
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1093: how did you…

1093 How did you...

"Don't you think I deserve a reward?"

Nux questioned with a small smile on his face.

Vyriana furrowed her brows as she glanced at him and,

"For what?"

"Lady Vyriana said that she didn't like cheaters, so I didn't cheat because didn't want to be hated by Lady Vyriana. I was honest.

Doesn't honesty deserve a reward?"

Nux may have lost the bet, he, however, was not planning to lose here. Pushing his Shamelessness to the limit, he was trying all the options he had.

A man must not give up.

Vyriana raised her eyebrow, "I didn't know something that was considered a bare minimum is now deserving of a reward."

"That's not it.

Just think about it. A reward where Lady Vyriana would give me anything I ask for, how tempting is that?

However, even in front of such temptation, I still held my ground and played honestly even though I could have entered the Waranal Dimension and returned after Mastering the Spell to Perfection Stage."

"Are you saying that I should be thankful to you because you didn't cheat when you could have?" Vyriana narrowed her eyes.

"Of course not. I am just saying that Lady Vyriana should reward honestly, this would spread a positive message. Also, it is not like I plan to ask for something too absurd, Why don't you listen to my request first?

You can always decide after that.

Actually, you might even find it interesting."

This time, Vyriana's expression changed.

"Make it quick."

She had to admit, this boy knew what words to speak in order to raise her interest,

Vyriana ordered.

Nux's smile widened and then,

"I want another chance."

"Huh?" Vyriana frowned in confusion.

"It can be done anytime and anywhere, I want Lady Vyriana to give me another challenge with the same conditions, of course, the content of the challenge is up to Lady Vyriana to decide.

I just need Lady Vyriana to give her word that if I win, she will give me what I want, no matter what it is."

Nux proposed with a small smile on his And just as he thought, Vyriana seemed interested. It isn't that hard to guess either, after all, who was Vyriana? An Absolute 11:14

Being who stands on top of most of the cultivators.

She is a lonely existence and Nux knew perfectly well that he was a source of 'entertainment' for her. Of course, she didn't actually treat him like a source of entertainment, it was just her unconscious mind working, him going against whatever she believed in time and time again, it attracted Vyriana's curiousness towards him.

This was the reason why she was 'lenient'

to him. This was why Nux could get away with things others wouldn't dare not do.

Because he was different.

And Nux knew that perfectly well.

Not only that, he even planned to use it to his own advantage.

Now Vyriana just had to jump in and accept his proposal, but then,

"What could you possibly want that is enough to make you act so shamelessly?"

Hearing that question,Nux's smile widened,

"I have a big goal, Lady Vyriana."

"I am curious about that goal of yours."

"If only I could just tell you directly, how simple would life be," Nux commented.

"You can do that, no one is stopping you."

"I am still not sure yet.

I only make my move when I know I will win and I am far from that level yet."

Nux replied.

Hearing his words, a slight frown appeared on Vyriana's face, then, with a grim look on her face, she glanced at Nux and called out.


"What is it, Lady Vyriana?"

"Do not do anything that would bring harm to the place you lived your entire life in."

The seriousness in her voice as she said those words, it was overwhelming.

"Lady Vyriana as I said before,

I would never do something that would make you hate me.

I want the complete opposite of that."

"That is good.

I wouldn't want to kill you either." Vyriana replied and Nux, who heard those words couldn't help but smile wryly.

Just what sort of thoughts run through this woman's mind? Why did she directly jump to killing?

"Does that mean Lady Vyriana has gotten attached to me?" Nux questioned with a big smile on his face.

"I just don't want my disciple to be unhappy." Vyriana's reply was clear.

"..." Nux turned silent.

Then, he just decided to change the topic, "So how about it, Lady Vyriana? Would you give me the reward I asked for?"

"I don't mind it." Vyriana shrugged.

"Heh." Nux smiled.

The other women who were watching this interaction didn't know what to think. They knew they were getting a new sister, however... this new sister of theirs wasn't simple.

This would be hard...

Even for Nux...

"Alright, we have wasted enough time as is."

Suddenly, Vyriana spoke up as she turned towards the other women.

"Now that I have returned and you are stuck here for a while, in this time period, I have decided to take you all as my temporary students. You have no right to reject, all you need to do is shut up and follow my orders."

Her tone wasn't looking no for an answer and for some reason, as they heard her voice, all the women standing there, including Astaria, gulped.

"Anyways, you all will be staying in this place for 6 years, that would be 150 years in Yrniel. This is final and will not be changed.

You can leave the Dimension for little breaks, I would allow that, only if you are strong enough to move and leave the place after training that is."

How did you..."

Vyriana spoke and Nux and his wives glanced at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

They could tell it already,

This wasn't going to end well.

"Now I will be discussing your future schedule from today onwards,

For the next 2 mont-"

Vyriana wanted to explain the whole schedule she had planned for the coming 6 years, but then, her eyes fell on her disciple and she frowned. Then, she looked around, observing other women, and soon, her frown grew,

"Your Bloodlines...

How did you........."