
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 597: my worst fears have come to pass

"You want the human corpses?" Baronar arched an eyebrow.

"Yes!" Lux replied firmly. "I need them."

The Great Orc Shaman crossed his arms over his chest as he pondered Lux's request. Truth be told, the Orcs didn't care about the dead Humans.

There had been a time when the Blackrock Clan ate Human meat, but those days were long over. Now, they would only eat Human meat as a last resort.

They were much more interested in the armor and weapons that the humans were using versus their dead bodies.

"I'll ask the Orc Chieftain on your behalf," Baronar stated after pondering for a few minutes. "Until then, don't intervene in the retrieval operation of my brethren. They might think that you are after our dead bodies as well."

Lux nodded his head in understanding.

The thought of taking the dead bodies of the Orcs never crossed his mind. For him, the members of the Blackrock Clan were like old-time friends, and he had no intention of desecrating the bodies of his old-time friends.

An hour later, the Orc Chieftain approved of Lux's request once Baronar revealed Lux's real profession.

Naturally, the Great Orc Shaman only revealed this information to his Orc Chieftain because he knew that their leader was someone who could see the bigger picture.

Warriors like Barca, Tanabur, Oreg, and Mogazar would not be as accommodating once they learned of Lux's true profession.

Although they hadn't had the chance to fight against Necromancers in the past, they had plenty of opportunities to fight Undead Monsters in one of the Dungeons that was located within their territory.

Fighting against the Undead was not only unprofitable but also gave them losses. The Undead were one of the most annoying Monsters in existence because one didn't know if they were truly dead.

There had been more than one occasion when these Monsters played dead and killed those who had been fooled into lowering their guard around them.

Lux, who had gained the Orc Chieftain's approval, started to store the dead bodies in his Bounty Rings, which could store up to twenty dead bodies.

He even asked his Master, Randolph, to forge as many of these rings as possible so that his Skeleton Gangbangers could always carry as many corpses as possible with them at any given time.

As long as they had sufficient corpses at their disposal, Lux would be able to use his skill, Corpse Explosion [EX], from a safe distance.

"Take as many as you can," Lux ordered his Named Creatures to collect the dead bodies that had been stripped of their weapons and armor.

The Orcs only gave the Half-Elf weird looks and wondered why he was collecting the dead bodies of the Humans.

When one of them asked Lux what he was going to do with the dead bodies, the Half-Elf only said that he was going to give them a proper burial. This explanation was accepted by the Orcs, and although the Humans were their enemies, they didn't find anything wrong with giving warriors proper burials.

'I never thought I'd get to see the day when I would feel happy about collecting dead bodies,' Lux thought wryly. 'My past self would definitely not even have the guts to poke a corpse with a 12-foot pole. I guess the harshness of this world has rubbed off on me.'

It didn't take long for the hundred Bounty Rings to be filled to the brim. The remaining Human corpses were then placed in large wagons that ALL-MITE pulled out of the Fortress.

Asmodeus accompanied the strongest member of Lux's Covenant in order to put the extra corpses to good use.

What the Archlich was planning to do was to summon his Liches to revive the dead bodies to make them part of their army.

Of course, doing this inside the Orc Fortress would cause a commotion, so they intended to do it a good distance away from the watchful eyes of the Blackrock Clan.

Hours passed and the standoff between the Vanguard of the Haca Dynasty and the Blackrock Clan was still in effect.

The Warriors that had left the capital city of the Orcs were now all inside the Fortress and had taken their positions in preparation for the upcoming war.

Mogazar, who was keeping close watch on their enemies, narrowed his eyes as he saw flickering lights on the horizon.

The sun had just set, and darkness was slowly falling into the land. However, due to his ability to see great distances, the Orc Hunter of the Blackrock Clan noticed a line of torches at the end of his vision, making him take a deep breath.

"Call the Orc Chieftain!" Mogazar ordered. "The Main Army of the Haca Dynasty has arrived!"

As soon as he gave the order, the Fortress immediately went on high alert as Lady Avyanna, Barca, Tanabur, Oreg, and Baronar, all came to the ramparts to see the approach of the enemy's main force.

"T-This…," Tanabur couldn't help but stutter after seeing the countless lights in the distance, which made his face look grim.

"By Macha's name… are we fighting all able-bodied men and women of the Haca Dynasty?" Oreg couldn't help but call upon the name of their War God when he saw the sheer number of enemies they were going to face.

In the war fifty years ago, the Haca Dynasty had sent out a little over a million Human soldiers to invade their lands.

However, right now, he was seeing at least ten times that number.

Perhaps, even more.

"My worst fears have come to pass," Lady Avyanna sighed. "It is possible that the Haca Dynasty conquered other lands within that fifty years, and used the resources and people of those lands to expand their military might. Now I understand why they dared to attack our camp even though they were just the Vanguard of their main army."

The Orcs inside the Fortress all had grim expressions on their faces. They didn't mind dying in battle, but at least, they wanted their deaths to be meaningful.

Looking at the sheer number of enemies in front of them, they couldn't help but feel as if their clan was fighting alone against the entire world.

Lux, who had also joined the others in the ramparts, drew a deep breath as his vision, which could see past through the darkness landed on the invading army.

He once thought that the wars inside the Sacred Dungeon were bloody enough.

He thought that there would be no other war that could surpass that magnitude.

However, he was proven wrong.

'This is no longer a war,' Lux thought as he gave Lady Avyanna a side-long glance. 'This will only be a one-sided massacre, in which the Blackrock Clan will be wiped from the face of the Wanid Kingdom.'

He knew that the Orcs were strong. They even had an Empyrean-Ranked Alpha Monster like Barca and several Argonaut-Ranked Alpha Monsters like the Orc Warlords.

These Orcs could trample entire cities if they wished, but against a force who had similar high-ranking warriors of their own, the number of low-ranked fighters would play a more crucial role than their superiors.

That night, the Orcs had a high-level meeting as tensions inside the Fortress rose to unprecedented heights.

While this was happening, Lux summoned his Plague Wing Gargoyles and ordered them to scout the enemy's forces under the cover of darkness.