
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 819: you will have to get past through me first

"There it is!" one of the Saints riding a Giant Roc pointed in the distance. "I can see it now!"

The High King of Lunaria, as well as the Oracle of the Divine Army squinted their eyes to look in the direction where the Saint was pointing at.

At the edge of the horizon, a tiny black speck that could easily be missed by the naked eyes was flying in the sky.

After spending many days traveling through countless cities and kingdoms, the Saints of the Divine Army had finally caught sight of their target, invigorating them.

Along the way, they had asked countless people if they had seen a floating island fly past their cities.

Their inquiries bore fruit, and those that had witnessed the floating island had told the Saints of the Divine Army where it was headed.

Their journey also alarmed the rulers of the Kingdoms that they had passed through.

For a moment, the rulers thought that the Divine Army of Light was about to invade their lands, making them feel as if their hearts were about to leap out from their chest.

When they found out that the Saints were just passing through and wanted to use their Long-Distance Teleportation Gates, the Kings didn't bat an eye and gave them full access to the ones supposedly only the members of the Royal Families could use.

For these Kings, the sooner these Saints left their domain, the better.

Naturally, the High King of Lunaria, the Oracle, as well as the other Saints knew what these rulers were thinking.

If they were in the same shoes as them, they would also feel anxious, so they didn't stay in one kingdom for a long time.

After several minutes, they were getting closer and closer to the floating island.

When their target was only two miles away from them, a lone figure flew in their direction and stood between them and the floating island.


Piccoro blocked the path of the Saints of the Divine Army of Light with his hands behind his back.

"State your affiliation and the reason why you are pursuing the floating island," Piccoro demanded in an arrogant tone. "I am Piccoro, one of the Four Elders of the Crystal Palace. You Low Lander scums better answer me or else."

The High King of Lunaria and the Oracle of Light frowned as they looked at the black-scaled Dragon Born in front of them.

Just as they were about to reply, several of the Saints under their command ignored Piccoro and flew past him.

They had traveled many days just to kill that Heretic. They wouldn't stop even if the one blocking their path was someone from the Crystal Palace.

Piccoro, who didn't expect that several of the Saints would ignore him, shouted in anger.

"You bastards dare ignore me?!" Piccoro roared as he unfurled his Draconic Wings, flying after the Saints that went past him.

The High King of Lunaria and the Oracle glanced at each other and nodded their heads in unison.

They understood why their comrades acted the way they did.

As long as they killed the Heretic, they were willing to compensate the Crystal Palace at a later time!

"It seems that the authority of the Crystal Palace had waned over the years," Lady Faustina chuckled before glancing at Aur, who was standing several meters behind her. "They didn't even bother to answer Piccoro's inquiries."

Aur didn't say anything and simply looked at the approaching Saints, who had ignored the authority of his faction.

Deep down, he was seething in anger, but he didn't want to give Lady Faustina the satisfaction of seeing him lose control of his emotions.

Cethus' grandma smiled before flying towards the air in order to face the Saints that were nearing the island.

Without even giving any warning, the Dragon Born unsealed her powers, making her Rank instantly jump up to the Saint Rank.

A loud cracking sound reverberated in the surroundings as Lady Faustina unleashed a shock wave that pushed back the Saints that were about to descend on the island.

Since she knew that Valerie wouldn't allow the Divine Army of Light to capture the Half-Elf, she was duty-bound to at least put some effort into protecting him.

The Saints who had been pushed back by the right-hand woman of the Dragon King frowned, not expecting that another Saint was on the floating island.

However, they weren't too worried. Even if there were two Saints blocking their way, it was not enough to contain all of them that numbered over twenty.

"I am Faustina," Faustina declared. "I am one of the Ministers of Karshvar Draconis, serving directly under the Dragon King. State your business, or face the wrath of my Lord."

Just as she finished saying her speech, the Dragon Born unleashed another shock wave that was meant to seriously injure anyone who got hit by it.

This forced the Saints to take a defensive stance in order to block the incoming attacks that were coming from the front.

However, they didn't know that behind their backs was a very mad Piccoro, who had also unleashed a barrage of black flames that contained his fury.

Even so, the Saints of the Divine Army of Light weren't pushovers. They had fought many wars together, so they already knew how to handle such situations.

Some of them blocked Faustina's attack, while the rest blocked Piccoro's. This prevented any of them from getting injured, which made Piccoro and Lady Faustina frown.

"I will not ask again," Piccoro declared. "If any of you filthy Low Landers dare to ignore my question once again, the Steward of the Crystal Palace will erase your kingdoms from the face of the world!"

The Oracle of the Divine Army motioned for her comrades to not do anything before confronting the fuming Dragon Born, whose wings were now covered with dark flames.

"You already know who we are, so why ask this question, Piccoro?" the Oracle inquired. "Or have you forgotten that all of us fought side by side when the denizens of the Void invaded our world?"

"I don't remember the faces of filthy Low Landers, especially ugly ones like you," Piccoro snapped at the Oracle with bloodshot eyes. "I asked you a question, and you will answer it. Why are you here?"

The Oracle who had just been called ugly had the strong urge to slap the Dragon Born because of his aesthetic taste.

Currently, her appearance was that of a lady in her mid-twenties, and she was extremely beautiful.

If not for the fact that she was the Oracle of the Divine Army, countless men would have already lined up to profess their wish to marry her.

"Then let me jog your memory," the Oracle replied with a determined look on her face. "We are the Divine Army of Light, and we have come to capture the Heretic who goes by the name Lux Von Kaizer. We already know that he is on that floating island, so there is no use lying to us. All of us are Saints, so it will be best if you don't waste our time."

Piccoro snorted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"So what if there is a dumb and stupid Half-Elf that has the name Lux Von Kaizer on that floating island?" Piccoro asked back. "This floating island is currently headed to the Crystal Palace because our Steward had decided to give it asylum. If you insist on creating trouble, you will have to get through me first!"

The Saints of the Divine Army glanced at each other and nodded their heads in understanding.

Without even saying a word, all of them spread out in different directions.

Their Sovereign had said that their Supreme had almost recovered from his injuries.

He added that even if they antagonized another Supreme, the Divine Army could handle the aftermath.

Because of this, they ignored the Dragon Born for a second time and focused on attacking the floating island where the Half-Elf was hiding.

This act made the already angry Piccoro roar so loud that it resembled the pealing of thunder.

Being ignored once, he might still accept it. But being ignored twice felt like a step on his dignity.

Seeing that the Saints were so adamant to belittle him and his faction, the arrogant and proud Dragon Born flew towards the Saints of the Divine Army of Light with the intention to kill.