
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1050: what brings the two of you here?

1050 What brings the two of you here?

"Can you... bring us with you...?

We are actually stuck here..."

Nux questioned as he scratched the back of his head with a silly smile on his face.


Vyriana narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Are you telling me that you came here without the help of the Artifact but are now unable to leave?"

"...Not no."

"So a yes."

"Not no..."


Vyriana continued to stare at Nux. Nux looked away, trying to avoid eye contact as much as he could.

"What were you going to do if I didn't come here?" Vyriana questioned.

"But you are here right now, aren't you? Maybe it is fate.

I am telling you, our destinies are intervened together, Lady Vyriana."

Nux of course, tried to use this to his advantage, however, this time, the woman in front of him wasn't simple.

Completely ignoring his words, Vyriana just threw the 13 Artifacts towards Nux and his wives, then, she glanced at Nux and,

"Do not expect me to help you this time. I helped you before because I was the one who revealed your secrets, this time, however, I have already kept my word, whatever happens from now on, it has no connection with me, you are the one who needs to take care of everything." She spoke.


Nux frowned in confusion.

He couldn't understand what Vyriana was talking about.

Vyriana, of course, didn't care what he was thinking about.

"Don't die." Saying those words, Vyriana disappeared.

Nux and his women turned silent.

"Your master has a screw loose in her head, Astaria," Edda commented as she glanced at her sister.

"So that's what you think about me after getting a technique from me, huh."


Edda's widened her eyes in horror as she turned around, then, her expression changed.


Allura laughed out loud.

"You!!" Edda glared at Allura.

"I was scared for my life." She complained.

"Talking behind her back, how brave~"

Allura chuckled.

"...I just said the truth," Edda replied. "You don't say the truth right in front of someone's face. You need to be considerate."

"Considerate my ass, I still remember how you publically shamed that maid just because she was eying on your Head Maid position."

"That bitch deserved it."

"Oh? Then what about that man you called ugly right at his face after you met Nux?"


Edda turned silent.

Allura knew too many of her secrets for her to go against her.

"Just admit it, Edda. You are scared of that woman."

"You talk as if you are not." Edda snorted.

"But I do not bitch about her behind her back."

"Sorry I openly said what I wanted to." Edda rolled her eyes.

"Well, you aren't exactly wrong..." Suddenly, Astaria spoke up.


This time, not only Allura and Edda, but everyone else turned towards Astaria, surprised that she was actually talking like this behind her master's back.

"Master definitely acts somewhat different than others. Well, to put it simply, she is more direct about things. Her strength makes her numb, she doesn't care about what others think about her, however, I get a feeling that it is different for us.

I have seen Master interacting with other people from the Order while she was training me and from that, I can tell that Master definitely treats us differently than the others.

She may come off as arrogant most of the time, but I believe that is a natural disposition. She has remained at the top for such a long time that she is already used to being the strongest in the room, she is at the stage where she doesn't care about most of the things.

Honestly, I would even say she is unusually soft around us.

At the very least, we are given options to choose from, the others who talk to her are simply ordered to do things. Or maybe it is only Nux who is shameless enough to ask for options in front of her, most of the people who come to her don't even dare to speak in front of her."

Astaria explained.

"That is... her being soft around us...?" Edda couldn't believe what she heard.

"Think about it, when has Master ever harmed us? When has she done something that could even potentially harm us? Most of the time, she is the one protecting us instead. Truthfully, we are lucky that we are seeing the side of the Master we are seeing."

"Right, that's the Astaria I know, coming forward to defend her Master and stopping us from talking bad about her." Allura continuously nodded her head.

"..." Astaria didn't say anything, she knew Allura was just trying to mess with her. She knew this woman well enough to know that talking with her was a waste of energy, she was called a bored concubine for a reason.

That woman craved entertainment.

And the biggest source of her entertainment was teasing and annoying her sisters.

"Anyways, who was Lady Vyriana talking about before she left? Someone Nux would want to meet? Who could it be? Honestly, from what she said, the entire thing sounded like trouble." Suddenly, Felberta commented.

"I was thinking about it as well. Her saying that she wouldn't help him this time, it sounds like something troublesome is coming." Amaya nodded.

"Well no point in thinking about it.

Let's just leave."

Suddenly, Nux spoke up.

"Look at you acting all confident." Aisha chuckled.

"I heard confidence attracts women." Nux smiled.

"Everything you do attracts women, Darling~" Aisha replied with a seductive smile on her face.

"Alright Alright, we shouldn't keep our guests waiting, Let's leave this place!"

Nux spoke, the women nodded as they all activated their Artifacts, disappearing from the place.


In Yrniel, in front of the Base of ExceedoGenesis, two women stood in front of each other, the two looked into each other's eyes, clearly, none of them was expecting to see the other here.

"Surprising to see here," Ambrosia commented.

"Surprising indeed," Lyriana replied as she glanced at her friend.

"What are you doing here?" Ambrosia questioned with a curious look on her face.

"I could ask the same thing," Lyriana questioned back in her usual emotionless tone.

"The leader of this clan is my son-in-law, you see. I have many reasons to be here, actually, I can even come here without any reason at all.

What about you though, Lyriana?

What are you doing here?"


Lyriana turned silent.

Ambrosia looked into her friend's eyes, patiently waiting for her answer.

"I wanted to meet Nux Leander."

"I didn't know you two were that close."

"We are not."

"It is quite out of your nature to approach someone first, I am surprised."

"There is something I am curious about," Lyriana replied, she didn't like how she was being interrogated, however, she knew what type of woman Ambrosia was.

Honestly, Lyriana was 90% sure that Ambrosia knew about her reason for coming here, she was just

questioning her because it was fun. This was the reason Lyriana didn't like interacting with Ambrosia even though the two of them were good friends.

"For you to be curious about Nux when you just saw someone like the Devil yesterday, I must say, that is quite strange. Actually, shouldn't you be with your daughter right now? She faced quite an embarrassing defeat yesterday, I am sure her mind is filled with quite a lot of things right now and I believe her mother should be there with her at this moment.

Especially when she has no father figure to take care of her."

Ambrosia replied, this time, her genuine concern for Ariana, the Elven Hero, was visible on her face.

"Funny you talk about her, she was actually waiting for her aunt to visit her. Actually, Elijah shouldn't be in a better condition either, now should he? One would think that you would spend time with your nephew." Lyriana played the same card as Ambrosia.

As for the situation with her daughter, Ariana was a strong girl. Lyriana knew that her little girl had what it took to overcome this on her own.

Not to mention the 'Devil' was just insanely strong. One only feels frustration, anger, remorse, and defeated at a certain level, after that level, it is only hopelessness.

The strength the 'Devil' showed was at that level.

A Great Sage defeated a Semi Saint, the Strongest Hero, in such a humiliating manner. What could her daughter possibly do against a monster like that?

"Elijah has people taking care of him, I didn't wish to crowd around him," Ambrosia replied, a slight smile that remained on her face annoyed Lyriana to no degree.

In the end, her face twitched and she gave up.

"I came here to meet Nux and I would like if you do not ask any more questions about it."

"But Nux is my son in-"

"That doesn't matter.

Stop your games, Ambrosia.

We both know what we are here for, so rather than each other's time playing these stupid games, let's meet that boy to confirm our suspicions and be done with it."

Ambrosia was about to reply, but before she could, she heard a playful voice

"Oh? Both my mother-in-law and Future mother-in-law are here~

This is quite a surprise

What brings the two of you here?"