
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1106: don't worry, i will help you.

1106 Don't worry, I will help you.

"It took you 28 years huh, that is slower than I expected,"

Vyriana spoke as she observed Nux standing in front of him.

28 years had passed, and Nux was now 106 years old.

In these past few years, there was little to no change in Nux's Cultivation and honestly, there was no big change in his aura either. He didn't learn anything completely out of the ordinary like

Essence, he didn't find any holes in his system he could use in the future, he didn't get any overpowered Bloodline, and neither did he collect any System Points by himself. It could be said that these 28 years were the years in which his progress had been slowest.

If Nux had to put it into numbers, then when his strength was at level 123 earlier, his strength right now would only be at level 130.

An increase of 7 levels in 28 long years.

However, these 7 levels were different in one way.

Nux gained these 7 levels without actually gaining them. That meant that his stats may be of a Level 130 Nux right now, his Level was still 123.

His Potential had grown.

And Nux wasn't the only one who could see it, Vyriana could see it as well. Rather, Vyriana could see what even Nux himself couldn't.

Nux already had a perfect body after he broke through to the Semi Saint and went through a complete reformation, his

muscles, his bones, his tendons, his skin, his blood vessels, and even his nerves, everything was perfect, however, after these 28 years, his body had transcended that level as well.

And his transformation still wasn't over.

He had only learned 5 out of the 6 Skills given to him.

Thinking about it, Vyriana smiled inwardly.

"Slower than you expected? Didn't you say it would take me 30 years to learn these? I did it in 28." Nux spoke, challenging Vyriana's words.

"30 was your Deadline, if you couldn't even learn some simple techniques in 30 years, then you didn't deserve to be taught by me." Vyriana's reply was cold.

"So it was a deadline huh...

Whatever you say, Lady Vyriana.

Guess I at the very least deserve to be taught by you." Nux muttered in a low voice.

He didn't show any strong reaction to Vyriana's blood and only stared at her.

"What?" Maybe she felt uncomfortable under his gaze, Vyriana decided to change the topic.

"You already spent 28 years just to master these Skills, you don't have time to waste in empty talks like that,"

"I hope Lady Vyriana can guide me for the last step," Nux replied with a nod.

"Start reading the book and follow the steps mentioned there," Vyriana ordered.

Nux frowned in confusion. If it was just that easy, then Vyriana wouldn't have told him to call her, she would have just given him another few years to master and then combine the skills himself.

However, Nux didn't bother asking, he had a feeling that he would understand

Vyriana's reasoning on his own.

And he was correct.

An hour later, Nux finally realized that the Silent Vessel was not a Skill Book, it was just a way to achieve 'Zenith', an empty state of mind that was perfect for battle.

A State of mind that allowed a cultivator to fight in the most optimal way possible without having to think.

"Did you get a basic understanding of how the technique works?" Seeing the lost look that had appeared on Nux's face, Vyriana who had been silent for the past hour spoke up.

"I did, however..." a frown appeared on Nux's face, "The Skills allow me to fight without thinking, from what I understand, it means that the moment I see my

opponent move, my body should also move to counter his attack without having to think about it.

It allows me to fight using my muscle memory, even if I am thinking about a completely different thing, my body would still do perfectly on its own. It is almost as if I am shutting down my brain and still fighting in the most optimal way."

"That is correct. You understood it

perfectly." Vyriana nodded. "What's

bothering you?" She questioned, noticing the strange look on his face.

"That is not how muscle memory works.

When you repeatedly perform a specific action or task, your brain and muscles develop neural pathways that allow for the efficient and coordinated execution of that action.

If I repeatedly practice the same move, say a kick, then eventually, there will be a time when I can perform the same kick without thinking, that is muscle memory.

Muscle Memory doesn't react according to the situation. It only performs the same set of tasks again and again.

How can I solely rely on muscle memory in a situation as everchanging as a Battle?

How would my body know the best

response to every situation if I am not even thinking?"

Nux asked and hearing that question, a big smile appeared on Vyriana's face.

"Why did you think I told you to Master those five Skills first? Don't forget, we are going to combine all five of those skills into one."

Nux's frown deepened, soon, however, when he finally realized what Vyriana was talking about, his expression changed, "You are trying to ingrain all those Skills into my muscle memory. Using them

without thinking... we are not just training Silent Vessel, we are training all six of these Skills at the same time."

"Correct." Vyriana nodded.

"No wait... how is my body going to

understand what move to use in what

situation? Even if I ingrain all those skills into my muscle memory, I would still need to see my opponent, think, and respond to his moves before my muscle memory can kick in."

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, Nux Leander."

Vyriana spoke, her tone sounding strangely joyful.

"...?" Nux tilted his head and narrowed his eyes as he glanced at the Dragon woman.

Then suddenly, a sword appeared in

Vyriana's hand, the smile on her face turned demonic, and as she looked into Nux's eyes, she spoke,

"You don't have to worry at all.

We are not just going to ingrain the Skills into your muscle memory, we will do the same for the 'responses' as well.

We will be creating so many new neural paths between your brain and muscles that your body will react without conscious thoughts the moment you sense your

opponent's move.

And what's the better way to teach a being's muscles than to beat it into them?"

Vyriana then tightly held her sword and, "I will be personally ingraining all the 'moves' and 'responses' in your body and I will continue to do so till you master your new Battle Style to Perfection State, no matter how many decades it takes.

After all, we have plenty of time, don't we?"

Translation: I will be beating you up to the point your body will start acting separately from your brain.

Nux trembled.