
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 815: leaving karshvar draconis

Gaap stood on the top of the mountain, looking toward the East.

After getting Lady Augustina's permission, the only thing he was waiting for was Lux's signal to start the relocation process.

Currently, the Half-Elf was talking to Bentley about moving the entire island, thinking that it might inconvenience the Merchant Guild if they changed locations.

"Master, Bentley said that there is no problem," Lux said through their Guild Chat. "We can go anytime you're ready."

"Very well," Gaap replied. "Have you said goodbye to everyone? Including Valerie? That girl seems to have taken a liking to you, my boy."

"Please, don't tease me, Master. I'm sure that Valerie just kissed me out of gratitude. Also, she was not here when we arrived," Lux answered. There was a hint of disappointment in his voice that didn't escape Gaap's senses, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Do you know why she left?"

"Emma said that she returned to the capital in a hurry after finding out that our Guild will move to a different place."

"Is that so? That's too bad then." Gaap smiled before raising his hand. "Tell everyone that we are moving. I will now order the Earth…, no, Sky Turtle to start flying in the direction of the Crystal Palace."

A minute later, the entire floating island shook as the giant head of a turtle, its flippers, and its tail jutted out of the island.

It roared once, as if to announce its presence, making the Guards of the nearby City of Pygmalion look in its direction.

"Full speed ahead, Rafael," Gaap ordered. "Onwards to the Crystal Palace!"

The Sky Turtle roared a second time to acknowledge its Master's order. It then moved its flippers, and with it, the floating island started to move as well.

"By the Dragon God! The Island is moving away?" One of the Guards of the City of Pygmalion gasped in shock.

"Is it being carried by a turtle?" another Guard asked. "No. It looks like the island itself is a turtle. Since when did this happen?"

"Someone, go and call the Mayor!" the Captain of the Guards ordered. "Report what is happening to the island right now!"

While the Guards of the City of Pygmalion looked at the floating island that was getting further and further away, the Dragon King of Karshvar Draconis glanced in the direction of the Outer Reaches.

"Not a bad move," the Dragon King commented. "I guess you managed to find someone else to babysit you and your lot."

If someone were to ask if the Dragon King was annoyed because one of his floating islands was moving elsewhere, then his answer would be yes.

However, since that island currently had a troublemaker that might involve his Kingdom in the conflicts of the Lower Realm, he decided that it would be better if they just went away.

News of the Floating Island leaving immediately spread like wildfire to the other cities in Karshvar Draconis.

Several Dragons and Dragon Borns even took off to the skies in order to see if the news was real.

The Outer Reaches was located at the very edge of Karshvar Draconis, so Lux's floating island passed by the other floating islands at a steady pace, like a tourist doing some sort of sightseeing.

This had never happened in the past, so the denizens of Karshvar Draconis found this event very interesting.

Some of the Dragons and Dragon Borns even landed on the island to ask about what was happening.

When Lux and his Guild Members explained that they were planning to relocate to a different place, the Dragons and Dragon Borns thought that this was a very novel idea.

Dragons liked to travel, and they would often go to places that others had not set their sights on.

This was true for Dragon Borns as well, so most of them wandered the "Lower Realms" in search of something that might catch their interest.

It took the floating island two days before they finally passed the last floating island that belonged to the Dragon Kingdom.

However, they met someone along the way, which gave Lux a very pleasant surprise.

Valerie, who was accompanied by Ali, Ari, and Lady Faustina, was standing on top of a Golden Dragon that was at least ten meters long.

The Dragon then landed on the floating island, and Valerie jumped off of its back.

She was still wearing her plain-looking disguise, and she looked at the Half-Elf whom she liked with a calm expression on her face.

Faustina had warned her that for as long as they were within the territory of Karshvar Draconis, she mustn't do something that might make the Dragon King angry.

Lady Faustina had a heart-to-heart talk with Valerie's mother, Saphira.

She explained that the Dragon Princess had developed a crush on Lux and asked Saphira for her help in allowing Valerie to visit the Crystal Palace as a representative of Karshvar Draconis.

Their goal was to smooth out the relationship between the two sides and promote a peaceful co-existence.

Saphira was against the idea at first, but she still reluctantly agreed in the end.

She understood that Valerie was still too innocent to understand the ways of the world, but she also knew that keeping her caged in the Inner Palace would do her more harm than good.

Although she still didn't think that Lux was a good match for her daughter, she decided to let things take its course.

If Valerie's feelings for Lux waned during her short visit to the Crystal Palace, then that only meant that what she felt for the Half-Elf was merely a short-term puppy love—one that wasn't strong enough to be taken to the next stage.

Piccoro eyed the High Ranker with a solemn expression on his face. Since Lady Faustina and Lady Augustina were twins, he didn't dare to say any rude words to her, fearing that it might come back to bite him at a later time.

Also, even though Lady Faustina's strength was that of a High-Ranker, Piccoro knew that it was just a ruse to make other people lower their guard.

How could the right-hand woman of the King of Karshvar Draconis, who had fought countless battles against the Void as well as the other races who dared to attack the Dragon Kingdom, be an ordinary High-Ranker?

Actually, Lady Faustina was a very powerful Saint.

Her special ability was Shock Waves.

She was so powerful that she could injure anyone just by simply standing a distance away from them. Because of this, she had sealed her powers, making herself regress to that of a High-Ranker.

That way, the shock waves that would suddenly pulse around her without warning and hurt those around her would go away.

"Lady Faustina, it has been a while since I last saw you," Piccoro said in greeting. "Are you well?"

"As well as I'll ever be, Piccoro," Lady Faustina replied. "We'll be reaching the Crystal Palace in a few days. I already talked to my sister about visiting, and she gave her approval."

"Since my Liege has already given her approval, then all is well," Piccoro nodded. "We will give you the best hospitality during your stay in our humble kingdom."

Piccoro then glanced at the plain-looking girl beside Faustina and frowned. Since he was a Saint, he had detected that the girl was using a disguise to hide her real face.

'Could she possibly be?' Piccoro thought before shifting his gaze back at Lady Faustina, who was also looking at him with a smile.

Cethus' grandmother gave Piccoro a brief nod, which confirmed the Saint's assumption.

Aur frowned after seeing Valerie. Although the girl had a plain-looking face, he could tell that it wasn't her real face.

Also, he noticed the gaze that Valerie was giving Lux. Although she had tried hard to hide it, Aur wasn't able to miss the admiration and affection in her gentle gaze.

'Just who is this girl?' Aur thought. 'Lady Faustina, who is the twin of Aunt Augustina, is also with her. Clearly, she is not an ordinary lady.'

The Prince of the Dragon Borns placed his hands behind his back and stood tall, befitting of someone with his standing.

Even though he didn't know who Valerie was, he was certain that the person in front of him was a member of the Royalty of Karshvar Draconis, just like him.

Valerie had completely ignored the handsome Dragon Prince who was standing beside Lux.

In her heart, there was only room for one handsome guy, and it was already taken by the red-headed teenager, who was looking back at her with a gentle smile on his face.