
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1074: your wife is crazy, you know that correct?

1074 Your wife is crazy, you know that correct?


A smile appeared on Nux's face as he sensed the changes in his body.

After extracting Lane's Bloodline and becoming a Shadow Demon, there wasn't much difference in his appearance, other than darker eyelashes and a slight change in his skin tone, however, Nux could feel that his body had changed.

*Nux's Shadow Demon Form*

The new powers he could feel, the endless possibilities it brought... as Nux felt everything, he couldn't help but question inwardly.

'How is this thing only a King Level Bloodline...?'

Nux couldn't believe it.

The more he sensed the different abilities he had gained, the more the thought in his mind solidified.

'Norana is a Fool.

Shadow Demons are way stronger than what they were given credit for. Using it as a mere means of assassination, Norana wasn't doing it justice at all.

Honestly, if used well, Nux would even keep this Bloodline above the Vampire Bloodline.

Complete access to Shadow Realm with no restrictions whatsoever.

What did that mean?

Nux could enter a realm where no one else could, it was a perfect place to hide. They can completely turn into dark, fluid, shadowy form, and no physical attacks would harm them.

What's more?

Unlike with the Vampire Mist ability, the Shadow Form wasn't extremely weak against Mana either. Not to mention it was a great movement skill that could help you take your enemies by surprise.

Shadow Demons could also manipulate enemies' own shadow's shape and use it as a means to attack them, although the attacks coming from their shadow might not be extremely strong, just the fact that they come from something closest to them, defending against them was much more complicated.

'Alright fuck it.'

In the end, Nux couldn't hold it in any longer.

Thinking about all the possible things he could do with his new Bloodline, an excited smile appeared on his face.

Without wasting any more time, he tapped into his new Bloodline Powers and his Body turned blurry before turning into a Black Fluid-like form,

It was the Shadow Form.

A Form that increases his movement speed by 50 percent, this, combined with his already absurd speed after becoming a Semi Saint, honestly, if Nux is hell-bent on running away, then catching him would be difficult, even for some Complete Saint Stage Cultivators. Of course, this was when he was not using his absurd abilities like Blink Fault, Core, and Harem's Gate, if he used those, a Saint Catching him was simply impossible.

Anyway, the movement speed was not the thing he was most excited about.

The Shadow Form allowed him to access Shadow Realm.

Nux glanced at his wife who was sleeping peacefully, then, his eyes fell on her shadow.

Without waiting any further, Nux entered Lane's Shadow.


It was dark, just like one would expect it to be, however, entering Lane's Shadow, Nux finally understood what his dear wife was talking about.

He could feel Lane's presence as well.

The feeling of being this close to his wife, it was strange but strangely comforting.

Nux felt like his consciousness was mixing in with his wife's.

As Nux continued to explore the Shadow Realm while enjoying the comfort of being 'inside' Lane, he suddenly felt a presence.

'So turned into a Shadow Demon!'

It was Lane.

Nux turned around, wanting to see where she was, but other than darkness, there was nothing else he could see.

But even then, Nux knew Lane was here.

And she was standing right in front of him.

'Did I wake you up?"

Nux questioned.

Lane was quite tired after the first round, so he preferred if she had enough rest. He didn't mind waiting for a few more hours before continuing their session, there was no need for his wife to push herself but knowing Lane's personality, Nux knew she would not listen to him.

Nux regretted his actions, he didn't know entering the Shadow Realm would wake Lane up.

But then,

'You did not.'

Lane shook her head.

'My main body is still sleeping.'


Hearing what Lane said, Nux frowned in confusion.

'I am just a consciousness that is born from a collection of Lane's thoughts, the 'real' Lane is still asleep. 'I' and

different from the real Lane, what I hear and see is not exchanged with Lane, unless, of course, she enters this place and the two of us talk,

Which we do quite often.'

Lane explained.

However, the more he heard about it, the more confused

Nux got.


This wasn't normal.

No, this didn't make any sense.

'You can treat me as a guardian of Lane's shadow realm of sorts. I may not be very strong, but I do have the

capability of alerting Lane if something goes wrong in her Shadow Realm!

'So you are telling me you were born after Lane turned into Shadow Demon?"

Nux questioned.

"That is correct. 'Lane' nodded her head.

Nux narrowed his eyes.

This was not normal at all.

Nux may appear as a carefree man, but when it came to his wives, he was completely the opposite, when Kaal Nightshade, the Lord of Shadow Demons showed interest in Lane and offered her to become a Shadow Demon, Nux didn't just let Lane jump into it.

He researched.

He learned about everything there was to learn about being a Shadow Demon.

This was not a race he had ever heard about before, after all. Even in the fantasy stories he had read in his previous life, Shadow Demons weren't exactly common. Nux could barely remember any of the books mentioning them.

Anyways, Nux had done his fair share of research about Shadow Demons, he even got Amaya to help him with it, but even after all that thorough studying,

He had never heard about something like an alternative ego being born when a Human turns into a Shadow Demon, or Shadow Demons having any alternate egos 'protecting' their Shadow Realm in general.

Not to mention he had extracted the same type of Blood flowing through Lane's body and he could feel it, there was no alternative ego formed in his case.

This was suspicious.

Something wasn't right.

Nux narrowed his eyes.

He had to get to the bottom of this, if he did not, this could harm his lovely wife, and that was something he couldn't allow.

'I know what you are thinking, Nux.

But you don't have to worry,

I would never harm Lane,

As I said, I am a consciousness born out of Lane's thoughts, I won't exist if something happens to the real Lane,

I am incapable of harming Lane!

Of course, Nux didn't believe anything the woman in front of him said.

He tried using *Essence* to sense her presence, but he couldn't sense anything.

He could just feel her presence, this did align with what she said, since she was only a consciousness, she didn't have a real body. There was nothing Nux could sense.

So at the very least, Nux could say she wasn't an enemy who was fooling Lane and was living in her Shadow Realm.

However, Nux was still wary.

If something was related to his wives, he was always extra wary,

He still didn't trust this 'consciousness'.

And as if she knew that, Nux suddenly felt a gentle touching his cheek and,

"You worry too much, Nux.

I may be just a consciousness, however, I am still the Lane you love.

You do not have to be wary of me.'


Nux turned silent.

This touch...

It felt exactly like Lane, however, for some reason, he felt it was different.

Nux stepped back, 'Lane' smiled wryly,

'This saddens me and makes me happy at the same time,'

Then, she just glanced at Nux and,

'It is alright, you being wary just shows your love and care for me,

I do not know how I was born. but it is any reassurance

Then I can tell you that I cannot leave this place, neither can I influence Lane's thoughts in any way,

Well, other than the fact that I was literally born from her thoughts.'

"You talk awfully lot for someone who was born out of Lane's thoughts.' Nux narrowed his eyes.

No matter how he saw it, it was too suspicious.

'Lane', however, just smiled and,

'I am Lane's inner thoughts, Nux.

Do you truly think Lane is just as silent in her head as she

is in the real world?'

'But you don't sound like Lane at all.'

'Do you feel like I sound more like you?

No, to be more precise, a you in Lane's mind?'

'Lane' smiled and a frown appeared on Nux's face.

'I was created out of Lane's thoughts,

Who do you think most of her thoughts are about?

Your wife is crazy, you know that correct?"


Nux turned silent.

'I will be keeping my eyes on you.'

'I wish you would!

Nux didn't say anything and came out of Lane's Shadow.

Then, he reverted back to his Human Form, he didn't want to explore his new Bloodline anymore.

Nux sat on the bed Lane was sleeping on, seeing her beautiful wife sleeping peacefully, a small smile appeared on Nux's face.

His mind was filled with different thoughts.

But for now,

He decided to just stay close to his wife and ask her about it when she wakes up.