
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 582: you must have a death wish, yes?

"So, that's Ludrar Bragh."

Lux and his party looked at the imposing fortress that seemed to be unconquerable in the distance.

As the capital city of the Orcs, as well as its greatest stronghold, Ludrar Bragh's fortifications wouldn't lose to the fortifications of an S-Ranked Kingdom.

Clearly, it would take an extremely strong army to break past its gates and lay waste to the capital city of the Orcs.

The Teleportation Gate had brought them to the nearest relay point, which was a kilometer away from the main Orc Fortress. Even so, it didn't take long for Baronar and his entourage to arrive at the gates of the Stronghold.

His banner fluttered in the wind, allowing the sentries to instantly recognize which force was coming to aid them in battle.

"Open the gates!" shouted the Orc Hunter standing on the ramparts. "The Great Orc Shaman has arrived!"

The massive gate, which seemed to be made from pure Adamantium, rose slowly to allow Baronar's Army to enter.

Just as the Great Orc Shaman said before they left, Lux would definitely stand out from the crowd, so it would be best that he and his group behave well, or else the Orcs would kick them out of the Stronghold.

Baronar had left his men behind to meet with the Orc Chieftain, but before doing so, he ordered his right-hand man to handle Lux's and his party's accommodations inside Ludrar Bragh.

"Follow me, Half-Elf," an Orc Shaman, who was nearly two meters tall said softly. "Lord Baronar has asked me to take you to your temporary quarters. While all of you are there, make sure that you don't come out of your room unless you are called. Do you understand?"

Lux nodded. "Yes."

The Orc Shaman no longer said anything and took the Half-Elf and his party to the West Wing of the Stronghold.

Along the way, almost all the Orcs they passed through glanced in their direction as if looking at some exotic animals that they were seeing for the first time.

Lux was already used to this treatment because he had experienced the same back in the Wildgarde Stronghold, as well as the Kingdom of Gweliven, in the past.

Unfortunately, the others were not used to this kind of stare, especially Laura and Livia, who stuck close to Grandma Annie.

Once they were safely inside their temporary quarters, Lux gathered everyone for a meeting. He could have easily done this through the Guild Chat, but since Cethus was not a member of their guild, he decided to just speak out loud, so that the Dragon Born could participate in the discussion as well.

"I have some good news and some bad news for everyone," Lux said. "The good news is that the Orcs are in possession of a Transcendent Flame. However, this is no ordinary Transcendent Flame, but Twin Flames."

Randolph's and Grandma Annie's eyes widened in shock because they didn't expect that they would have the chance to see a Twin Flame in their lifetime. However, Lux's next words made them feel as if a glass of cold water had been poured over their heads.

"As you may have already guessed, getting the Twin Flames is a gargantuan task because it is protected by the Orcs," Lux continued his explanation. "According to Lord Baronar, there are only two ways we can get it. The first one is to defeat the Vice Chieftain, Barca."

Before Lux could even continue his explanation, Cethus cleared his throat before making his opinion known.

"Then let's fight Barca," Cethus stated. "If all of us worked together, I'm sure that we can beat him eas—"

"Empyrean Rank," Lux interjected before Cethus could finish his words.

Cethus frowned after he was cut off from what he was about to say. "Excuse me?"

"Barca is an Empyrean-Ranked Alpha Monster," Lux replied in a teasing tone. "Do you really think that we have a chance of beating him?"

Cethus immediately quieted down after hearing the red-headed teenager's reply.

After witnessing how strong ALL-MITE was, Cethus believed that if they all worked together, they would have a chance of beating the Orc named Barca and acquiring the Twin Flames as easily as taking a walk in the park.

However, he didn't expect that the Vice Chieftain of the Orcs was incredibly strong, making him unable to make a comeback.

An awkward silence descended inside the room, which was only broken when Grandma Annie decided to ask a question.

"Is that the bad news?" Grandma Annie asked.

"Kinda," Lux replied with a bitter smile. "There is also another option, but it is just as hard as the first. In order to get the opportunity to tame the Twin Flames, we need to create an achievement that will be recognized by the entire Blackrock Clan. Then, and only then, will we get the chance to get the Twin Flames."

Although the second option didn't sound as hard as fighting against an Empyrean-Ranked Alpha Monster, it was still something that made everyone realize that they couldn't just simply go and grab the Twin Flames from its location.

"Did we just waste our time coming here?"

As always, Cethus was the first one to voice out his discontent.

Even so, no one berated him because deep inside their hearts, they were thinking the same thing. They didn't want to admit it, but if this was truly the case then getting the Twin Flames was already next to impossible.

"Can we just… steal it?" Gerhart said with a serious expression on his face. "Right now, the Orcs are about to enter a state of war. Why don't we take the opportunity to take the Twin Flames, while everyone is fighting on the front lines?"

Lux firmly shook his head after hearing Gerhart's proposal. "We mustn't do that. We might face extreme repercussions if we do that. Besides, what good will it bring to have the entire Blackrock Clan as our enemy? We would just become wanted fugitives in the Wanid Kingdom."

Randolph and Grandma Annie nodded their heads in agreement.

The Wanid Kingdom was one of the neighbors of the Kingdom of Gweliven. If they really did something inappropriate, it would not be out of the question for the Wanid Kingdom to send emissaries to complain to their King that they did something terribly wrong while visiting their Domain.

"I think that Gerhart's idea is good," Cethus commented with a smile. "I mean, all you need to do is go to Karshvar Draconis, and these lowly Orcs wouldn't be able to touch any of you. Wait, why are you all looking at me like that?"

Lux, and the others inside the room, weren't really looking at the Dragon Born.

They were looking at the person behind the Dragon Born.

"Hoh… so you want to steal our Twin Flames?" A voice filled with ridicule whispered in Cethus' ears. "I don't know if you're arrogant or just plain stupid. But, since you are having thoughts of stealing one of our Clan's Treasure, you must have a death wish, yes?"

Cethus slowly turned his head to look behind him.

There, he saw what seemed to be a teenage Half-Orc, who was looking back at him with a devilish smile across his face.