
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 798: the true danger that you have to face

Seated on the dining table were Lux, Iris, Vera, Alexander, Cai, Maximilian, and Alicia.

Since this was a family dinner, and Alicia was an important member of Alexander's staff, Lux insisted that she joined them, which made Alicia quite happy.

They all ate with minimal conversation, knowing that after dinner, they would be discussing something important.

An hour later, everyone went to the living room, and Vera took the initiative to tell everyone what had happened in the Necromancer's Ancestral Lands.

After her story ended, Maximilian played with his beard for a bit before letting out a chuckle.

"It seems that you got yourself in big trouble, my boy," Maximilian said with a smile. "Fortunately, there is nothing they can do here in Solais. Although the Divine Army also has Saints from this world, it is simply impossible for them to travel long distances because of the thick miasma that separates each region.

"The Six Kingdoms are isolated from the outside world because of this Miasma, and anyone who dared to take a risk to pass beyond the borders would have a high chance of getting afflicted with infectious diseases like the Purple Plague. Simply put, there is nothing to worry about here in Solais."

Maximilian then crossed his arms over his chest before giving the Half-Elf a mischievous smile.

"Elysium is also a very big and vast world," Maximilian stated. "It is so big that finding a Half-Elf like you is as difficult as finding a needle in a warehouse full of hay. Even if the Divine Army of Light has a huge influence, it is impossible for them to cover the entirety of Elysium.

"Also, although they are well-known in that world, it is mostly due to the efforts of their devoted pilgrims, who would travel to even the most remote places in order to spread their faith. They have been doing it for years, so I guess they managed to expand their influence quite a bit, especially near the center of the world where their Main Empire is located."

For Maximilian, the Divine Army of Light wasn't that much of a threat, especially for Foreigners like them that could come and go as they pleased.

Alexander lightly cleared his throat and joined the conversation.

"Speaking of the Miasma that separates each region, I just received a report yesterday that the Miasma is slowly expanding through the fortresses we have built on our borders," Alexander said with a serious expression on his face. "It is moving at an alarming speed, and if the inference of the experts monitoring it are correct, it will completely cover the defensive perimeter that we had erected in half a year's time.

"They also said that if nothing is done to prevent it, within 3 years, the Six Kingdoms will be no more, and it will be changed to the Three Kingdoms."

Lux who heard this news felt alarmed. The God of Gamblers had sent him to Solais in order to save it from destruction.

Due to the Hundred-Year War that had happened in various places of the world, most of the lands were now uninhabitable, and thick miasma covered the majority of it.

They were like livestock that were being caged by Miasma, unable to get out and had no choice but to wait until the day it had covered the entirety of the world, killing all life within it.

Even Saints and Supremes were unable to reverse this event, which is why they considered just living in Elysium in order to survive from the inevitable end of Solais.

Even Alexander and Maximilian had secured their own territories in Elysium as a last resort for their own survival.

"Whatever will be will be," Maximilian commented as he leaned back on the couch. "Now, let's get back to Lux's problem. Although the Divine Army of Light's influence cannot reach the entire world of Elysium, there will always be those who will take this opportunity to form connections with them.

"Simply put, you don't need to worry about the Divine Army, but those who want to lick their boots and flatter them. So, you still need to be careful whenever you are in Elysium. The downside is that you won't know if the people you're talking to are affiliated with them or not. That is the true danger that you have to face from this point onwards."

Alexander nodded in agreement. "But since Mother has expected that they are going to spread the news of Lux being a Heretic, I can only think of one organization that might play a role in doing that."

"The Adventurer's Guild," Lux commented. "They are the only organization that covers the entirety of Elysium, and they could instantly send messages to each other no matter how far apart their Guild Branches are. As long as they are able to make them agree to their request, this matter will spread like wildfire in a few days."

Lux had also mentioned what happened in the Necromancer's Ancestral Lands to his Guildmates, which made Keelan warn him of this possibility.

Although the Adventurer's Guild was a neutral organization, and it was not obligated to listen to the demands of the Divine Army of Light, there would be other people willing to spread the news for the right price.

They were the Adventurers.

If the Divine Army were to put up a commission or a request for them to spread the word for gold coins, these people would gladly do it.

There were also the Information Guilds, whose main role was to collect, sell, and spread information when need be.

There were also the Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, and lastly, the Assassins, whom the Divine Army could also hire to keep a lookout for Lux in Elysium.

As long as the Divine Army were willing to pay the price, it was not impossible for them to extend their manhunt outside their borders.

"I've heard that your Guild Headquarters is in Karshvar Draconis," Maximilian said. "Although I haven't gone to the Dragon Kingdom, I've heard that their floating islands are located at the center of the world. It is not impossible for them to have dealings with the Divine Army of Light, which makes it a very dangerous place for your Guild Headquarters."

Lux gave his Grandpa-in-law a bitter smile because this was one of his worries.

"I plan to visit the Crystal Palace soon and negotiate with their Steward to allow my Guild Headquarters to stay in their Domain and seek asylum," Lux stated. "If that doesn't work, I will have to think of something else. Fortunately, the floating island where my Guild Headquarters is erected is able to move and travel anywhere in the world. If the Crystal Palace won't grant us Asylum, I can look for another place that we can call our temporary home."

Although the world of Elysium might be big, the fact still remained that his Guild Headquarters was located in Karshvar Draconis.

Since the Dragon King didn't want to help him, he needed to seek help elsewhere.

What Lux needed right now was time.

Time to help his Guild grow and become strong enough to face the opponents that were out of their current league.

He believed that as long as they were given sufficient time, the research that they were doing and the weapons of war that they were creating in the background would be completed.

When that happened, it wouldn't matter who came looking for them for trouble.

On the contrary, it would become the opposite. With the floating fortress able to travel wherever they want in the world, they would be the ones who would cause trouble for the fools who wanted to nip them all in the bud.