
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 590.2: both quantity and quality [part 2]

"I'll just use Animate Undead this time," Lux said after careful consideration.

Currently, his Necromancer Covenant consisted of Bedivere, Zagan, and ALL-MITE.

On the other hand, his Animated Undead Legion was composed of Revon and the monster that was created through the power of his Skeleton Generator Skill.

This monster had somehow become too strong for Lux to control, so he had no choice but to seal it. According to the information, he would only be able to make it obey his will once he became a C-Ranker.

It meant that the one he had managed to summon was a truly powerful Creature, which could potentially attack him if it was given the chance.

"... What are the chances that this Monster will also be too strong for my current Rank?" Lux turned to ask his trusted strategist who only flashed him a cheeky smile.

"Master, I think the Animate Undead skill has this risk as well," Asmodeus replied. "Only us and the members of your Covenant will be around your level of strength. Even so, having stronger allies is a good thing. Of course, there's a problem as well. If they are too strong, they may not obey you."

Lux nodded. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let's do this."

The Half-Elf took out the body of the Grim Butcher Nightwalker and activated his Animate Undead Skill.


< You have chosen to revive a dead Abyssal Creature. >

< Choose which group you plan to register this Unique Creature under >

Choice 1: Necromancer's Covenant

Choice 2: Make the Unique Creature a member of your Animate Undead Legion.


Lux chose the second option because he wanted to add the Abyssal Creature to his Animate Undead Legion.


< Choose between the two options for the Revival of your Undead Creature >

Choice 1: Revive the Creature as a Specter

Choice 2: Revive the Creature using Advance Customization


Lux once again chose the second option because he preferred to freely customize what profession the creature would have when it was revived.


< You have chosen to use the Advance Customization option.

< Take note that the choices here only show the types of Profession they can revive into. Their abilities and appearance are decided randomly >

< If you are going to choose a Profession that has a low percentage of success, the chances of reviving the creature will decrease drastically. If the revival fails, the corpse, as well as the materials used for the Advance Customization method will disappear. >

< To increase the chances of success, select the Profession you like and pool in resources to increase its percentage! >

<[Possible transformations of your Animated Undead]>

Abyss Walker - 100%

Shadow Creature - 84%

Returned Drifter - 77%

Deathlock Wight - 52%

Ebon Knight - 33%

Grim Rider - 16%

Shadow Lord - 4%


"Hmm…" Lux rubbed his chin as he looked at the options in front of him.

When it came to Beast Cores, he had used almost all of them to upgrade his body constitution.

What was left were Deimos-Ranked and above Cores, which the Half-Elf didn't plan to use anytime soon.

The only resources he had right now were the dead bodies of the insects that he had collected after the battle in the Shaufell Plains.

"What if…" Lux decided to do an experiment that could help him overcome the hurdle of having limited Beast Cores at his disposal.

The first thing he did was to offer the corpse of a Red-Striped Mosquito as an ingredient to increase the Shadow Lord profession. He had never done this before, and he was wondering what the final outcome would become.


< You have offered a Red-Striped Mosquito as a resource to upgrade the rating of the Shadow Lord Profession. >

< Checking Resource Value… >

< This is a Common Monster. It is not enough to raise the rating of your chosen profession. The Red-Striped Mosquito will now be destroyed. >


"Oh? So it doesn't accept common monsters? Then how about Rank 1 Monsters?" Lux took out an Obsidian Spite Mosquito, which was a Rank 1 Monster, and offered it as a resource to raise the rating of the Shadow Lord Profession.


< This is a Rank 1 Monster. It is not enough to raise the rating of your chosen profession. The Obsidian Spite Mosquito will now be destroyed. >


Lux didn't hesitate and threw another monster corpse. This time it was an Iron-Scaled Torment Mosquito which was a Rank 2 Monster.


< This is a Rank 2 Monster. It is not enough to raise the rating of your chosen profession. The Iron-Scaled Mosquito will now be destroyed. >

< Warning! You have attempted to use three lower-ranked Monsters in order to raise the rating of a Unique Profession. If you plan to use Monster Corpses as offerings, you can only use Rank 4 Monsters and above >


Lux scratched his head after reading the new information that appeared in front of him. He thought that he could use brute force to raise the rating of his Animated Undead Creature, but the price he had to pay was quite high.

He had the corpses of several Rank 4 and Rank 5 Monsters, like the Horned Harlequin Mosquito and the Diabolical Doom Mosquito, which were very strong monsters.

However, he had given these corpses to Asmodeus to allow the Archlich to conduct his experiments.

The only ones he had on hand were low-ranking monsters that he planned to use as fodder for his Corpse Explosion Skill.

Asmodeus wasn't able to stop himself from chuckling after seeing his Master's depressed expression, so he offered a suggestion.

"Master, why don't you wait until we receive the Deimos and Argonaut-Ranked Bones from Baronar?" Asmodeus proposed. "He promised that he will give us Rank 5 and below Beast Bones as well. Perhaps that will help you increase the Shadow Lord's rating."

Lux sighed before reluctantly nodding his head. "I guess we have no choice but to do that."

After choosing Unique Professions like Dragon Knight and Fallen Wargod, Lux was determined to choose the rarest profession for his subordinates.

So far, he hadn't been disappointed with his choices because his Dragon Knight and Fallen Wargod were both strong warriors.

Although he didn't know what a Shadow Lord was capable of doing, its name sounded badass, which made Lux even more determined to get it.

For the time being, Lux put the Abyssal Monster's revival on hold until he got the resources from Baronar.

The Half-Elf would rather wait for a few hours than miss out on the chance of acquiring a powerful new subordinate under his wing.

"Master, what are you planning to give the Orc Chieftain as a present for your first meeting?" Asmodeus asked in order to change the atmosphere inside the room.

"Draconium Ore," Lux replied. "I'm sure that they would love to have this rare ore to craft some Legendary Equipment for the upcoming war."

Right now, the Draconium Ore was the most precious material he possessed, and he planned to use it to gain the favor of powerful factions.

Even Saints like his stepfather, Alexander, and Cai's Grandpa, Maximilian, were very interested in the Draconium Ore.

Because of this, he decided to use a few of the ores to build closer ties with the ruler of the Orcs, and perhaps allow him to get one step closer to his ultimate goal of acquiring their Twin Flames.