
Supreme Harem God Systemchapter 1047: semi saint

1047 Semi Saint

It was time to form a new Brain.

His Heart and Lungs, he had destroyed and regenerated before by combining his Vampire Regeneration and his [Regeneration] skill. He had even upgraded his [Regeneration] from 6 Star to 10 Star, he had reached a point where he could regenerate his chipped limb within 3 seconds, even his Heart and Lungs, he could regenerate them within 20 seconds.

However, the Brain was different.

Although it takes an absurd level of experience, willpower, and craziness, a Cultivator's body can function without Lungs and a Heart for a while by using Mana to temporarily take over its functions, the same, however, cannot be done with the brain.

If the brain stops functioning, controlling Mana becomes impossible, therefore, Nux had never tried to regenerate his brain before.

Which was the reason why he was worried about this step the most.

Taking a deep breath, Nux moved all the *Essence* into his Brain and,


His brain burst apart.

Nux temporarily went into an unconscious state.

His Organs were working, however, with no organ to 'lead' them, his body was put into a 'semi-dead' state where Nux had no control over anything.


Nux fell down.

A large amount of *Essence* surrounded his entire body, keeping him barely alive.

The women glanced at him with worried looks on their faces. They couldn't sense Nux's presence even though he was right in front of them, of course, this was not the first time something like this has happened.

However, all the other times, it was Nux himself concealing his presence, right now, however, Nux was unconscious, heck he wasn't even breathing and neither was his heart beating.

Was he dead or alive? It couldn't be said. The only reason Nux's women weren't panicking and rushing towards him in worry was because they trusted their husband.

However, even then, their solemn faces gave away how tense the situation was.

And the situation wasn't resolved anytime soon either,

Time continued to pass however the women couldn't sense any changes in Nux's body, he still lied on the ground like a dead body. The tension in the air increased, no one said anything,, the absolute silence in the air was deafening.

It was only after an entire hour passed did something finally happened.

The *Essence* that was surrounding Nux's body rushed towards his head without stopping, a new brain was finally born,

At a ridiculously high speed, it grew, soon becoming as large as a normal brain before surpassing even that.


Suddenly, Nux shot back up. With his eyes opened wide, he breathed heavily.

His entire body was drenched in sweat and he had a strange expression on his face as he looked around before finally looking at his wives and a weak smile appeared on his face.

'I am back...'

He muttered inwardly as he closed his eyes and continued to breathe.

Nux didn't know what happened, when his brain burst apart, he went into a strange state, a state of helplessness where he couldn't sense anything other than his own existence. He knew he 'existed, however, he couldn't feel his body, it was as if he was in a fluid state of nothingness.

It wasn't a painful experience, but honestly, Nux preferred pain instead of what he had been through. In pain, at the very least, he could actually feel his own self, in that state of nothingness, however, everything, even the flow of time, felt meaningless.

Nux didn't know how long had it been, however, seeing his wives standing in front of him after this, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

'Heh,'Nux chuckled.

It was just his way of calming his nerves.

5 minutes later, when he finally calmed down, he got back to doing what he came here for. The Hardest part was now over, now he only needed to reform the rest of his body parts.

Nux soon realized that the *Essence* in his body was emptied out, his new brain had absorbed it all, he had to absorb more Mana and turn it into *Essence* again.

Nux closed his eyes again, then, he started absorbing Mana.

3 weeks later, Nux had filled his body up to the brim again, then, after converting all the Mana into *Essence*, he started again.

This time, much more confident than before,

He decided to target all his Organs at the same time,

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

All the Organs in his body except for the Brain, the Heart, and the Lungs burst into Blood puddle, the pain was like nothing he had ever felt before, however, there was not a single change in Nux's expression.

Honestly, a part of his mind was still thinking about that 'State of Nothingness' he was sent into.

Anyways, soon, the Organs were rebuilt. Done with his organs, Nux focused on all his bones at the same time, then it were the muscles, then the Blood vessels, the skin, then the entire nervous system, everything was destroyed and was then rebuilt with *Essence* and once it happened,


A Huge explosion was then heard, the *Essence* inside Nux's body reacted wildly, Nux felt an influx of boundless power inside his body, he was practically bathing with an unlimited amount of energy, feeling stronger than ever before.

A new Nux was born.

A Phase Three Cultivator.

A Complete Semi Saint.

Soon, a long-awaited message screen appeared in front his eyes,

[Congratulations to the Host for becoming a Semi Saint Cultivator from a Great Sage Cultivator]

[Blank Points: +1000]

[The Host has met the required condition.]

[The [Supreme Harem God System] will now undergo an update.]

[Note: During the update, the [Supreme Harem God

System] will be in [Down State]. The Host will not be able to use any System Abilities.]

[Time Left: 11 months 30 days 23 hours 59 minutes 43 seconds]

And seeing these messages, Nux cursed out loud.


He had completely forgotten about the Update time... And this time, it was a whole fucking year!