yet, I doubt you should ask him about it. After all, you help him to this extent because you decided to trust that man.

Then continue trusting him, Vyriana Origin."

Vyriana stared at Faustina for a while and then, she nodded.

Trusting him huh... this sounded familiar...

A small smile appeared on her face as she thought about all this.

Then suddenly,

"Also, make sure you don't reveal anything I said to other Progenitors, or... even Aeliana."

"What...?" Vyriana blinked.

"Shouldn't they already know that Nux uses different energy by now?"

"Of course, beings at their level must have noticed it the first time they saw Nux." Faustina nodded.

Then, she chuckled,

"You know the weakness of strong beings?"

She questioned.

Vyriana thought about it for a while, then, she came up with an answer,


"Exactly." Faustina nodded, her smile widening.

"We Progenitors and Aeliana, we have been at the Top for too long. We had no competition in Yrniel and this has made us arrogant.

It is only natural since it has been tens of thousands of years since we felt the need to go out in a battle.

Every one of them must have noticed different energy around Nux, however, they must have ignored it. After all, what could a mere Semi Saint, as monstrous as he may be, could do?

Not to mention that despite being absurdly strong themselves, all these beings have one strong wall to keep their backs on and turn to every time things got harder."

"Azriel Ruinous..." Vyriana muttered.

Faustina nodded,

"Azriel's presence made us lazy. We know that if anything goes wrong, Azriel will take care of it anyway.

Of course, I am the same, this is also the reason why I first ignored the energy Nux uses until I continuously observed it for 100 years and realized just how monstrous it is and started thinking about its source.

What we need to make sure of is to not let other Progenitors reach this conclusion, they cannot be allowed to witness Nux's strength and his energy, because... If they deem him to be dangerous,

They will get rid of him.

Even your two Masters, Caesar, and Lilith cannot be trusted either."

Faustina spoke with a solemn look on her face and Vyriana, who realized the meaning behind her words couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Lady Faustina you...

You are... indirectly betraying the other Progenitors..."

A wry smile appeared on Faustina's face as she heard those words,

"You don't expect me to stay idle and let my son be in danger, do you?

I am a Mother, Vyriana and I intend to protect my son, even...

Even if he turns out to be an enemy."