
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 594: while we live, none shall defeat you!

Lux stared at the option in front of him with a satisfied look on his face.

After using all the Rank 4 Beast Bones in his possession, he finally achieved the goal he had in mind.

In the past, he took a lot of chances. But now, he wanted a higher percentage rating to ensure that the chances of success were higher. This proved how serious Lux was into getting a Shadow Lord subordinate.


<[Possible transformations of your Animated Undead]>

Shadow Lord - 84%

< Do you wish to start the revival? >

< Yes / No >


Lux took a deep breath before choosing the Yes option in order to start the revival of his new ally. Although he had done this process a few times already, he couldn't help but feel anxious every time he did it.

Suddenly the corpse of the Abyssal Creature disintegrated and formed a dark mist that hovered in front of Lux.


< Revival progress… 1% >

< Revival progress… 23% >

< Revival progress… 48% >

< Revival progress… 62% >

< Revival progress… 88% >

< Revival progress… 100% >

< Congratulations! >

< You have made the Shadow Lord a new member of your Covenant! >

< Please give him a name. >


A two-meter tall creature, whose face was hidden by the hood covering its face, stood in front of Lux.

Dark mist oozed out of his body, making him look like one of those evil bosses in games that the hero encounters near the end of the story.

"Draven," Lux said as he stared at the Shadow Lord, who had knelt like a knight in front of him. "From now on, your name is Draven."


< Draven >

"Are you afraid of the Dark?"

– Shadow Lord

– Nightmare Personified

– Rating: SSS

Health: 216,000 / 216,000

Mana: 470,000 / 470,000

Strength: 1450

Intelligence: 2250

Vitality: 1360

Agility: 1200

Dexterity: 1200

Unique Skill: Summon Shadow Warriors [EX], One With Shadows [EX], Shadow Steal [EX], Life Sense [EX], Shadow Armaments [EX], Shadow Swap [EX], Summon Shadow Demon [EX], Walking Nightmare [EX], Abyss Touch [EX]

Active Skill: Summon Death Scythe, Shadow Blast, Shadow Bind, Armor of Shadows, Shadow Ray.

Passive Skill: Night Vision, Heat Vision, Shadow Body, Shadow Flight.

Unique Ability: Nightmare's Shadow


< Shadow Bind >

– Once the Shadow Lord, a Shadow Warrior, or a Shadow Demon steps on a creature's shadow, that creature's movement and attack speed will decrease by 50%

– Once the Shadow Lord, a Shadow Warrior, or a Shadow Demon steps on a creature's shadow, that creature's Health, Mana, and Stamina Regeneration will decrease by 50%


< Nightmare's Shadow >

– Draven's stats will always be a perfect replica of Lux Von Kaizer's stats.

– Draven can copy the appearance of Lux Von Kaizer.


< Summon Shadow Warriors [EX] >

– Summon Shadow Warriors that are two Ranks lower than Draven.

– Maximum number of shadows that can be summoned is 50

– Number of Shadows will increase by 50 each time Lux Von Kaizer's Rank increases.


< One With Shadows [EX] >

– Can travel through the shadows of allies and inanimate objects.


Shadow Steal [EX]

– Draven can steal the shadow of the creature he has personally killed, acquiring that person's memories and experiences.

– Draven can store up to 5 shadows at any given time.

– Draven can replace any of the shadows with a new one if he wishes.

– Draven will be able to transform into the appearance of the people or Creatures whose shadows he has in his possession.


Life Sense [EX]

– Draven will be able to detect any kind of lifeform in its surroundings, even if that creature has used a skill like invisibility or has transformed into an inanimate object.


Shadow Armaments [EX]

– Draven can use the power of Shadows to create any kind of weapon it wishes.

– This skill will be more effective when used alongside the skill, Shadow Steal [EX], allowing Draven to use the Weapon Mastery, and Weapon Expertise, of the Creatures whose shadows he has stolen.


Shadow Swap [EX]

– Exchange places with an Ally or Enemy within a range of 200 meters.


Summon Shadow Demon [EX]

– Merge all the Shadow Warriors together to create an Alpha Monster whose Rank would be equivalent to Draven.

– Only one Shadow Demon can be created at any given time.


< Walking Nightmare [EX] >

– has a 20% chance of inflicting Fear on any creature within a 300-meter radius around the Shadow Lord.

– Opponents under the effect of Fear will be unable to attack the Shadow Lord and his allies.


"T-This…," Lux stuttered after seeing the information about Draven in his Soul Book.

Even Asmodeus was speechless after reading his new ally's abilities. What he saw made him think that Draven was very similar to him.

Asmodeus' Unique Ability was to replicate all of Lux's Skills, with the exception of using his Dragon War Arts.

Draven's, on the other hand, was to replicate Lux's stats, giving him the same strength as the Half-Elf.

Not only that, the Shadow Lord also possessed some amazing abilities that would make him perfect for espionage and spying missions.

The ability to copy the appearance, memory, and weapon mastery of the creature whom he managed to steal a shadow from was simply terrifying. It had so many uses that Asmodeus couldn't stop himself from formulating scenarios for how it would prove useful for their faction.

Draven, who had been bestowed a name by Lux, stood up and gave the Half-Elf a deep bow.

As if waiting for that moment, the other member of Lux's Covenant also appeared in front of him and bowed respectfully to their Master.

Bedivere, Zagan, ALL-MITE, and Draven, all bowed their heads and spoke in unison.

"""We of the Covenant swear to protect you. While we live, none shall defeat you!"""

Lux felt something warm spreading inside his chest because he could feel the intense determination of his Knights to carry out their sworn oath.

Because of this, he nodded his head in acknowledgement and asked them to raise their heads.

"My Knights, dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. I am not perfect, and I am bound to make mistakes along the way. Even so, I ask all of you to stand by me, and protect me at all costs."

"""By your will, Master."""

After making their Oaths, the members of Lux's Covenant all turned into particles of light, with the exception of Draven.

The Shadow Lord took a step forward and merged with Lux's shadow. His role was to serve as Lux's bodyguard 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Eiko, who had been quiet the whole time, jumped off Lux's head and landed in front of him.

The Baby Slime then looked up at his Papa with a smile and reminded him of something that made the Half-Elf chuckle.

"Don't worry, you will be coming with me tomorrow," Lux said as he crouched down to pick up the baby slime, who started to giggle in his hands. "We will see just what kind of tricks the Haca Dynasty have under their sleeve."

"Un!" Eiko happily nodded her head.

The baby slime was afraid that Lux would leave her with Grandma Annie and the others and go to the battlefield alone.

As someone who was a battle junkie, Eiko didn't want to miss this opportunity to accompany her Papa on the frontlines, where a large-scale war was about to take place.