
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1225: don't bother, i won't choose you.

1225 Don't bother, I won't choose you.


You cheated on Master Saphira...?"

Vyriana was shocked.

She had seen the relationship between Dagahra and Saphira with her own eyes and although they did not openly show affection for each other, Vyriana always had this feeling that the two of them deeply cared for each other.

After all, they have been together for such a long time, they were practically inseparable. Honestly, there were even times when Vyriana felt jealous of what her Masters had, however...


Her entire world was crumbling apart...

Vyriana continued to stare at Dagahra, a lifeless look appearing in her eyes.

"Oi, don't look at me like that."

Seeing her disciple acting like this, Dagahra's expression changed. Normally, he wouldn't have cared, however, Vyriana was someone he did care about. What opinion she had of him was important to him, therefore, he decided to reveal the truth.

"I am not the only one who 'cheated', Saphira did the same as well."

"What...?" Vyriana was even more shocked, it was to the point where Nux had to intercept and hold her.

Vyriana turned towards Saphira, the look on her face was clearly demanding an answer, an explanation. She wanted to ask, 'Is what Master saying true?'

And honestly, she didn't know what answer she wanted to here.

If it was a lie, then the image of the fatherly figure of Dagahra she had imprinted in her mind would crumble.

And if it was true, then not only Dagahra, she would lose hope in both her masters, people whom she trusted the most.


Saphira called out.

"Do not think of this from your perspective.

We are beings who have lived for millions of years, if you would ask us how old we are, even we wouldn't be able to come up with an answers, Normal standards that you people use do not imply to us.

Neither me, nor Dagahra 'cheated' on anyone. For us, the word 'cheating' doesn't even have a meaning.

Vyriana, you have to understand, we are the Progenitors of Yrniel.

We were there when it all started, and we will be there when it all ends.

We are the creators of life.


Vyriana, we are the beings who mated with our own children for the sake of increasing our numbers, the concept of incest, infidelity, taboo, or anything does not mean anything to us.

We did not 'fall' for Lilith's or Darius's powers, we were simply 'bored'.

Dragons mated with Dragons to raise competent descendants but...

What if we gave birth to a descendent who had the power of a Dragon and a Demon?

How could we not try this possibility out?

We failed, yes, however, in your terms, we 'cheated' on our partners a long time ago.

Since Ancient Times, seeking new things has been what drove us, we deeply care for each other, yes, however, that doesn't mean we have any reason to mate with just our partners, we can choose anyone we please, just to explore something new, or relish the time we spent in the past.

It is not just Lilith or Darius either, all of us have mated with all of us.

So all the Progenitors 'cheated' on their partners because that is simply what kind of beings we are.

We were created by Yrniel and were given the responsibility to mate, and that is just what we are doing.

There is nothing wrong with it."

Saphira explained with a calm look on her face and Vyriana, Aeliana, Nux and everyone who was hearing her words had dumbfounded looks on their faces.

These beings...

They really were a different level of existence.

Mortal standards never worked on them.

They are simply... bored... so they choose new 'Mates' to find something exciting...

"T-Then why do you not 'Mate' with your descendants anymore...? If you do, I am sure that the child born would have potential that would surpass almost all the cultivators in Yrniel."

Aeliana questioned.

Even she found this revelation strange, however, unlike Vyriana, Nux and his wives, who still couldn't wrap their heads around what they heard, she was trying to learn more,

"We tried it in the past, however, the difference between the levels of Bloodlines between the current Descendants and us is simply too huge, due to this, neither can we conceive our descendants' children nor can we impregnate them.

It will simply be an actively done solely for pleasure and... well, the decedents simply aren't strong enough to please us, so we need to rotate around and mingle with ourselves whenever we are 'turned on'. Which happens quite rarely if I am being honest.

These days, most of us only laze around rather than going around looking for mates."

Saphira replied, trying to explain things from a Progenitors' Perspective.

"Well, there are a few exceptions though,"

Suddenly, Faustina spoke with a playful smile on her face as she glanced at Nux.

"You have inherited Caesar's Blood, so although the Blood flowing inside you isn't as strong as ours, it is still strong enough for me to conceive your child.

So if you are interested, then..."

The meaning behind Faustina's words was clear.

An opportunity to have sex with a Progenitor, the Strongest Being in the entirely of Yrniel. The number of levels Nux would be able to skip if he dual cultivated with someone like Faustina was so huge that Nux couldn't even wrap his mind around it, it was a deal that would benefit him to a ridiculous degree,


"I am perfectly fine."

Nux simply backed away.

"I do not plan on having any children yet."

Just feeling the deathly stares coming from the back was enough for Nux to be covered with cold sweat, if he showed even the slightest of interest here, he knew he would simply be walking to his death.

Not to mention that he himself was not interested in having sex without any sort of connection with the woman. He respected the culture of the Progenitors and somewhat understood what they were saying,

This culture, however, wasn't something he could follow.

"It is a pity..."

Faustina shrugged.

"I guess I will contact you after a few thousand years."

"Don't bother,

I won't choose you."