
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1153: greeting, father-in-law.

1153 Greeting, Father-in-law.

Knock Knock

A knock was heard and the white-haired cat kin who was working who was working frowned in confusion.

"Who is it?" She questioned.

"It is me."

Rune's expression changed the moment she recognized the voice. She stood up and rushed towards the doors,

"Father, what are you doing here?"

She questioned as she glanced at Oberon who was standing in front of her. Oberon, however, ignored her and looked into Rune's room and seeing the room well-lit with a pile of papers lying on her table, Oberon turned back to Rune.

"I believe I ordered you to rest." He spoke.

"I was about to res-"

"I did not know that my authority as the Lord would diminish after I selected the next heir."

"Father, it is not like that..." Rune tried to explain herself. Oberon, however, wasn't liking it.

"I have told you time and time again, you are worrying too much. Those people know their limits, they would not move too unnecessarily till I am here. I have allowed you to act how you please all these years, however, you over-panicking is now affecting your health and I cannot allow that."

"Father, I am not over-panicking."

"You have gone as far as using Memory Artifact, Rune."

"That was a necessary step."

"Do you truly believe they can kidnap someone from the City Mansion?"

"I do."

Rune nodded with a firm look on her face.

Oberon narrowed his eyes, "Are you underestimating my strength?"

"No, Father. I know how strong you are but these clans are dangerous. 3 Divine Stage Cultivators have died in the last 150 years."

"I killed one around that time as well."

Oberon commented.

"And the entire world knows that you were the one who did it. We used more than ten artifacts to first weaken him and even then, you needed to use a considerable amount of strength to defeat Lord Prima, however, those Divine Stage Cultivators were assassinated in secret. The identity of the culprits is unknown even now.

Killing a Divine Stage Cultivator without as much as alerting even a single person beside them, just how strong one needs to be in order to do that?

Does Father really think he can stop such beings if they come for us?"

Rune questioned directly.

Oberon, however, simply shook his head.

He was not a narrow-visioned child, he knew Yrniel was not safe anymore, he was not the absolute being he once was, things were dangerous, even for him, however, "Do you think your little preparations would stop people of such level from aiming at us? You truly believe people of such level would come and try to kidnap our subordinates to know the truth? Why won't they directly target us instead?

What do you wish to do? Live in fear and panic for the rest of your life? Rune, you are a competent leader, but you need to realize that not everything can be perfect.

You cannot solve every single puzzle.

Sometimes, you need to leave some things to luck.

Whoever those people are, it is clear from their actions that they do not wish to show themselves more often than required. So hope that these people won't come for us and continue with your life. There is no need to put yourself through all that."

"Mhm, I completely agree with those words."

Another voice agreeing with Oberon's words was heard.

Oberon narrowed his eyes as his Aura burst out, enveloping the entire room,

"Uhh... Father-in-law... can you stop? I can't appear if you use your Aura, as strong as I am, facing the Aura of a Divine Stage is still not possible for the current me."

The voice spoke again.

This time, Oberon's brows furrowed in confusion.

'Father-in-law...? A Male's voice was calling him father-in-law...?'

Oberon was confused, he glanced at his daughter and saw a surprised expression on her face.

"Father..." She called out.

Oberon understood and retracted his Aura, however, the confusion on his face was still as apparent as before.

According to what he knew, Rune only loved a single man all her life and that was Aragorn, the man who was planted by Willow. After being betrayed by him, Rune's heart had turned cold, she was approached by countless men after everyone heard about the incident and realized that she was now available, Rune, however, didn't even look at them.

It didn't take long for Oberon to realize that his had daughter stopped believing in Love and had decided to take care of the City. A decision that pained Oberon's heart but also made him proud.

His daughter was right, love was simply an emotion that weakens a person's state of mind, him being fooled by Ivy was one such case. A Competent Leader does not require love.

Rune was strong enough to live alone for the rest of her life, just like him.


To think Rune fell in love again...

Oberon was surprised.

Just who in the world won Rune's heart when she didn't even glance at the men trying to approach her and how in the hell did he do it?

And as if knowing what his future father-in-law was thinking, Nux decided to appear beside Rune.

"Greetings, Father in law, I believe this is our first time meeting each other."

He greeted with a big smile on his face.


Oberon narrowed his eyes when he glanced at Nux.

How could he possibly not recognize who this man was? Even the World Leaders leave their Continents just to witness his battles.

"Nux Leander..." he spoke.

"That is correct." Nux nodded.

"Father-in-law, I completely agree with your words, Rune worries too much, it might affect her health if this continues. I actually have a solution for this problem as well."

"What is it?" Letting the curiosity get the best of him, Oberon questioned.

Nux momentarily glanced at Rune and, "Send her with me. I promise that I will treat her well and she will have nothing to worry about."
