
Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gatechapter 579.2: accomplices in the wish for dominion [part 2]

"Interesting…," Baronar muttered as he looked at his defeated image kneeling in front of Barca after he lost their duel. "Although there are some minor differences here and there, my fight with Barca decades ago had the same outcome. The slow-acting mage poison was a nice touch.

"That Baby Slime of yours was quite bold to add that to my drink. Now I no longer feel sorry for dragging you here in the Spirit World. At least I get to see something interesting."

The Great Orc Shaman rubbed his chin as he watched the events unfold right before his eyes.

Lux rolled his eyes at the shameless Orc who had drugged him against his will. The only saving grace was that his Baby Slime had not accompanied him when he went to have a private chat with the Great Orc Shaman.

'Fortunately, I left Eiko with Grandma Annie,' Lux thought. 'I don't know what she would have done if she saw me lose consciousness after drinking that fruit juice.'

Lux knew full well that no matter what he did, there was no stopping this trip down memory lane. So, he decided to give up and just watch everything unfold with his arms crossed over his chest.

'Watching all of this is very nostalgic,' Lux thought. 'Back then, I had to employ every trick I could think of in order to defeat Baronar. I've come a long way since then.'

Baronar narrowed his eyes when he saw Lux summon Pazuzu for the very first time.

Now, he vaguely understood why the Fortress Defender felt very similar to this Elite Orc Spirit Warriors.

However, he didn't say anything and simply watched as Barca continued his journey. The Great Orc Shaman wasn't in a hurry to ask questions. He could ask them after this interesting tale had reached its conclusion.

Baronar smirked when the young Barca arrived at Tanabur's Camp.

The Great Orc Shaman and the Orc Warlord Tanabur had never gotten along in the past, so he was very amused when the younger version of himself proposed that they attack Tanabur's Camp right after he was defeated.

A few minutes later, Baronar roared in laughter when he saw his rival, as well as the Orc Warg Riders, collapsed on the ground and panted for breath, all thanks to Baronar's special poison.


"Baronar, you filthy traitor!" Tanabur shouted in anger. "I knew you couldn't be trusted!"

Tanabur gnashed his teeth in anger as he glared at the Orc Shaman, completely ignoring the blade that could cut his neck at any moment.

"All of this is due to your stupidity, Tanabur," Baronar sneered. "I bet you were laughing when you commanded your subordinates to not send reinforcements to my camp. This is just the consequence of your shortsightedness!"

"Bah! Shut up you weakling bone collector!"

"At least I'm not an Orc who can only screw his Warg because women won't look at him!"

"Bastard! Fight me!"

"Hah! Come! Who's scared of who?!"


After having a good laugh, the scene once again changed, and this time Barca appeared in Morgazar's Camp, who was also one of the Orc Warlords.

This time, it was Tanabur who had devised the plan in order to bring down the deadly Orc Hunter whose arrows could instantly kill those who were unable to sense his presence until it was too late.

Lux watched the familiar scene with a nostalgic smile.

"Orcs are a race that follows the strong," Baronar said as he stood beside the Half-Elf whom he found quite interesting. "We could care less if it was Barca or Orobak who will end up leading us. In the end, the one who remains standing at the end will be our King."

Lux nodded because he already knew this back then. However, a question then appeared inside his head, which he immediately asked the Great Orc Shaman that was standing beside him.

"Is Barca your current King?" Lux asked.

"No," Baronar answered in a heartbeat. "He is not our current King."

Lux's face immediately became pale as soon as he heard Baronar's reply. Inside the dungeon, he had helped Barca become the Orc Chieftain, and he succeeded in doing that.

However, Baronar just told him that their current King wasn't Barca, which made the Half-Elf feel a lump in his throat.

Even so, he still asked the question inside his head because he needed to know the answer.

"Then… is Orobak your King?" Lux inquired, while dreading the answer to his question.

"No," Baronar replied.

The corner of Great Orc Shaman's lips rose a bit as he looked at the confused expression that appeared on Lux's face.

"If it's not Barca or Orobak then who?"

"You don't have to worry about that. Let's finish this entertaining show first."

Baronar no longer said anything and shifted his gaze to the heated battle between Barca and Orobak.

Judging from the Great Orc Shaman's expression, it seemed that the battle between the two Powerhouses was different from what he had seen in the past.


Barca spat a mouthful of blood after receiving Orobak's powerful blow, which almost broke his defensive stance.

"I see. So that is the armor that belonged to my Grandfather," Barca said as he looked at the black armor that covered Orobak's entire body. "The Blackrock Legacy Set."

"Indeed." Orobak sneered. "A fitting armor for me, isn't it?"

"The armor is good, but the one wearing it is trash," Barca replied. "If it could only talk, it would have already told you that you are garbage."

Orobak laughed. "A loser's last words. Have you had enough? It's time for you to die, Halfbreed."


As Orobak was about to give the killing blow, a blue tower shield slammed against the side of his body, pushing him away.

Baronar, who was watching this scene, frowned..

"Don't you know that Orc Duels are sacred?" Baronar asked the Half-Elf with a serious expression on his face. "Outsiders have no right to interfere!"

However, before the Half-Elf could even give a reply, Barca's words rang in Baronar's ears, which almost made the Great Orc Shaman choke on the words he was about to say next.


"An Orc Battle is sacred, and is not a place for outsiders to intervene," Barca said. "But, I'm fighting against trash, so it's allowed."

"Wow! Double standards much," Lux replied. "Can't you just say that you can't beat him and need our help?"

"No. You're just overthinking things."

"Fine. Kill first, talk later."


The red-headed teenager couldn't help but laugh after seeing the dumbfounded look on Baronar's face.

Clearly, the Great Orc Shaman didn't witness this scene in the past. In the end, Baronar watched the rest of the battle with his lips twitching uncontrollably.

It was very obvious that he didn't approve of such a thing, but since this was Lux's version of the story, there was nothing he could do about it.

When everything ended, the Great Orc Shaman remained silent for a minute before heaving a sigh.

"Okay, now I understand why I feel that connection with you," Baronar stated. "Let's go back to the real world. We have many things to talk about."

With a wave of Great Orc Shaman's hand, Lux found himself feeling extremely drowsy.

Half a minute later, the Half-Elf disappeared from the Spirit World and returned to the Material Plane, where Baronar was waiting for him.