
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1125: the ancestral order's status has fallen.

1125 The Ancestral Order's status has fallen.

"So only the power structure of Clans was changed?" Nux questioned.

Riona, however, shook her head, "This is just the start. The power structure did change, the Top Clans that once enjoyed extreme popularity and had great influence fell, it got even worse when the new Clans started accepting outside cultivators as members started joining in the financial market, taking away most of the previous Top Clan's market share. Even some of the most Loyal Customers made the switch.

All of this was a big change and many pitied the previous top clans, however, a decade later, everything settled down. The Clans that once stayed on the top were simply forgotten by the people and new Clans replaced them.

Around 20 more years later, however, things that seemed to have calmed down changed again.

Another wave of new Clans registered themselves in the Order and just like before, the members of these clans were Complete Cultivators as well.

At first, everyone thought that these were on the same side as the new Top Clans, soon, however, these Clans started

Challenging the Clans in power.

Two Clans with Complete Cultivators on their side started battling each other. Both members were equally strong, if one side won in one region, the other side won in the second one and even after this went on for another decade, a clear winner was still not decided.

This was the time when the Clan

Challenges were at their peak. Top Clans were out for blood, trying to devour their enemies, however, their enemies weren't weak either and it was not only the

Complete Cultivators from these clans either, normal Cultivators started joining these clans and clashed against each other as well.

The Scale of Clan Challenges continued to increase every single day. The situation got so worse that the Order couldn't even oversee some of the Clan Challenges.

Yrniel, which had been silent and peaceful for thousands of years was finally experiencing a change.

In many's eyes, this wasn't exactly a bad thing either, after all, with all these fights, the overall level of Cultivators in Yrniel was increasing.

This, however, changed when members of the Top Clans started being assassinated.

No one knew whether it was because of some new Assassination Hall or whatever, but in Yrniel, where Assassinations were rare and rarely any clan dared to try and use unfair means against their opponent, this was a big thing that had to stop.

The Ancestral Order finally made a move.

They tried to find out who the killer was or who instigated it, however, first time in the history of Ancestral Order,

They failed.

And as if wanting to add salt to injury, another Mysterious Force appeared, selling Artifacts that according to their claims, were able to increase some parts of the Target's memories.

Mind you, the Order's primary method of investigation involves either Memory Manipulation or Mind Reading, you can already imagine what would happen if Artifacts capable of erasing memories started being sold throughout Yrniel.

At first, not many believed the mysterious sellers, however, there are always a few poison testers in every situation, and soon, the authenticity of these new Artifacts was proven.

Chaos spread all over Yrniel.

Abusing the new artifact, the Clans started using ways that were never used before.

The number of deaths from assassinations started increasing at a rapid pace. More and more Clans started challenging each other. More and more enmities started forming.

The Order did try to interrupt and stop the sales of the Memory Artifact, they,

however, had no control over the sellers, who seemed to appear in one place, then disappear and appear in another whenever they sensed danger.

What's worse? Even if Order does manage to catch one of these sellers, that seller turns into a complete idiot with no memories and an absolutely blank mind.

It didn't take long for the Order to completely lose control over the situation.

Two more decades later, Yrniel turned into a completely different place, People's trust in the Order fell drastically, more and more Clans started challenging other clans, and Death became common in both official fights and through false means, panic spread.

And what acted like a nail to the coffin was the mysterious death of a Divine Stage Cultivator.

One of the strongest known beings died unnaturally and the cause of his death or the person behind it couldn't be found, even now it is still a mystery, this made the already tensed position even tenser.

A few years later, another Divine Stage Cultivator met the same end, the Order tried to investigate, but again, the Order wasn't omnipotent, with almost everyone having Memory Artifacts with them,

Memory Search was completely useless, finding the culprits was absolutely impossible when in some cases, even the culprit himself doesn't know the truth.

The Current Yrniel is completely different than the Yrniel you knew.

This place is no longer as safe as it used to be.

Now, the weak weren't protected anymore.

Deaths were everyday occurrences, Order's protection was pretty much useless, even in the cases where the Memory Artifacts were not used, the sheer number of cases that needed to be investigated was so huge that the Order couldn't even keep up.

It is a big mess."

Riona explained the situation and the entire room turned silent.

Nux and his wives did expect that

something happened because of Vyriana's warning...

But this...?

Wasn't this a little too much!?

The Ancestral Order had lost all its influence!

Though it is still there, in truth, it had completely fallen!

The powers don't respect it like they used to, the people don't trust it, it cannot keep anything in check anymore, Ancestral Order has completely lost all its footing.

And Yrniel...

It has turned into a hell hole where even the strongest beings aren't safe anymore.

"...is this the reason why I do not sense many members here? Do they not feel safe in our clan anymore?" Nux questioned with a serious look on his face.

Riona looked at Nux, "That is part of the reason but the main reason behind it is you."