
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1231: strongest my ass!

1231 Strongest my Ass!

"He is sleeping and doesn't wish to be bothered."


Vyriana replied and Nux and all his wives stared at her with deadpan looks on their faces.

Sleeping and doesn't wish to be bothered...?

Did that even make sense?

"So you are telling me that Yrniel's Strongest Progenitor, the Vampire Progenitor, is called the strongest in the universe, is strong enough to deal with all our enemies and...

He doesn't do it and bring peace to Yrniel because he is... sleeping?"

Nux questioned as he looked into Vyriana's eyes.

Obviously, Vyriana could understand what that look in his eyes meant, she, however, simply shrugged and,

"Don't look at me like that, boy.

I only said what I was told.

I actually had the same reaction as you when I first heard about him from my Masters."

Vyriana then turned towards Amaya and,

"And just like you, I also thought that all of this was only a fake rumor the Progenitors have created and no one like that actually exists."

Amaya was taken aback by how Vyriana was able to read her mind, however, after thinking about it, this wasn't a conclusion that was difficult to reach, it was easy to guess that others would have the same thoughts.

Actually, Amaya was sure that at least half of her sisters had thought of this possibility.

"Isn't this a more logical conclusion?

Just think about it, a being strong enough to deal with all the enemies that threaten Yrniel's peace is busy sleeping and no one bothers him?

Wouldn't it make more sense to 'sleep' after dealing with those enemies? If I was in his position, I would surely get a better sleep knowing that what I wish to protect is now safe."

Other women nodded at Amaya's words, even Melia, who was a Vampire and didn't wish to doubt the Vampire Progenitor had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Amaya's words made logical sense while Vyriana's did not.

"As I said, I used to believe the same thing as well.

I thought that he was just an imaginary being my Masters had brought up in order to motivate me but..."

"But?" Nux frowned in confusion.

"Did you meet him?" Amaya questioned.

That was the only logical way to get rid of all her suspicions.

Vyriana, however, shook her head,

"I have not.

But I did feel his strength once."


Nux frowned in confusion.

"I have been to the place he sleeps in," Vyriana revealed and as Nux observed her, he noticed that the Dragon Girl was trembling.

"That man is a monster..."

The Dragon Woman commented.

Nux widened his eyes in horror. He couldn't believe someone like Vyriana was making that expression and this was when that person wasn't even in front of her!

What would happen if that man came here? How would she react?

Also, just how strong would one need to be to traumatize Vyriana to this extent, especially considering that she was the disciple of the beings who are ranked right after that person.


Nux didn't wait any longer and hugged the Dragon Woman.

This time, Vyriana didn't resist or push him away either. She was just that shaken by the sight she had just recalled.

It was the time when some of the enemies escaped their formations and rushed towards the Sleeping Progenitor to finish things once and for all.

Mind you, these enemies were all beings whom even the current Vyriana wouldn't be able to defeat.

However, even when enemies this strong were entering the Sleeping Progenitor's land, none of the other Progenitors made a move.

They simply didn't care.

In their minds, the enemies' fates were already sealed.

And just like they thought, the moment Vyriana and others entered the place, wanting to confirm what had happened,

They saw enemy corpses.

Corpses with no wounds, no changes in their expressions, corpses that looked like the owners didn't even know how they died.

Around 500 beings, all of them capable of defeating the current Vyriana, rushed into that place and died without even knowing the cause, and all that time,

The Vampire Progenitor still didn't come out.

It was an experience that amazed others who entered the place, however, for Vyriana, it was something that shook her to the core.

"Heeeh? I didn't think I would see the almighty Vyriana tremble in fear."

Suddenly, Nux joked out loud.

"Not that I mind it, on the contrary, I am very much enjoying the current situation."

He spoke as he continued to gently caress Vyriana's hair.

It was the first time he had been this close to the Dragon Woman, it was a dream come true

situation for Nux, but in reality, Nux didn't like this.

Yes, he wanted to be this intimate and even more with Vyriana, however, the Vyriana he liked wasn't one to shake in fear, she was a brave warrior who looked down on everything around him, the Vyriana he loved.

His words were only a way for him to get that Vyriana back and it worked like a charm, "Stop touching me, you bastard." Vyriana released her aura as she controlled Nux's body, lifted it in the air, and threw it away from her.

Nux turned into white mist before returning back to his human form and regaining his balance.

With a pout on his face, he sighed,

"You could have let me enjoy a little, couldn't you?

Why are you so harsh, Vyriana?

Especially when you know you will be mine eventually."

Vyriana's lips twitched in annoyance, she really wanted to beat this bastard up, however, looking at his wives, she decided to calm down, and after a long sigh,

"Anyways, as I was saying,

That man exists and he is strong.

As to why he doesn't kill the enemies before going back to sleep, I do not know. I've asked Master Dagahra, but he shook his head, not wanting to tell me. The same goes for Master Saphira and other Progenitors."

"What about Lady Aeliana? She should know the reason, no?"

Thyra questioned.

Vyriana, however, shook her head as she sighed,

"How could she know anything? She hasn't even seen her father even once let alone knowing about his condition."

"What?" the women were taken aback.

Vyriana just sighed.

She pitied her friend, she knew how much Aeliana longed to meet her father, however, she never got the chance to since that man refused to leave his 'home'.

"Strongest being my ass."

Suddenly, Nux snorted.

Vyriana and all the other women turned towards him in fright, Nux however, didn't cave and snorted again,

"What strongest being when you can't even meet your own daughter?

I'd say that man has something wrong with his head.

Even if he is strong, I would rather die a weakling than live as a strong man who can't even meet his family. What's the point of living like that?"

"He might have his own circumst-" Amaya wanted to defend, however,

"If he is bound by 'circumstances', then he isn't the strongest. So stop calling him that."

Nux's tone was firm.

He liked Aeliana.

That Vampire was indirectly strengthening his chances with Vyriana, he was actually indebted to her, Nux couldn't tell what sort of woman she was since she always had this invisible wall around her, not allowing anyone to peek into her mind, however, to think that someone like her couldn't even meet her father.

Nux wanted nothing more than to barge into that bastard's house and pull him out.


Nux stared at Vyriana and gulped,

If even someone like this monster was afraid of that person, wouldn't he just squash him to death before he could even enter his home?

In the end, he was still too weak to say anything in this situation.

Heck, he was so weak that Progenitors didn't even bother telling him about these otherworlders who were attacking Yrniel since they knew that he would be absolutely useless in this condition.

Even now, he was still having troubles against someone like the Dragon Lord, an Incomplete Cultivator.

How could he pass any comment on the situation?


Suddenly, Nux called out.

"Let's have another spar."

He spoke, his will to get stronger was ignited and was now burning stronger than ever, and to do that, he wanted to understand the hidden potential of his new Bloodline and capitalize on that.

Vyriana, of course, couldn't be happier, she also wanted to forget about the memory she had just recalled, and the best way to do that was to tortspar with this perverted fella.

The wives shook their heads, but not wanting to waste their time any further, they started their respective training as well while others returned to the [Core], taking over the Clan matters now that the Trials were over.

2 Waranal Years passed by just like that, Right now, the only ones left in Waranal were Nux and Vyriana, slowly and steadily learning more and more horrifying things about Nux's new Bloodlines.

"Haah... Haaa... Haa..."

Nux took his heavy breaths, glaring at Vyriana standing in front of him.

"It really is a Progenitor Level Bloodline eh..."

Vyriana was shocked. A slight smile appeared on Nux's tired face, however, before he could say anything, a portal opened near him and a panicked Aisha rushed out,

"Arcturus's men... they are attacking the Lust State!

Mother and sisters are in danger!"


uggh... I am sorry guys, i got sick...

eyes are getting watery the more i stare at the screen.

please make do with 1 chapter...

i will do a mass release as soon as i can...
